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Class bea.jolt.beans.swing.JoltTextField


public class JoltTextField
implements JoltOutputListener, ActionListener
This is a Jolt-aware extension of java.awt.TextField that is "linked" to a specific Jolt field by its JoltFieldName property. It can be wired up with JoltServiceBeans in two ways: In the first case JoltTextField sends JoltInputEvents to its listeners when its contents changes. In the second case a JoltTextField listens to JoltOutputEvents from JoltServiceBeans and updates its contents accordingly.

Constructor Index

 o JoltTextField()

Method Index

 o actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
 o addJoltInputListener(JoltInputListener)
Registration method for JoltInput listeners.
 o getJoltFieldName()
Get the Jolt field name corresponding to this JoltTextField.
 o getJoltInputEvent()
Get the current Jolt Input Event object that was sent for textValueChanged.
 o getOccurrenceIndex()
Get the occurrence index of the field represented by this JoltTextField.
 o removeJoltInputListener(JoltInputListener)
This method is used to unregister JoltInput listeners.
 o serviceReturned(JoltOutputEvent)
Handler method for JoltOutputEvents.
 o setJoltFieldName(String)
Set the Jolt field name corresponding to this JoltTextField.
 o setOccurrenceIndex(int)
Set the occurrence index of the field represented by this JoltTextField.
 o textValueChanged(TextEvent)
Event handler for TextEvents.


 o JoltTextField
 public JoltTextField()


 o getJoltInputEvent
 public JoltInputEvent getJoltInputEvent()
Get the current Jolt Input Event object that was sent for textValueChanged.

The Jolt Input Event.
 o actionPerformed
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
 o textValueChanged
 public void textValueChanged(TextEvent e)
Event handler for TextEvents. Should not be called directly by other objects.

e - The event object.
 o setOccurrenceIndex
 public void setOccurrenceIndex(int occurrence)
Set the occurrence index of the field represented by this JoltTextField.

occurrence - The occurrence number.
 o getOccurrenceIndex
 public int getOccurrenceIndex()
Get the occurrence index of the field represented by this JoltTextField.

The occurrence index.
 o addJoltInputListener
 public synchronized void addJoltInputListener(JoltInputListener l)
Registration method for JoltInput listeners.

l - The listener to be added.
 o removeJoltInputListener
 public synchronized void removeJoltInputListener(JoltInputListener l)
This method is used to unregister JoltInput listeners.

l - The listener to be removed.
 o serviceReturned
 public void serviceReturned(JoltOutputEvent evt)
Handler method for JoltOutputEvents. This method should not be called directly, it is always called by the JoltServiceBean.

evt - The event object.
 o getJoltFieldName
 public String getJoltFieldName()
Get the Jolt field name corresponding to this JoltTextField.

The Jolt field name.
 o setJoltFieldName
 public void setJoltFieldName(String name)
Set the Jolt field name corresponding to this JoltTextField.

name - The Jolt field name.

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