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Using Logic Plug-Ins for Billing


The BEA WebLogic Collaborate billing examples illustrate how to implement and install user-written logic plug-ins. A logic plug-in is a service that a c-hub owner can develop and install on a c-hub, providing additional value for management of the c-hub, or providing additional value to customers who use that c-hub. A c-hub administrator accomplishes this by introducing custom code at well-defined plug-in points, for additional processing of the information that passes through the c-hub. This functionality is transparent to the c-enabler user.

For a comprehensive description of developing logic plug-ins, see Developing Logic Plug-Ins in the BEA WebLogic Collaborate Developer Guide.

The following sections describe the structure, purpose, and set-up procedures for two example plug-ins:


Overview of the Logic Plug-In Examples

The MessageCounter and CheckAccount logic plug-ins are enhancements to an underlying example application. These plug-ins customize the billing process for a c-hub owner. In this example, you can add each plug-in separately or use them in combination. The plug-ins operate at different logical points in the flow of control. Applying these plug-ins and observing the results is a way to understand how and where the c-hub provider can influence the flow of information traveling between c-enablers and the c-hub, in the context of a conversation.

For complete information about setting up and running the logic plug-in examples, see the main sections:


Structure of the Logic Plug-Ins for Billing

In this scenario, a c-hub owner establishes a billing algorithm based on the number of messages an e-market trading partner sends, and on the cost for a specific conversation. The algorithm requires keeping track of all the messages a trading partner sends and all the conversations in which the partner participates.

The c-hub owner registers all messages passing through the hub, storing the registry information by trading partner and conversation name. The c-hub owner or administrator has the option of assigning a rate for messages in a conversation, depending on the characteristics of the conversation. The rate varies based on the quantity of c-hub resources a conversation consumes.

Purpose of the MessageCounter Logic Plug-In

The MessageCounter plug-in records the activities of each trading partner that uses the c-hub. The c-hub owner has the authority to review trading partner accounts and adjust an outstanding balance when a trading partner makes a payment.

Purpose of the CheckAccount Logic Plug-In

The c-hub owner can disallow access to the c-hub for specific trading partners. One way to do this is to apply selection criteria under program control, automatically excluding trading partners whose outstanding account balance is greater than an amount set by the owner. When you add the CheckAccount plug-in to an application, you can set the account balance due threshold to a value other than the default value. The CheckAccount plug-in filters trading partners, disallowing access to the c-hub, for partners who do not meet the selection criteria.

Utility Servlets for the Logic Plug-Ins

The Inquiry and Reset Account functions are tools for checking account status, and optionally setting outstanding account balances back to zero. Only the c-hub owner or an administrator has the authority to use these tools. The utility servlet source files in the Using Logic-Plug Ins for Billing example are and


MessageCounter Logic Plug-In Example

The MessageCounter logic plug-in shows how a c-hub owner can introduce a service that provides additional value for management of the c-hub. This plug-in collects data that the c-hub owner applies to a billing algorithm. This functionality is transparent to the c-enabler user.

The MessageCounter logic plug-in for billing is one of two enhancements for an example application. (The second is the CheckAccount logic plug-in.)

This logic plug-in example uses a relational database to extend features for managing a c-hub. The set of example files includes scripts for Oracle, Cloudscape, and MS SQL Server databases.

Structure of the MessageCounter Logic Plug-In Example

A c-hub owner needs to know the number of messages an e-market trading partner sends, and all the conversations in which the partner participates. This information is applied to a billing algorithm. The c-hub owner has the option of assigning a cost for each message depending on the characteristics of the conversation. The cost can vary from conversation to conversation, based on the quantity of c-hub resources a conversation consumes.

The c-hub owner or administrator creates two database tables that are external to the WebLogic Collaborate repository:

The MessageCounter custom code plugs in to the c-hub as the first element in the XOCP filter logic plug-in chain.

After the c-hub applies all routing criteria and filters, the MessageCounter logic is executed once for each ultimate recipient of a message.

Required Files

Files required for setting up and running the MessageCounter logic plug-in are in directories subordinate to the location defined by the WLC_HOME environment variable.





