System Administrator’s Guide

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Operation and Maintenance: General

The following sections give an overview of the mechanisms available for controlling WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.


Administration Console Overview

Network Gatekeeper Administration Console provides a graphical user interface for configuring, managing, and provisioning Network Gatekeeper. The console is an extension to the console available in WebLogic Server.

At least one Network Tier server must be started prior to logging in to WebLogic Server Administration Console. Network Gatekeeper servers started after logging in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console are not displayed in Network Gatekeeper console. To see them, you must login again.

Administration Console

Use a supported web browser to go to http://<server>:<port>/console where <server> is the instance you have set up as your Administration Server.

Login using your log-in credentials.

Note: If it is the first time Network Gatekeeper is started, use the username weblogic and password weblogic which is what is recommended when the domain is configured. Once you have logged in, create an administrative user using the instructions given in Managing Management Users and Management User Groups, and remove the user weblogic. Either remove or change password for the WebLogic Server user: see

All Network Gatekeeper configuration and monitoring is provided via the following nodes in the left pane of the console, in the Domain Structure group:

MBeans pane

The MBeans pane contains a tree-structure of all management objects applicable for the selected Network Gatekeeper server.

By clicking on a management object, the corresponding Configuration and Provisioning page for the management object is displayed: see Configuration and Provisioning.

It is possible to expand and collapse this pane by clicking Domain Structure -links to management console for Network Gatekeeper or Domain Structure -links to management console for Network Gatekeeper

Figure 3-2 MBeans pane

MBeans pane

Configuration and Provisioning

The Configuration and Provisioning pane contains two tabs:

The Attributes tab displays a list of Attributes, either read-only or read-write for the managed object.

Note: In this document, read-only attributes are indicated by (r) after the name.

Read-write attributes have a check-box next to them.

To change an attribute:

  1. Check the check box.
  2. Enter the new value in the entry-field.
  3. Click Update Attributes.
  4. Figure 3-3 Example Configuration and provisioning pane -Attributes tab

    Example Configuration and provisioning pane -Attributes tab

The Operations tab contains a drop-down list with the operations for the managed object.

Operations either display data, set data, or perform an actual task.

To perform an operation:

  1. Select the operation from the drop-down-list Select An Operation.
  2. The entry-fields for the operation are displayed.

  3. Enter the information in the entry fields.
  4. Click Invoke to perform the operation.
  5. Figure 3-4 Example Configuration and provisioning pane -Operations tab

    Example Configuration and provisioning pane -Operations tab

WebLogic Network Gatekeeper Alarms pane

Figure 3-5 Alarms pane

Alarms pane

The WebLogic Network Gatekeeper Alarms pane displays alarms emitted.

It is possible to filter the output to the page on a set of criteria, see Table 3-1.

The list is returned by clicking Get Alarms.

Table 3-1 WebLogic Network Gatekeeper Alarms pane
Filter on...
Severity of alarms
From the drop-down list labeled Severity, choose which severity level to display: The options are:
  • ALL
The server from which the alarm originates
From the drop-down list labeled Server, choose the server from which to display alarms. The options are:
  • ALL, for all servers
  • <Server name>, for an individual server.
ID of the alarm.
See Handling Alarms for alarm codes. Use 0 (zero) to wildcard.
Time interval
In the field labeled From, enter the start time for the time interval. The options are:
  • Exact time.
  • No given start time. Leave empty.
In the field labeled To, enter the end time for the time interval. The options are:
  • Exact time.
  • No given time. Leave empty.
Exact times are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm., where:
  • YYYY is the year. Four digits required.
  • MM is the month [1...12]
  • DD is the day [1...[28|29|29|30|31]]. Upper limit depends on month and year.
  • hh is the hour [0...23]
  • mm is the minute [0...59]

Note: There must be a white space separating YYYY-MM-DD and hh:mm.

In the field labeled Offset, enter the start offset in the list of alarms entries matching the criteria.
Integer. 0 (zero) is the first entry.
In the field labeled Max, enter the maximum number of alarm entries to return.

WebLogic Network Gatekeeper CDRs Pane

Figure 3-6 CDRs pane

CDRs pane

The WebLogic Network Gatekeeper CDRs pane displays CDRs that have been generated.

It is possible to filter the output to the page on a set of criteria, see Table 3-1.

The list is returned by clicking Get CDRs.

