bea Systems, Inc.

Package examples.axiom

The Axiom example shows the use of Theory Center's Axiom package of eBusiness Smart Components.


Class Summary
AxiomExample Shows how to use Theory Center's Axiom package of eBusiness Smart Components.

Package examples.axiom Description

The Axiom example shows the use of Theory Center's Axiom package of eBusiness Smart Components.

This example demonstrates:

Belongings and EJBs

The Axiom package contains light weight components known as belongings, as well as Entity and Session EJB components. Belongings can be aggregated to other components by value. EJBs are used alone or aggregated to other components by reference or value.

The Abstract Factory Pattern

All Business Smart Components use the abstract factory pattern. The principle is very simple: Don't use new()to create an object, instead, you use Home.create(). The Abstract factory pattern is implemented as the "Home" for EJBs and as a Java class with static methods for Belongings.

Remote Iterators

This example also shows the use of Remote Iterators, one of Theory Center's collection APIs. You can iterate through a collection both locally and remotely. Locally, the whole collection is sent to you from the server and you can traverse it. This is good for small collections where you need to iterate a lot. For large collections, you can use one or more remote iterators. Remote iterators traverse the collection in the server. That way, you only * bring over the net the values that you need saving bandwidth. They also serve as "bookmarks" on a collection, since they "remember" in what position you leave them.

Axiom Example

The example application performs the following steps:

  1. Find or create or a Customer component
  2. Create belongings
  3. Add belongings to the Customer
  4. Use a Remote Iterator to iterate through the belongings
  5. Remove the Belongings

To get the most out of this example, first read through Then you can build it and run it.

Please note: to build and run, you must have the following in your CLASSPATH:

1) smart-generator.jar (..\theorycenter\smart-generator.jar), axiom-foundation.jar (..\theorycenter\lib\axiom-foundation.jar), and ebusiness.jar (..\theorycenter\lib\ebusiness.jar) .

2) Application Server classes (default classpath required by Weblogic)

The fastest way to run any of the examples is by using the scripts provided in ..\theorycenter\*.bat


bea Systems, Inc.

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