The following sections and tables identify the name of each file that is required to set up and run the MessageCounter logic plug-in. The files are grouped by function. Where required, a table provides supplementary notes specific to a file. See Setting Up the MessageCounter Logic Plug-In and Running an Application with the MessageCounter Logic Plug-In for complete information on how to use these files.

Files for Loading the WebLogic Collaborate Repository

The XML file for input to the Bulk Loader utility is in the examples directory subordinate to the location defined by the WLC_HOME environment variable. The RepData.xml file and the command files are in the MessageCounter directory.





An XML configuration file used with the Bulk Loader utility to populate the WebLogic Collaborate repository. Works in conjunction with the RepData.xml file in the MessageCounter directory.

As supplied, the information in the file relates to the verifier example application only.To run this logic plug-in with an example application other than verifier, for example wlpiverifier, you must first register the MessageCounter logic plug-in the target application using the C-Hub Administration Console.

To use the MessageCounter logic plug-in in combination with the CheckAccount logic plug-in, populate the repository using the RepData.xml file from the LogicPlugIns directory.


The XML data file containing MessageCounter data to be loaded into the repository.

Follow the directives in this file: BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml



A command file you invoke to compile the Java source files and to copy all required files into target directories.




Java Source Files for Using the MessageCounter Logic Plug-In

The Java source files listed in this table are in these directories:







Contains the Java class code for implementing the MessageCounter logic plug-in.

Java servlet for inquiring about the status of a trading partner account.

Java servlet for modifying the status of a trading partner account.

HTML File for Querying Trading Partner Account Status

There is a version of this file in each of these directories:








Used to inquire about the status of a trading partner account.

Files for Managing Database Tables

There is a version of the CreateDataBaseTables command file in each of these directories:





The SQL scripts are in a database-specific directory subordinate to the DataBase directory.





Command file that directs the createTables.sql script and the populateTables.sql as input to a database utility.




SQL script. Input file to the CreateDataBaseTables command file. Creates the Billing table and the MESSAGECOST table.

SQL scripts are platform independent.


SQL script. Input file to the CreateDataBaseTables command file. Inserts data into the MESSAGECOST table.

SQL scripts are platform independent.

Setting Up the MessageCounter Logic Plug-In

You can apply the MessageCounter logic plug-in to an existing example application such as the verifier example or the wlpiverifier example. The procedure here applies the logic plug-in to the verifier example.

The next two sections summarize the set-up steps on Windows and UNIX. The "MessageCounter Setup Steps in Detail" section describes the same steps in more detail.

Setup on Windows: Main Steps

This section summarizes the steps for enabling the MessageCounter logic plug-in in an application. See MessageCounter Logic Plug-In Setup Steps in Detail for more detailed information about each step.

  1. Run the setenv.cmd command file.

  2. Customize the BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml file, where database identifies the database you are using.

  3. Change to the %WLC_HOME%\LogicPlugIns\MessageCounter directory.

  4. From the MessageCounter directory, execute this command:
    bulkloader ..\..\BulkLoaddatabaseConfig.xml

  5. Customize the CreateDataBaseTables.cmd command file.

  6. Run the CreateDataBaseTables.cmd command file.

  7. Run the build.cmd command file.

  8. Customize the c-hub configuration file, enabling the Java servlet and JDBC Connection Pool sections.

  9. Ensure that your environment is defined, and start the c-hub.

Setup on UNIX: Main Steps

See MessageCounter Logic Plug-In Setup Steps in Detail for complete information about each step.

  1. Run the shell.

  2. Customize the BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml file, where database identifies the relational database you are using.

  3. Change to this directory: $WLC_HOME/examples/LogicPlugIns/MessageCounter

  4. From the MessageCounter directory, execute the following command: ../../BulkLoaddatabaseConfig.xml 

  5. Customize the shell.

  6. Run the shell.

  7. Run the shell.

  8. Customize the c-hub configuration file, enabling the Java servlet and JDBC Connection Pool sections.

  9. Ensure that your environment is set, and start the c-hub.

MessageCounter Logic Plug-In Setup Steps in Detail

The following procedure explains each main step. The numbering corresponds to the numbering in the main step sections.

  1. Set the environment.

    Run the setenv.cmd command file (Windows), or the shell (UNIX). This step establishes the environment for your system.

