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Policy Data

The following sections provide a reference to WebLogic Network Gatekeeper policy data:


General policy data

All policy rules can use the following general policy data:


Request specific policy data

Request specific data is provided with the service requests. This data can be combined with the general policy data when creating custom policies.



Available Data

Create charging session

  • Merchant ID

  • Account ID

  • User address

Credit amount

  • Merchant ID

  • Account ID

  • User address

  • Number

  • Exponent

Number and Exponent are used to define the credited amount as:
Amount = Number x 10 Exponent

Credit unit

See request: Credit amount.

Debit amount

See request: Credit amount.

Debit unit

See request: Credit amount.

Direct credit amount

See request: Credit amount.

Direct credit unit

See request: Credit amount.

Direct debit amount

See request: Credit amount.

Direct debit unit

See request: Credit amount.

Get charging session


Reserve amount

  • Merchant ID

  • Account ID

  • User address

  • Preferred number

  • Preferred exponent

  • Minimum number

  • Minimum exponent

Number and Exponent are used to define the preferred and minimum reserved amounts as:
Amount = Number x 10Exponent

Reserve unit

See request: Credit amount.



Available Data

Enable messaging notification

  • Mailbox address

  • Event name

Open mailbox

  • Mailbox address

Put message

  • Sent to address(es)

  • Sent from address

  • Priority

Put multimedia message

See request: Put message

Get message

  • Message ID

Messaging event notify

  • Mailbox address

  • Message ID

  • Sent to address

  • Sent from address

Message result

  • Message ID

  • Sent to address

  • Sent from address

  • Delivery status



Available Data

Create call

  • Number of active calls

Create call leg

  • Number of current call legs in the call

Enable notification

  • Destination address range

  • Originating address range


  • Destination address

  • Originating address

Report notification

  • Destination address

  • Originating address

  • Call event type

  • Monitor mode

Network initiated call

  • Destination address

Subscriber profile


Available Data

Get information

  • Destination address

Set information

  • Destination address

User interaction


Available Data

Create user interaction


Send information and collect user input

  • Specification on how the information is sent to the user. This information can be one of the following:
    - an infoID, identifying pre-defined information to be send (announcement and/or text);
    - a string, defining the text to be sent;
    - a URL, identifying pre-defined information or data to be sent to or downloaded into the terminal.

  • Specification of which language the information is given in.

  • Specification if a response is required from the call user interaction service, and any action the service should take.

  • Destination address.

Send information

  • Specification on how the information is sent to the user. This information can be one of the following:
    - an infoID, identifying pre-defined information to be send (announcement and/or text);
    - a string, defining the text to be sent;
    - a URL, identifying pre-defined information or data to be sent to or downloaded into the terminal.

  • Specification of which language the information is given in.

  • Specification if a response is required from the call user interaction service, and any action the service should take.

  • Definition of how many times the information shall be sent to the end-user.

  • Destination address.

User interaction event notify

  • Sent to address

  • Sent from address

  • Service code
    Defines a 2-digit code which indicates the user interaction to be triggered. The value is operator specific.

  • Info data type
    This information specifies which of the following data types the user interaction uses:
    - binary data;
    - text;
    - unspecified

Send Info result

  • Message ID

  • Sent to address

  • Sent from address

  • Delivery status

User location


Available Data

User location report

  • Destination address(es)

  • Allowed destination address(es)

Extended user location report

  • Destination address(es)

  • Priority (high, low)

  • Accuracy (in meters)

  • Allowed destination address(es)

Periodic user location report

  • Destination address(es)

  • Priority (high, low)

  • Accuracy (in meters)

  • Reporting interval (in seconds)

  • Allowed destination address(es)

User status


Available Data

User status report

  • Destination address(es)

  • Allowed destination address(es)


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