Table 3-2 WebLogic Network Gatekeeper CDRs pane
Filter on...
Service Name
Enter the service name to get CDRs for. The service name is the service type defined for the network protocol plug-in.
Leave empty to wildcard.
Application Id
Enter the application ID to filter on.
Leave empty to wildcard.
Service provider Id
Enter the service provider ID to filter on.
Leave empty to wildcard.
Enter the start time for the time interval. The options are:
  • Exact time.
  • No given start time. Leave empty.
Exact time is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss., where:
  • YYYY is the year. Four digits required.
  • MM is the month [1...12]
  • DD is the day [1...[28|29|29|30|31]]. Upper limit depends on month and year.
  • hh is the hour [0...23]
  • mm is the minute [0...59]
  • ss is the seconds [0...59]

Note: There must be a white space separating YYYY-MM-DD and hh:mm:ss.

Enter the end time for the time interval. The options are:
  • Exact time.
  • No given time. Leave empty.
Exact times are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss., where:
  • YYYY is the year. Four digits required.
  • MM is the month [1...12]
  • DD is the day [1...[28|29|29|30|31]]. Upper limit depends on month and year.
  • hh is the hour [0...23]
  • mm is the minute [0...59]
  • ss is the seconds [0...59]

Note: There must be a white space separating YYYY-MM-DD and hh:mm:ss.

Enter the start offset in the list of alarms entries matching the criteria.
Integer. 0 (zero) is the first entry.
Enter the maximum number of alarm entries to return.

WebLogic Network Gatekeeper and WebLogic SIP Server management console for SIP-based communication services

Network Gatekeeper also has an Administration Console for Network Gatekeeper related configuration in WebLogic SIP Server. This is only relevant for the SIP Server parts of Network Gatekeeper communication services, and handles settings for the modules deployed in WebLogic SIP server.

Starting the Network Gatekeeper administration console:

Use a Web browser to go to http://<server>:<port>/console on the WebLogic SIP Server Administration server.

Login using your log-in credentials.

The Administration Console is similar to the core console available in WebLogic Server. All Network Gatekeeper specific configuration is done via the WLNG Integration node in the left pane of the console, in the Domain Structure group.

Figure 3-7 Domain Structure -links to management console for Network Gatekeeper SIP Server integration modules deployed in WebLogic SIP Server

Domain Structure -links to management console for Network Gatekeeper SIP Server integration modules deployed in WebLogic SIP Server

Network Gatekeeper Integration Configuration page

The Network Gatekeeper Integration Configuration page contains a set of tabs that contain general integration configuration attributes and communication service specific configuration attributes.

These attributes use the Lock and Edit functionality provided by WebLogic Server Administration console.

Figure 3-8 Network Gatekeeper Integration Configuration page in WebLogic SIP server

Network Gatekeeper Integration Configuration page in WebLogic SIP server


Java Management Extensions (JMX)

Network Gatekeeper exposes its management interfaces as JMX MBeans.

These MBeans come in two flavours:

Note: A link to JavaDoc for OAM can be found in the Reference topic page in the Network Gatekeeper documentation set on See the reference section for each OAM service for the fully qualified MBean names and how they map to managed objects in Network Gatekeeper Administration Console

Below is an example of connecting to the MBean server and performing an operation on the JMX interfaces.

Listing 3-1 Example of using JMX to manage Network Gatekeeper
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.naming.Context;
public class TestMgmt {
  private static MBeanServerConnection connection;
  private static JMXConnector connector;
  * Initialize connection to the Domain Runtime MBean Server
  public static void initConnection(String hostname, String portString,
                                    String username, String password) throws IOException,
      MalformedURLException {
    String protocol = "t3";
    Integer portInteger = Integer.valueOf(portString);
    int port = portInteger.intValue();
    String jndiroot = "/jndi/";
    String mserver = "";
    JMXServiceURL serviceURL = new JMXServiceURL(protocol, hostname,
        port, jndiroot + mserver);
    Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
    h.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username);
    h.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
    connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceURL, h);
    connection = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String hostname = args[0];   //hostname of the admin server
    String portString = args[1]; //port of the admin server
    String username = args[2];
    String password = args[3];
    String mbserverName = args[4];  //NT server name
    String operationName = "addRoute";
    String id = "Plugin_px21_multimedia_messaging_mm7";
    String addressExpression = ".*";
    String[] params = new String[]{id, addressExpression};
    String[] signature = new String[]{"java.lang.String", "java.lang.String"};
    ObjectName on;
    try {
      on = new ObjectName("com.bea.wlcp.wlng:Name=wlng,InstanceName=PluginManager,Type= com.bea.wlcp.wlng.plugin.PluginManagerMBean,Location=" + mbserverName);
    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
      throw new AssertionError(e.getMessage());
    initConnection(hostname, portString, username, password);
    //invoke the operation
    Object result = connection.invoke(on, operationName, params, signature);
    System.out.println(result.toString());  //displays the result

If setting an attribute or calling an operation fails a, or a subclass of this exception is thrown. The following subclasses are defined:

DuplicateKeyException - Thrown when the operation results in creating a duplicate key

InputManagementException - Thrown for invalid user input

KeyNotFoundException - Thrown when the operation cannot find the specified key

A JMX client must have the same version of exception classes available; otherwise the client will throw ClassNotFoundException.