  2. Customize the Bulk Loader XML configuration file.

    Customize the configuration file that corresponds to the database you are using:

  3. Change to the MessageCounter directory.

    Change to the MessageCounter directory, and run subsequent steps from this location.





  4. Populate the WebLogic Collaborate repository.

    From the MessageCounter directory, run the Bulk Loader utility, supplying the correct path to the input XML configuration file. Additionally, this step reads the RepData.xml file as input.



    bulkloader ..\..\BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml


    bulkloader ..\..\BulkloadOracleConfig.xml


    Syntax: ../../BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml

    Example: ../../BulkloadCloudscapeConfig.xml

  5. Customize the CreateDataBaseTables command file in the DataBase directory.





    The values for the connection parameters must match those specified in the JDBC examplesPool in the file. Modify the connection values required for your underlying database. The user name you specify must be an existing user with authority to create tables in the database.

  6. Create the database tables and populate with data.

    To create the MESSAGECOST and Billing database tables, run the command file you customized in the previous step. The database tables are external to the repository. You supply one input parameter to the command file, identifying the subdirectory for your database. The command file reads the createTables.sql and populateTables.sql script files from the subordinate directory.

    As supplied, the populateTables.sql script inserts two rows of data into the MESSAGECOST table. These insert statements are from the script:

    insert into MESSAGECOST values ('verifierConversation',20.37);
    insert into MESSAGECOST values ('to-upper',3);

    To change the cost for each message in a conversation, in the populateTables.sql script, modify the numeric value to be inserted into the MESSAGE_COST column. For example, to change the cost of a message in the verifierConversation conversation from the supplied value of 20.37, modify the numeric value in the first insert statement. You can run step 6 again later, if you decide to change a message cost value.



    CreateDataBaseTables { oracle | cloudscape | mssql }


    CreateDataBaseTables oracle


    Syntax: { oracle | cloudscape }

    Example: cloudscape

  7. Create the executable programs for this example.

    Run the build command file for your platform. This step compiles required Java source files and copies resulting files to target locations.




  8. Using a text editor, uncomment the following sections of the c-hub configuration file specific to the logic plug-in examples:

    1. The Logic Plug-Ins servlets section. This section is identified by the following section header, which appears before the lines that you need to uncomment:

      # Servlets used for the WLC Logic PlugIns example
      # Uncomment to use
      # The Logic PlugIns require the Verifier example to be working

    2. The section that specifies the data source to be used. This section is identified by the following section header:

      #Data Source used for the Logic PlugIns examples
      #Uncomment it whatever database you use

    3. The section that specifies the JDBC connection pool specific to the database you are using. For example, if you are using Oracle, this section is identified by the following section header:

      # Oracle 8.1.5
      # Note: EXAMPLE_USER, EXAMPLE_PASSWORD must match the values used in the
      # CreateDatabaseTables.cmd(sh) command

      If you are using Oracle, be sure to specify values for <EXAMPLE_USER> and <EXAMPLE_PASSWD> that match the values used in the CreateDatabaseTables script.

      If you are using MS SQL server, be sure to specify values for <MSSQL_USER>, <MSSQL_PASSWORD>, and <MSSQL_HOSTNAME> that match your MS SQL server installation.

    4. The section that represents ACLs for the examplesPool. This section is identified by the following section header:

      # The following three lines represent ACLs for the examplesPool and
      # must be un-commented independently of the database type used

      To uncomment the appropriate lines in each of these sections, simply delete the comment character ( # ) at the beginning of each line in those sections. For example, the section that represents ACLs for the examplesPool should appear as:


  9. Start the example application.

    Ensure that your environment is defined correctly, and start the c-hub.

Running an Application with the MessageCounter Logic Plug-In

Follow these steps to observe how the MessageCounter logic plug-in adds value to an underlying application.

  1. Start the verifier example application, or the alternative example application you configured for the logic plug-in.

  2. Examine the WebLogic Server system log for messages from the MessageCounter logic plug-in.

    The logic plug-in writes messages to the log each time the c-hub processes a business document. The first time a trading partner sends a message in the verifier conversation, the logic plug-in records this message:

    ** MessageCounter ##### 1 Record Inserted

    This message tells you that custom program logic in the logic plug-in has inserted a record into the Billing table. The count of messages sent is set to one.

