bea Systems, Inc.


Interface Summary
Address The Address represents a standard postal location.
CreditCard Information needed to submit a transaction to a credit card company on behalf of a customer.
Email An unformatted email address and asociated descriptive text.
Person A Person describes a Stakeholder that represents a single individual.
PersonHome The home interface for the Person entity bean.
PhoneNumber Represents the components of a phone number and descriptive text.
PostalCode A string used to expedite delivery of an item via the mail.
Stakeholder A Stakeholder represents a personal or business contact.
StakeholderHome The home interface for the Stakeholder entity bean.
Url The components of Universal Resource Locator object and an accompanying description.

Class Summary
AddressHome The home class for the Address belonging.
AddressImpl The Address represents a standard postal location.
CreditCardHome The home class for the CreditCard belonging.
CreditCardImpl Information needed to submit a transaction to a credit card company on behalf of a customer.
EmailHome The home class for the Email belonging.
EmailImpl An unformatted email address and asociated descriptive text.
PersonImpl A Person describes a Stakeholder that represents a single individual.
PersonPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
PersonValue A Person describes a Stakeholder that represents a single individual.
PhoneNumberHome The home class for the PhoneNumber belonging.
PhoneNumberImpl Represents the components of a phone number and descriptive text.
PostalCodeHome The home class for the PostalCode belonging.
PostalCodeImpl A string used to expedite delivery of an item via the mail.
StakeholderImpl A Stakeholder represents a personal or business contact.
StakeholderPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
StakeholderValue A Stakeholder represents a personal or business contact.
UrlHome The home class for the Url belonging.
UrlImpl The components of Universal Resource Locator object and an accompanying description.

bea Systems, Inc.

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