bea Systems, Inc.

Package examples.workflow

Shows the use of Theory Center's Workflow eBusiness Smart Components.


Class Summary
WorkflowExample Workflow example.

Package examples.workflow Description

Shows the use of Theory Center's Workflow eBusiness Smart Components.

This example demonstrates:


This example shows the use of a Business Smart Component that has a workflow associated to it The workflow states and transitions are modeled with Rational Rose. For this examples, we'll use the EBusinessSession Component. This component has a workflow that guides it through the different stages of an online e-business session. If you look at the Rose model file for the ebusiness.session package, you will find that EBusinessSessionWorkflow has a state diagram associated to it. The workflow logic can be implemented in any way you want; however, Theory Center provides a reference implementation. For the reference implementation, for each component with the BSC.Workflow stereotype, all the states and transitions in the Rose model are generated into a complete state machine by the SmartGenerator, so you can use it immediately, without any hand-coding of the workflow states or transitions. Please note that the SmartGenerator is NOT included in the JumpStart Kit. In this example, we also use the EBusinessSessionManager and show how a "manager" session bean can simplify the usage of an entity bean

Workflow Example

The workflow example application performs the following steps:

  1. Create a Guest Session component using the EBusinessSessionManager.
  2. Try options such as enroll, cancellEnrollment, becomeGuest, and disableAuthentication. (You can find these transitions in the EBusinessSessionWorkflow state diagram)
  3. Register as a new or Login as an existing Customer
  4. Perform more options (authenticate, and disableAuthentication)

To get the most out of this example, first read through then you can build it and run it.

Please note: to build and run, you must have the following in your CLASSPATH:

1) smart-generator.jar (..\theorycenter\smart-generator.jar), axiom-foundation.jar (..\theorycenter\lib\axiom-foundation.jar), and ebusiness.jar (..\theorycenter\lib\ebusiness.jar) .

2) Application Server classes (default classpath required by Weblogic)

The fastest way to run any of the examples is by using the scripts provided in ..\theorycenter\*.bat


bea Systems, Inc.

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