    Messages from the same trading partner after the first trigger this message:

    ** MessageCounter ##### 1 Record Updated

    This message tells you that the count of sent messages has been incremented by one.

  3. Use your Web browser to inquire about the status of a trading partner account. Enter the following URL in a browser:


    Enter the name of a trading partner and click on the Submit button. This Java servlet utility returns information about the trading partner.

    Note: The valid names for the two trading partners are 'Partner1' and 'Partner2'. These names are case-sensitive, and do include the single-quote characters.

  4. Continuing with the LogicPlugIns.htm tool, reset the trading partner balance due back to zero by clicking the Reset button.

    If you have set up the CheckAccount logic plug-in, the MessageCounter logic plug-in processes database information recorded by both logic plug-ins.


CheckAccount Logic Plug-In Example

The CheckAccount logic plug-in shows how a c-hub owner can introduce a service that provides additional value for management of the c-hub. This logic plug-in implements a custom filtering mechanism that is an extension of the filtering mechanisms available through BEA WebLogic Collaborate based on an XPATH expression. This functionality is transparent to the c-enabler user.

The CheckAccount logic plug-in for billing is one in a series of enhancements for an example application.

This logic plug-in example uses a relational database to extend features for managing a c-hub. The set of example files includes scripts for Oracle, Cloudscape, or MS SQL Server databases.

Structure of the CheckAccount Logic Plug-In Example

A c-hub owner chooses to filter messages to trading partners for specific conversations. The criterion for filtering is the account balance a potential recipient owes to the c-hub owner. Trading partners can be excluded from a conversation if they have outstanding balances higher than a threshold amount the c-hub owner defines.

The formula for determining the account balance includes a count of messages a trading partner sends, and a rate for each conversation in which the trading partner participates. The rate for each conversation varies depending on the amount of c-hub resources the conversation consumes. For each conversation, the cost is the product of conversation rate and number of messages sent. The total account balance due is the sum of current conversation costs. In the CheckAccount logic plug-in, you can vary the threshold amount for excluding trading partners from a conversation. In the MessageCounter logic plug-in, you can vary the rate of cost for a conversation. You can implement each logic plug-in separately or in combination. Each allows you to vary parameters and observe the results.

The c-hub owner or administrator creates two database tables that are external to the WebLogic Collaborate repository:

Required Files

Files required for setting up and running the CheckAccount logic plug-in are in directories subordinate to the directory defined by the WLC_HOME environment variable.





The following sections and tables identify the name of each file that is required to set up and run the CheckAccount logic plug-in. The files are grouped by function. Where required, a table provides supplementary notes specific to a file. See Setting Up the CheckAccount Logic Plug-In and Running an Application with the CheckAccount Logic Plug-In for complete information on how to use these files.

Files for Loading the WebLogic Collaborate Repository

The XML file for input to the Bulk Loader utility is in the examples directory subordinate to the location defined by the WLC_HOME environment variable. The RepData.xml file and the command files are in the CheckAccount directory.





An XML configuration file used with the Bulk Loader utility to populate the WebLogic Collaborate repository. Works in conjunction with the RepData.xml file in the CheckAccount directory.

As supplied, the information in the file relates to the verifier example application only. To run this logic plug-in with an example application other than verifier, for example wlpiverifier, you must first register the CheckAccount logic plug-in the target application using the C-Hub Administration Console.

To use the CheckAccount logic plug-in in combination with the MessageCounter logic plug-in, populate the repository using the RepData.xml file from the LogicPlugIns directory.


The XML data file containing CheckAccount data to be loaded into the repository.

Follow the directives in this file: BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml



A command file you invoke to compile the Java source files and to copy all required files into target directories.



Java Source Files for Using the CheckAccount Logic Plug-In

The Java source files listed in this table are in these directories:







Contains the Java class code for implementing the CheckAccount logic plug-in.

Java servlet for inquiring about the status of a trading partner account.

Java servlet for modifying the status of a trading partner account.

