bea Systems, Inc.

Package examples.extending

The Extending Example shows you the use of Theory Center's AlphaNumericSequencer eBusiness Smart Component and how to extend an eBSC.


Interface Summary
AlphaNumericSequencerExtension Primary Key = examples.extending.AlphaNumericSequencerExtensionPk
AlphaNumericSequencerExtensionHome The home interface for the AlphaNumericSequencerExtension entity bean.

Class Summary
AlphaNumericSequencerExtensionImpl Primary Key = examples.extending.AlphaNumericSequencerExtensionPk
AlphaNumericSequencerExtensionPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
ExtendingExample This example demonstrates extending a Business Smart Component.

Package examples.extending Description

The Extending Example shows you the use of Theory Center's AlphaNumericSequencer eBusiness Smart Component and how to extend an eBSC.

This example demonstrates:

AlphaNumericSequencerExtension Component

The AlphaNumericSequencerExtension extends AlphaNumericSequencer. The AlphaNumericSequencer generates sequential identifiers in a user prescribed format. The user of the class can configure the prefix, suffix, step, and width of these components. The current sequence number is persisted and access to the counter is controlled so that uniqueness can be guaranteed across all users of a given sequencer. It is often used to generate unique keys for entities such as accounts, users, and sessions. The AlphanumericSequencerExtension has a getValue() method that converts returns the counter value in hexadecimal notation

The extending example application performs the following steps:

  1. Find or create or an AlphaNumericSequencerExtension component
  2. Iterate through 10 sequencer strings.

To get the most out of this example, first read through Then you can build it and run it. Other files in this example are:,,,

Please note: to build and run, you must have the following in your CLASSPATH:

1) smart-generator.jar (..\theorycenter\smart-generator.jar), axiom-foundation.jar (..\theorycenter\lib\axiom-foundation.jar), and ebusiness.jar (..\theorycenter\lib\ebusiness.jar) .

2) Application Server classes (default classpath required by Weblogic)

The fastest way to run any of the examples is by using the scripts provided in ..\theorycenter\*.bat


bea Systems, Inc.

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