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Class bea.jolt.pool.UserInfo


public class UserInfo
extends Object
This class contains information for a BEA TUXEDO user authentication. This information may be needed to create a BEA TUXEDO session. This class is used internally by bea.jolt.pool.SessionPool to create a session pool with specific user information.

This class exposes methods that are part of the administrative API for the BEA Jolt session pool.

In the BEA WebLogic implementation of BEA Jolt session pools, user authentication information is set via the BEA WebLogic system properties file. Users do not need to access this class directly. Refer to BEA WebLogic documentation for information about the properties file.

Copyright (c) 1999 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Index

 o UserInfo()

Method Index

 o setAppPassword(String)
This method is part of the session pool administrative API.
 o setUserName(String)
This method is part of the session pool administrative API.
 o setUserPassword(String)
This method is part of the session pool administrative API.
 o setUserRole(String)
This method is part of the session pool administrative API.


 o UserInfo
 public UserInfo()


 o setUserName
 public void setUserName(String username)
This method is part of the session pool administrative API. Sets the BEA TUXEDO user name. Refer to BEA TUXEDO documentation for details of a user name.

username - A valid user name
 o setUserPassword
 public void setUserPassword(String password)
This method is part of the session pool administrative API. Sets the BEA TUXEDO user password. Refer to BEA TUXEDO documentation for details of a user password.

password - A valid user password
 o setUserRole
 public void setUserRole(String userrole)
This method is part of the session pool administrative API. Sets the BEA TUXEDO user role. Refer to BEA TUXEDO documentation for details of a user role.

userrole - A valid user role
 o setAppPassword
 public void setAppPassword(String password)
This method is part of the session pool administrative API. Sets the BEA TUXEDO application password. Refer to BEA TUXEDO documentation for details of the application password.

password - A valid application password

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