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Welcome to the BEA WebLogic Collaborate Developer Guide.

This document describes how to develop and deploy applications that run in the WebLogic CollaborateTM system. This document describes how to develop the following kinds of WebLogic Collaborate applications:



Messaging Applications

Management Applications

Logic Plug-Ins


Using Workflows to Exchange Business Messages

About Using Workflows

About This WebLogic Process Integrator Version

Architectural Overview

Architecture Diagram

WebLogic Process Integrator Components in WebLogic Collaborate

Key Concepts

Workflows, Workflow Templates, and Workflow Template Definitions

Conversations, Conversation Definitions, and Business Messages

Initiators and Participants

Sent and Received Business Messages

Run-Time Prerequisites

Summary of Workflow Integration Tasks

Administrative Tasks

Design Tasks

Programming Tasks

Designing Workflows for Exchanging Business Messages

Using Workflow Templates Created in Other WebLogic Process Integrator Versions

Exporting Workflow Template Definitions

Importing Workflow Template Definitions

Defining Conversation Properties

Opening Workflow Template Definitions

Linking Workflows to Conversations

Defining the Quality of Service for Message Delivery at the Template Level

Linking C-Enabler Session Names to a Workflow Template Definition

Defining Start Actions

Defining the Start for a Conversation Initiator Workflow

Defining the Start for a Conversation Participant Workflow

Defining Conversation Termination

Defining the Termination of Conversation Initiator Workflows

Defining the End of Conversation Participant Workflows

Defining WebLogic Process Integrator Variables for Workflows

Associations Between WebLogic Process Integrator Variables and Java Data Types

Rules for Defining WebLogic Process Integrator Variables

Defining Input Variables

Defining Output Variables

Working with Business Messages

About Business Messages

Summary of Prerequisite Tasks for Exchanging Business Messages

Defining Variables and Manipulating Business Messages

Defining WebLogic Process Integrator Variables for Business Messages

Defining Manipulate Business Message Actions

Writing Business Operations to Manipulate Business Messages

Creating and Defining Messages to Send

Steps for Creating Business Messages

Defining Send Business Message Actions

Defining the Quality of Service for Message Delivery for a Send Business Message Action

Assigning Message Token Information to WebLogic Process Integrator Variables

Defining the Workflow to Receive Business Messages

Defining the Business Message Start for Conversation Participant Workflows

Defining Business Message Receive Events

Steps for Receiving Business Messages

Developing Applications That Start Conversation Initiator Workflows

WebLogic Process Integrator Integration API

Creating Workflow C-Enabler Sessions

Programming Steps for Accessing Conversation Initiator Workflows

Step 1: Import the Necessary Packages

Step 2: Initialize Input Variables

Step 3: Establish a Workflow C-Enabler Session

Step 4: Create a Workflow Instance for a Specific Workflow Template

Step 5: Start a Workflow Instance

Step 6: Wait for the Workflow Instance to Complete

Step 7: Handle Results in Output Variables

Step 8: Handling Exceptions


Using XOCP C-Enabler Applications to Exchange Business Messages

About XOCP C-Enabler Applications

Architectural Overview

Key Concepts

XOCP C-Enabler Applications

C-Enabler Class Library

Conversations and Conversation Definitions

XOCP Business Messages and Message Envelopes

Conversation Initiators and Participants

Conversation Coordinators

Trading Partner States

Secure Messaging

Key Tasks for C-Enabler Applications

Joining a C-Space

Registering for a Role in a Conversation

Engaging in Conversations with Trading Partners

Shutting Down a C-Enabler Session to Leave a C-Space

Run-Time Information Flow

Information Flow Diagram

Steps in the Information Flow

Programming Steps for C-Enabler Applications

Step 1: Import Packages

Step 2: Implement the ConversationHandler Interface

Step 3: Create a C-Enabler Session

Step 4: Register a Conversation Handler

Step 5: Initiate or Participate in a Conversation

Step 6: Exchange Business Messages

Step 7: End the Conversation

Participant Leaves a Conversation

Initiator Terminates a Conversation

Step 8: Shut Down the C-Enabler Session

Sending XOCP Business Messages

Step 1: Create the Business Message

Importing the Required Packages

Creating Payload Parts

Creating the XOCP Business Message and Adding Payload Parts

Step 2: Specify the Recipients of the Business Message

Specifying a Particular Trading Partner

Using C-Enabler XPath Expressions to Specify Message Recipient Criteria

Step 3: Specify the Quality of Service for Message Delivery

Automatic Quality of Service Features

QualityOfService Class

Code Example

Setting the Message Delivery Confirmation Level

Setting Message Durability

Setting the Message Timeout

Setting the Number of Delivery Retry Attempts

Setting the Correlation ID for a Business Message

Step 4: Send the XOCP Business Message

Synchronous Message Delivery

Deferred Synchronous Message Delivery

Step 5: Check the Delivery Status of the Business Message

Message Tokens

Delivery Status Tracking

Message Tracking Locations

Receiving XOCP Business Messages

About Receiving XOCP Business Messages

Receiving an XOCP Business Message

Tasks Performed

Code Listing


Developing Logic Plug-Ins

About Logic Plug-Ins

What Are Logic Plug-Ins?

Logic Plug-In Architecture

Logic Plug-In Processing Tasks


Business Messages and Message Envelopes

System and Custom Logic Plug-Ins

Logic Plug-In API

Rules and Guidelines for Logic Plug-Ins

Creating and Adding Logic Plug-Ins

Programming Steps for Logic Plug-Ins

Step 1: Import the Necessary Packages

Step 2: Implement the PlugIn Interface

Step 3: Specify the Exception Processing Model

Step 4: Implement the Process Method

Step 5: Get the Business Message from the Message Envelope

Step 6: Validate the Business Message

Step 7: Get Business Message Properties

Step 8: Process the Business Message as Needed

Administrative Tasks


Developing Management Applications

About Management Applications

MBeans and the MBean Server

MBean Packages

MBean Server Implementation

C-Hub MBeans

C-Enabler MBeans

Configuration Requirements

Programming Steps for Management Applications

Step 1: Import the Necessary Packages

C-Hub Example

C-Enabler Example

Step 2: Get a Reference to the MBean Server Object

Step 3: Construct an ObjectName Object

Object Names

Object Name Expressions

Step 4: Query the MBean Server

C-Hub Example

C-Enabler Code Example

Step 5: Read the Attributes of the MBean

C-Hub Example

C-Enabler Example

Step 6: Navigate Across MBeans

Step 7: Handle Exceptions


Writing to the Log

About the Log

Log Files

Logging API

Severity Levels

Writing Messages to the Log

Importing the Logging Package

Writing a Log Message with an INFO Severity Level

Writing a Message With a Specific Severity Level