bea Systems, Inc.


The inventory manangement package includes classes that allow for inventory oriented record keeping.


Interface Summary
InventoryManager The inventory manager provides a simplified interface to the Inventory classes.
InventoryManagerHome The home interface for the InventoryManager Session Bean.
InventoryRecord This represents a virtual storage unit for an item type.
InventoryRecordHome The home interface for the InventoryRecord entity bean.
ItemInventory The ItemInventory is an optimization for locating inventory records.
ItemInventoryHome The home interface for the ItemInventory entity bean.
Locator This is place holder for a generic location.

Class Summary
InventoryManagerImpl The inventory manager provides a simplified interface to the Inventory classes.
InventoryRecordImpl This represents a virtual storage unit for an item type.
InventoryRecordPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
InventoryRecordValue This represents a virtual storage unit for an item type.
ItemInventoryImpl The ItemInventory is an optimization for locating inventory records.
ItemInventoryPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
ItemInventoryValue The ItemInventory is an optimization for locating inventory records.
LocatorHome The home class for the Locator belonging.
LocatorImpl This is place holder for a generic location.

Package Description

The inventory manangement package includes classes that allow for inventory oriented record keeping. It uses the BSC Account to track inventory levels. It adds functionality to facilitate location of Items. The InventoryManager is used to simplify interaction with the underlying components.

Inventory Component Model

bea Systems, Inc.

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