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Class bea.jolt.pool.Transaction


public class Transaction
extends Object
This class is used to associate one or more BEA TUXEDO services into a single transaction. This class is not instantiated directly, it is created by calling the startTransaction() method on the SessionPool class. Methods in this class are used to complete a transaction (commit or rollback).

Copyright (c) 1999 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Index

 o commit()
Commits the transaction.
 o rollback()
Rolls back the transaction.


 o commit
 public int commit() throws TransactionException
Commits the transaction. If the transaction cannot be committed for any reason, this method throws a TransactionException.

Zero if the commit is successful
Throws: TransactionException
A transaction error occurred.
See Also:
 o rollback
 public int rollback() throws TransactionException
Rolls back the transaction. If the transaction cannot be rolled back for any reason, this method throws a TransactionException.

0 If the rollback is successful
Throws: TransactionException
A transaction error occurred.
See Also:

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