bea Systems, Inc.


Interface Summary
ConversionFunction An individual instance method for converting from one unit to another.
Price Represents the price of something.
Quality Represents a Quality that can be had or desired.
Quantity The quantity of something.
Unit A unit of measure.
UnitCategories Provides a mapping from a Unit to its Category.
UnitConversion The Unit Conversion provides the ability to convert from one unit of measurement to any other in the same classification.
UnitConversionHome The home interface for the UnitConversion entity bean.
UnitConverter The Unit Converter provides intelligent conversion of Quantities between various units.
UnitConverterHome The home interface for the UnitConverter Session Bean.
UnitList The Unit List provides a cross reference for Unit such that for a specified unit the approriate Unit Conversion can be found.
UnitListHome The home interface for the UnitList entity bean.
UnitPrice Combines a unit and a price to provide a mechanism for recording pricing and pricing strategies.

Class Summary
DefaultConversionFunctionHome The home interface for the DefaultConversionFunction Policy.
PriceHome The home class for the Price belonging.
PriceImpl Represents the price of something.
QualityHome The home class for the Quality belonging.
QualityImpl Represents a Quality that can be had or desired.
QuantityHome The home class for the Quantity belonging.
QuantityImpl The quantity of something.
UnitCategoriesHome The home class for the UnitCategories belonging.
UnitCategoriesImpl Provides a mapping from a Unit to its Category.
UnitConversionImpl The Unit Conversion provides the ability to convert from one unit of measurement to any other in the same classification.
UnitConversionPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
UnitConversionValue The Unit Conversion provides the ability to convert from one unit of measurement to any other in the same classification.
UnitConverterImpl The Unit Converter provides intelligent conversion of Quantities between various units.
UnitHome The home class for the Unit belonging.
UnitImpl A unit of measure.
UnitListImpl The Unit List provides a cross reference for Unit such that for a specified unit the approriate Unit Conversion can be found.
UnitListPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
UnitListValue The Unit List provides a cross reference for Unit such that for a specified unit the approriate Unit Conversion can be found.
UnitPriceHome The home class for the UnitPrice belonging.
UnitPriceImpl Combines a unit and a price to provide a mechanism for recording pricing and pricing strategies.

Exception Summary

bea Systems, Inc.

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