HTML File for Querying Trading Partner Account Status

There is a version of this file in each of these directories:








Used to inquire about the status of a trading partner account.

Files for Managing Database Tables

There is a version of the CreateDataBaseTables command file in each of these directories:





The SQL scripts are in a database-specific directory subordinate to the DataBase directory.





Command file that directs the createTables.sql script and the populateTables.sql script as input to a database utility.




SQL script. Input file to the CreateDataBaseTables command file. Creates the Billing table and the MESSAGECOST table.

SQL scripts are platform independent.


SQL script. Input file to the CreateDataBaseTables command file. Inserts data into the MESSAGECOST table.

SQL scripts are platform independent.

Setting Up the CheckAccount Logic Plug-In

You can apply the CheckAccount logic plug-in to an existing example application such as the verifier example or the wlpiverifier example. The procedure here applies the logic plug-in to the verifier example.

The next two sections summarize the setup steps on Windows and UNIX. The "CheckAccount Setup Steps in Detail" section describes the same steps in more detail.

Setup on Windows: Main Steps

This section summarizes the steps for enabling the CheckAccount logic plug-in in an application. See CheckAccount Logic Plug-In Setup Steps in Detail for more information about each step.

  1. Run the setenv.cmd command file.

  2. Customize the BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml file, where database identifies the database you are using.

  3. Change to the %WLC_HOME%\LogicPlugIns\CheckAccount directory.

  4. From the CheckAccount directory, execute this command:
    bulkloader ..\..\BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml

  5. Customize the CreateDataBaseTables command file.

  6. Run the CreateDataBaseTables.cmd file.

  7. Run the build.cmd command file.

  8. Customize the c-hub configuration file, enabling the Java servlet and JDBC Connection Pool sections.

  9. Ensure that your environment is defined, and start the c-hub.

Setup on UNIX: Main Steps

See CheckAccount Logic Plug-In Setup Steps in Detail for more detailed information about each step.

  1. Run the shell.

  2. Customize the BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml file, where database identifies the relational database you are using.

  3. Change to this directory: $WLC_HOME/examples/LogicPlugIns/CheckAccount

  4. From the CheckAccount directory, execute this command: ../../BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml

  5. Customize the shell.

  6. Run the shell.

  7. Run the shell.

  8. Customize the c-hub configuration file, enabling the Java servlet and JDBC Connection Pool sections.

  9. Ensure that your environment is set, and start the c-hub.

CheckAccount Logic Plug-In Setup Steps in Detail

The following procedure explains each step. The numbering corresponds to the numbering in the main steps sections.

  1. Set the environment.

    Run the setenv.cmd command file (Windows), or the shell (UNIX). This step establishes the environment for your system.

  2. Customize the Bulk Loader XML configuration file.

    Customize the configuration file corresponding to the database you are using:

  3. Change to the CheckAccount directory.

    Change to the CheckAccount directory, and run subsequent steps from this location.





  4. Populate the WebLogic Collaborate repository.

    From the CheckAccount directory, run the Bulk Loader utility, supplying the correct path to the input XML configuration file. Additionally, this step reads the RepData.xml file as input.



    bulkloader ..\..\BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml


    bulkloader ..\..\BulkloadOracleConfig.xml


    Syntax: ../../BulkloaddatabaseConfig.xml

    Example: ../../BulkloadCloudscapeConfig.xml

  5. Customize the CreateDataBaseTables command file in the DataBase directory.





    The values for the connection parameters must match those specified in the JDBC examplesPool in the file. Modify the connection values required for your underlying database. The user name you specify must be an existing user with authority to create tables in the database.

  6. Create the database tables and populate with data.

    To create the MESSAGECOST and Billing database tables, run the command file you customized in the previous step. The database tables are external to the repository. You supply one input parameter to the command file, identifying the subdirectory for your database. The command file reads the createTables.sql and populateTables.sql script files in the subordinate directory.

    As supplied, the populateTables.sql script inserts two rows of data into the MESSAGECOST table. These insert statements are from the script:

    insert into MESSAGECOST values ('verifierConversation',20.37);
    insert into MESSAGECOST values ('to-upper',3);

    To change the cost for each message in a conversation, in the populateTables.sql script, modify the numeric value to be inserted into the MESSAGE_COST column. For example, to change the cost of a message in the verifierConversation conversation from the supplied value of 20.37, modify the numeric value in the first insert statement.



