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Developer's Guide for Parlay X

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Introduction and Roadmap

The following sections describe the audience for and organization of this document:


Document Scope and Audience

The purpose of this guide is to describe how to develop telecom-enabled applications based on the Parlay XAPIs and how to access and use the APIs/interfaces as offered by the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.

This guide contains code fragments from example applications written in Java to illustrate different aspects of the usage of the interfaces.

The purpose of this guide is not to describe Web Service development in general, but rather how to use the specific interfaces.

All example code is Axis-specific.


Guide to this Document



The following terms and acronyms are used in the document:

API —Application Programming Interface

CORBA —Common Object Request Broker Architecture

HTML —Hypertext Markup Language

MMS —Multimedia Message Service

RPC —Remote Procedure Call

ORB —Object Request Broker

SMS —Short Message Service

SwA —SOAP with Attachments

WSDL —Web Services Definition Language

WSI-I —Web Services Interoperability

SPA —Service Provider API

XML —Extended Markup Language


Related Documentation

This Developer's Guide is a part of WebLogic Network Gatekeeper documentation set. The following documents contain other types information:


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