System Administrator’s Guide

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Deployment Model for Communication Services and Container Services

Communication services are packaged and deployed in EAR files. The EAR files are grouped, all network protocol plug-ins that share the same group of application-facing interfaces, are packaged into the same EAR file.

Container services are packaged and deployed separately from the communication services, and should not be modified.


Packaging of Communication Services

The communication services are grouped so that all communication services that share a common set of application-facing interfaces are grouped together. For example, off-the-shelf, Network Gatekeeper is delivered with two communication services for Parlay X 2. 1 Third Party Call:

Each group of communication services is packaged in two separate EAR files:

wlng_at_<communication service>.ear, which is the service facade. This part consists only of modules shared among the communication service. The wlng_at_<communication service>.ear is deployed in the Access Tier.

wlng_nt_<communication service>.ear, which is the the service enabler. This part contains the network protocol plug-ins for the communication service and common modules for the communication service. The wlng_nt_<communication service>.ear is deployed in the Network Tier.

The communication services EAR files are located in the $BEA_HOME/wlng400/applications directory.


The files holding the communication services that share the Parlay X 2.1 Third Party Call communication service layer consist of the following artifacts:
  • wlng_at_third_party_call_px21.ear
  • wlng_nt_third_party_call_px21.ear
wlng_nt_third_party_call_px21.ear contains, among other modules:
  • Plugin_px21_third_party_call_inap.jar, which contains the Parlay X 2.1 Third Party Call/INAP plug-in.
  • Plugin_px21_third_party_call_sip.jar, which contains the Parlay X 2.1 Third Party Call/SIP plug-in. See note below.
Other modules in this EAR are shared between the two network protocol plug-ins: including the common parts that are tied to the implementation of the communication layer, and any libraries and utilities shared among the plug-ins.

Note: Plugin_px21_third_party_call_sip.jar is not the only artifact needed in order to achieve end-to-end service communication for communications services connecting to the SIP network. There is also a part that is deployed as a SIP servlet in the SIP Server container. In addition, for plug-ins that use HTPP as the transport protocol and handle network-triggered messages from the network node, there is an HTTP servet. HTTP servlets are packaged as Web Archives (WARs) and are packaged in the networ tier EAR for the communication service . The SIP servlet parts are packaged in a set of files: wlng-integration-management.jar, wlng-integration-console-ext.war, wlss-int.ear, and wlng-security.jar.

When adding or removing a plug-in to or from wlng_nt_<communication service>.ear, the EAR must be exploded and the plug-in specific parts being either added or removed.

Listing 14-1describes the elements in wlng_nt_<communication service>.ear.

Listing 14-1 Contents of wlng_nt_<communication service>.ear
            <communication service>_callback_client.jar
            /<utilities 1>.jar
            /<utilities n>.jar
+---<plug-in 1>.jar
+---<plug-in n>.jar
+---<plug-in 1>.war
+---<plug-in n>.war
+---<communication service>_service.jar

All plug-ins in the service enabler are packaged as individual jar files in the root of the EAR together with the service EJB, <communication service>_service.jar.

If a plug-in connects to the telecom network using HTTP and supports network-triggered requests, there is also a corresponding WAR file that contains the servlet.

APP-INF/lib contains any JARs that are shared among the plug-ins in the EAR. This includes the client library for the service callback EJB <communication service>_callback_client.jar and one or more utility jar files can be present, depending on the type of communication service.

META-INF/MANIFEST.MF is a standard manifest file.

META-INF/application.xml is the standard deployment descriptor for Enterprise Application Archives.

META-INF/weblogic-application.xml is the BEA WebLogic Server-specific deployment descriptor, see

META-INF/weblogic-extension.xml is a BEA WebLogic Server-specific deployment dscriptor.

Listing 14-2 describes the elements in a plug-in jar file.

Listing 14-2 Contents of <plug-in X>.jar
+   instancemap
+   srv_depl.xml

The jar contains the regular elements in a jar and also an instancemap, used among other thing to instantiate the plug-in specific implementation of the plug-in interface using the InstanceFactory. See InstanceFactory in Platform Development Studio - Developer’s Guide for more information.

Version Handling of Communication Services

Communication services are versioned and can be upgraded using in-production deployment.

The versioning is on EAR level, which means that all network protocol plug-ins for a given collection of application-facing interface are redeployed.

The version is specified in the attribute Weblogic-Application-Version in META-INF/ in wlng_at_<communication service>.ear and wlng_nt_<communication service>.ear, respectively.

For more information, see

Deploy and Undeploy Communication Services and plug-ins

Individual communication service are deployed and undeployed as EARs.

See for a description of the different deployment options.

The EAR names for each communication service and the JAR names for the network protocol plug-in are found under the heading “Properties for <Communication service>” in the section of Network Gatekeeper Administration Guide (this guide) which describes the management of the network protocol plug-in for the communication service in question.

For example, the EAR names for the Third Party Call communication service is found in Properties for Parlay X 3.0 Third Party Call/Parlay MultiParty Call Control, Properties for Parlay X 2.1 Third Party Call/SIP, and Properties for Parlay X 2.1 Third Party Call/INAP.

The properties section also describes the JAR file for the plug-in and other artifacts, such as third-party libraries, used by the plug-in.

Below is an example on how to undeploy the Parlay X 2.1 Third Party Call communication service:

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://<admin host>:<admin port> -user <admin user> -password <admin password -name wlng_nt_third_party_call_px21 -undeploy -graceful

If a plug-in has been removed from the EAR, use the mechanism described in Performing a Hitless Upgrade.