$BEA_Home/wlng_et400/lib/wlng/oam.jar contains custom classes for OAM and return types.

$BEA_Home/wlng_et400/doc/javadoc_oam contains JavDoc for OAM.


WebLogic Scripting Tool (WSLT)

The following section gives examples of how to use the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) in both interactive and script mode when configuring and managing Network Gatekeeper.

For information about Weblogic Server and WLST, see

The following topics are covered:

Note: A link to JavaDoc for OAM can be found on the Reference topic page in the Network Gatekeeper documentation set on

Working in interactive mode

Starting WLST and connecting to Network Gatekeeper

  1. Make sure the correct Java environment is set:
  2. UNIX: $Domain_Home/bin/


    Windows: $Domain_Home\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd

  3. Start WLST: java weblogic.WLST
  4. Connect to the server to manage:
  5. connect('<username>','<password>', 't3://<host>:<port>')

  6. Change to the custom tree where Network Gatekeeper MBeans are located:
  7. custom()


  8. Display a list of the Mbeans: ls()
  9. The MBean names are also displayed in each Configuration and Provisioning page for the management objects in the Network Gatekeeper Management Console.

  10. Select the MBean to change:
  11. cd('com.bea.wlcp.wlng:Name=wlng_nt,Type=<MBean name>')

    For example, to select the MBean for the EDRService, use:


Exiting WLST

  1. Disconnect from Network Gatekeeper: disconnect()
  2. Exit the WLST shell: exit()

Changing an attribute

  1. Select the MBean to change attribute for.
  2. Set the attribute: set('<name of attribute>', <value of attribute>)
  3. For example, to change the attribute BatchSize to 2001 in the managed object EDRService: set('BatchSize', 2001)

  4. The attribute values for an MBean can be displayed using: ls()

Invoking an operation

  1. Select the MBean to invoke an operation on.
  2. Define the parameters as an array.
  3. Define the data types as an array.
  4. Invoke the operation.

For example, to invoke the displayStatistics method in the EDRService MBean:


objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object)

strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String)


This operation has no arguments.

Another example: to add a route using the MBean for the Plug-in Manager:

cd(‘com.bea.wlcp.wlng:Name=wlng,InstanceName=PluginManager,Type=com.bea.wlcp.wlng.plugin.PluginManagerMBean ‘)


strs=jarray.array(['java.lang.String', 'java.lang.String'],String)

invoke('addRoute', objs, strs)

The method addRoute takes two arguments, and the values of the parameters are stated in the same order as the parameters are defined in the signature of the method.

Note: For a method that has input parameters and a string return value, the invoke command can be executed as follows:
objs = jarray.array([java.lang.String('stringInput1'),java.lang.String(‘stringInput2’), java.lang.String(‘StringInput3’)],java.lang.Object)
strs = jarray.array(['java.lang.String', 'java.lang.String’, 'java.lang.String’],java.lang.String)

Scripting WLST

When using WLST together with scripts, WLST is invoked as follows:

java weblogic.WLST <script name>.py <argument 1> <argument 2> ...<argument n>

The arguments can be retrieved from within the scripts in the array sys.argv[], where sys.argv[0] is the script name, sys.argv[1] is the second argument and so on. It may be useful to specify login information and connection information as arguments to the scripts.

Below is a script that connects to Network Gatekeeper and changes to an MBean defined by argument.

Listing 3-2 Example of script
userName = sys.argv[1]
passWord = sys.argv[2]
objectName = sys.argv[5]
objectName = "com.bea.wlcp.wlng:Name=wlng_nt,Type=" + sys.argv[5] 
print objectName
connect(userName, passWord, url)

For example: To invoke the script:

java weblogic.WLST weblogic weblogic localhost 7001 com.bea.wlcp.wlng:Name=wlng,InstanceName=PluginManager,Type=com.bea.wlcp.wlng.plugin.PluginManagerMBean

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