    CreateDataBaseTables { oracle | cloudscape | mssql }


    CreateDataBaseTables oracle


    Syntax: { oracle | cloudscape }

    Example: cloudscape

  7. Create the executable programs for this example.

    Run the build command file for your platform. This step compiles required Java source files and copies resulting files to target locations.




    You can vary the threshold for account balances due. Once the outstanding balance due for a trading partner is above the threshold, custom code in the logic plug-in denies access to the c-hub for this trading partner. To change the threshold from the default value of 100, modify the value of the MAXLIMIT variable in the source file and run the build step again. This is a code fragment from the source file:

     public void process(MessageEnvelope mEnv) throws PlugInException {
    final float MAXLIMIT = 100;
    String sender, conversation ;
    String tRecipients[];
    Connection conn = null;
    float debit = 0;
    Message bMsg = null;

        // Gets the Business Message from the Message Envelope   

  8. Using a text editor, uncomment the following sections of the c-hub configuration file specific to the logic plug-in examples:

    1. The Logic Plug-Ins servlets section. This section is identified by the following section header, which appears before the lines that you need to uncomment:

      # Servlets used for the WLC Logic PlugIns example
      # Uncomment to use
      # The Logic PlugIns require the Verifier example to be working

    2. The section that specifies the data source to be used. This section is identified by the following section header:

      #Data Source used for the Logic PlugIns examples
      #Uncomment it whatever database you use

    3. The section that specifies the JDBC connection pool specific to the database you are using. For example, if you are using Oracle, this section is identified by the following section header:

      # Oracle 8.1.5
      # Note: EXAMPLE_USER, EXAMPLE_PASSWORD must match the values used in the
      # CreateDatabaseTables.cmd(sh) command

      If you are using Oracle, be sure to specify values for <EXAMPLE_USER> and <EXAMPLE_PASSWD> that match the values used in the CreateDatabaseTables script.

      If you are using MS SQL server, be sure to specify values for <MSSQL_USER>, <MSSQL_PASSWORD>, and <MSSQL_HOSTNAME> that match your MS SQL server installation.

    4. The section that represents ACLs for the examplesPool. This section is identified by the following section header:

      # The following three lines represent ACLs for the examplesPool and
      # must be un-commented independently of the database type used

      To uncomment the appropriate lines in each of these sections, simply delete the comment character ( # ) at the beginning of each line in those sections. For example, the section that represents ACLs for the examplesPool should appear as:


  9. Start the example application.

    Ensure that your environment is defined correctly, and start the c-hub.

Running an Application with the CheckAccount Logic Plug-In

Follow these steps to observe how the CheckAccount logic plug-in adds value to an underlying application.

  1. Start the verifier example application, or the alternative example application you configured for the logic plug-in.

    Note: The CheckAccount logic plug-in requires that the target recipient list not be empty. If the list is empty when you implement this logic plug-in, the conversation will hang until it times out. You can change the timeout period for a conversation.

  2. Examine the WebLogic system log for messages from the CheckAccount logic plug-in.

    The CheckAccount logic plug-in writes a message to the log each time the c-hub processes a business document. Look in the log for messages similar to these:

    ** CheckAccount ##### Recipient 1 = Partner2
    ** CheckAccount ##### Debit for Partner2 = 10.0
    ** CheckAccount ##### The recipient has not exceeded MAXLIMIT
    ** CheckAccount ##### Recipient has been removed because
    MAXLIMIT has been exceeded

  3. Use your Web browser to inquire about the status of a trading partner account. Set your browser to this address:


    Enter the name of a trading partner and click on the Submit button. This Java servlet utility returns information about the trading partner.

    Note: The valid names for the two trading partners are 'Partner1' and 'Partner2'. These names are case-sensitive, and do include the single-quote characters.

  4. Continuing with the LogicPlugIns.htm tool, reset the trading partner balance due back to zero by clicking the Reset button.

    If you have set up the MessageCounter logic plug-in, the CheckAccount logic plug-in processes database information recorded by both plug-ins.