Version Handling and Patching of Communication Services

To upgrade communication services, patches are applied using a patch tool. The patch tool operates on the EAR files for the communication services. The version of the plug-in is the same as the version of the service enabler it is packaged in, the versioning is on EAR file level.

Below is the typical process for applying patches to communication services.

  1. The patch, in the form of a JAR file is provided.
  2. The patch is applied to the original EAR file witch results in a new, patched, EAR. For example, if the original EAR version is 4.0, the version of the new EAR is 4.0_1. A sequence number should be suffixed to make each version unique.
  3. The new EAR file is deployed and the old version is undeployed, using in-production redeployment, see Hitless Upgrade Using Production Redeployment.
  4. If another issue is detected for the same EAR a second patch JAR is provided.
  5. The patch is applied to the already patched EAR and creates version 4.0_2.
  6. The new patched EAR is deployed.

Alternatively, both patches can be applied at the same time. This will result in the same version as when applying them separately (version 4.0_2).

Patch Tool

Patches are applied using an Ant build file: $BEA_HOME/wlng400/server/bin/build.xml

The correct CLASSPATH must be setup in order for the patch build file. Run or setWLSEnv.cmd located in $BEA_HOME/wlng400/server/bin to setup the environment.

There are two targets available in the build file:

The syntax is:

ant [patch | printpatches] -Dsrc= -Ddest= -Dversion= -Dpatchdir= -Dpatchfiles=

Table 14-1 Arguments to patch build file
This target applies a patch.
This target displays the currently applied patches.
The information includes:
  • Manifest for the EAR
  • Manifest-Version
  • Bundle-Name
  • Created-By
  • Ant-Version
  • Weblogic-Application-Version
  • Bundle-Vendor
  • Bundle-Version
  • For each JAR in the EAR, patched class and ID of the patch is displayed.
The EAR file to apply the patch to.
The EAR file that will contain the patch.
The new version for the EAR. Must be different from the original version.
Directory that holds the patches.
Paths are relative or absolute.
The JAR files that contains the patches. Wild cards are supported.

The patch tool detects conflicts if multiple patches try to patch the same file. In this situation an error message is displayed and combination (combo) patch must be used.


Below are usage examples.

View patch information for a single EAR file.
ant printpatches -Dsrc=original.ear
View patch information for all EARs in specified directory.
ant printpatches -Dsrc=/path_to_ears
Apply a single patch to an EAR.
ant patch -Dsrc=original.ear -Ddest=patched.ear -Dversion=4.0_1 -Dpatchdir=/patches -Dpatchfiles=CR1234.jar
Apply all patches located in the directory /patches.
ant patch -Dsrc=original.ear -Ddest=patched.ear -Dversion=4.0_2 -Dpatchdir=/patches -Dpatchfiles=*.jar


Overview of Container Services and Configuration Files

Table 14-2 gives an overview of the Network Gatekeeper configuration files.

Table 14-2 Network Gatekeeper Configuration files
Contains configuration for...
WebLogic Server, see, with the following additions specific to Network Gatekeeper:
...a <custom-resource>, with <name>accesstier</name>, that specifies the location of at.xml.
...a <custom-resource>, with <name>networktier</name>, that specifies the location of nt.xml.
...A set of <app-deployment> specific for the deployed communication services. See the Deployment Artifacts section for the relevant communication service in Communication Service Reference.

Note: Do not edit this file manually. To manage the life-cycle of communication services, use the Weblogic Server tools, such as the Administration Console’s Deployment page or the command line tools described in

Network Gatekeeper Access Tier container and container services.
This is a custom resource.

Note: Do not edit this file.

Network Gatekeeper Network Tier container and container services.
This is a custom resource.

Note: Do not edit this file.

EDRs, CDRs, and alarms.
This is a custom resource

Note: Do not edit this file manually.

Container services

Table 14-3 describes the Network Gatekeeper container services. The interfaces to these, together with common classes, are packaged in


The container services are packaged in separate JARs, located in $BEA_HOME/wlng400/modules

Table 14-3 Container services
Container service
Performs initial setup during the start-up sequence.
SNMP service.
Initializes the Orbacus ORB and makes that the default ORB.
Broadcasts arbitrary events between modules and servers in a cluster.
Storage service.
Storage provider for persistence using direct database access.
Storage provider for persistence using an invalidating cache.
Storage provider for configuration settings.
EDR service.
Budget service.
Geographical redundancy service.
Account service.
Statistics service.
Generic Policy evaluation service. Wraps implementations of rules engines.
Plug-in manager.

Retired container services

Table 14-4 describes the retired Network Gatekeeper container services. These services are deprecated and are not deployed as a part of standard Network Gatekeeper installation. The services are packaged in:

Disabling of ORB

By default, the Orbacus ORB is started when Network Gatekeeper starts.

The ORB binds to the same IP as WebLogic Server binds to. This can have impact on, among other things, the IOR callbacks having localhost in them if WebLogic Server is configured to listen to localhost.

If a deployment does not use any of the CORBA features, the ORB can be disabled.

When the ORB is disabled none of the EARs that contain modules that require CORBA can be deployed. This includes the EARs that contains any of the Retired container services and also any communication service EAR that includes an OSA/Parlay-type network protocol plug-in. See the administration section for each communication service for information about which parts of the communication service EAR are related to the OSA/Parlay-type network protocol plug-ins.

To disable the ORB, do the following steps on all servers:

  1. Shutdown server.
  2. Edit $Domain_home/config/custom/nt.xml
  3. Remove the line:
  4. Start server.

Patching of Container Services

Patching of container services are done using SmartUpdate, see

Patches to container services and Weblogic Server is done using rolling upgrades, see

The following patches should not be removed using SmartUpdate Tool. The Patch IDs are:

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