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API Description for Parlay X

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Parlay X Web Services Interface

The following sections provide general information about the Parlay X API:


About Parlay X web services interface

The Parlay X web services API offers a standardized high level interface towards WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.

To run a Parlay X web services application, It is necesssary to have a connection to a WebLogic Network Gatekeeper, together with a set of WSDL files describing the API.

In some cases, there is also a need for some additional runtime libraries depending on which language the application is implemented in.

Each main component is contained in a specific module.




Contains web services methods for handling sessions towards the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper. All Web services applications use this module as an entry point.

Third party call

Contains web services methods for handling application initiated calls.

Network-initiated third party call

Contains web services methods for handling network initiated calls.


Contains web services methods for handling sending and reception of SMS:es.

Multimedia Message

Contains web services methods for handling sending and reception of MMS:es.


Contains web services methods for handling charging based on content.

User status

Contains web services methods for getting information on the status of mobile terminals.

Terminal location

Contains web services methods for getting the geographical position of a mobile terminal.


Contains datatyses used.


Common Datatypes

All datatypes are defined as xsd (XML Schema) types for example, when a type is denoted String, the exact definition is xsd:string.

Below is a list of the datatypes common for all sub-APIs. The datatypes specific for each sub-API are described in their respective chapter.

Table 2-1 General data types

Data type



Identifies an end user.

Specified as a URI: [scheme]:[schemeSpecificPart] (RFC 2396, amended by RFC 2732). Example schemes are tel (RFC 2806) and sip (RFC 3261).


A collection of elements where each element is of data type EndUserIdentifier.


Common Exceptions

Below is a list of the exceptions common for all sub-APIs. The exceptions specific for each sub-API are described in their respective chapter.

All of these exceptions are common to multiple Parlay X Web Services. Each exception is assigned an eight character identifier, where:

The first 3 characters "GEN" identify the exception as generic: that is, common to multiple Parlay X services. The "GEN" string shall not be assigned to any Parlay X Web Service-specific exception.

The next 4 digits "1xxx" uniquely identifies the exception within the set of common exceptions. The "1xxx" string may be re-used by any Parlay X Web Service-specific exception defined in this specification.

The last character identifies the severity of the exception condition, as follows:

Table 2-2 General exceptions


Text string



This fault occurs if the end user identification that is passed is unknown.



This fault occurs if an argument passed is semantically incorrect or when the parameter does not conform to the limits specified in the Parlay X specification: e.g. when passing the end user identification: "".



This fault is caused by generic platform or network errors.



This fault is caused by a violation of a policy of the Parlay X Web Service: e.g., when parameter values are used that are outside the scope of the service level agreement.



This fault is caused by a generic error in an application web service when processing a message invocation from a Parlay X Web Service. The Parlay X Web Service can log this information and possibly raise an alarm when the number of exceptions reaches a pre-defined threshold.



This fault is caused if a message to be sent exceeds the maximum length supported by the Web Service; e.g. the message may be too long for a destination terminal device.


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