System Administrator’s Guide

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Managing and Configuring Statistics and Transaction Licenses

The following sections describe the statistics functionality and the operation and maintenance procedures for statistics:


About Statistics Generation and Reports

WebLogic Network Gatekeeper keeps usage statistics in terms of the number of transactions handled over time. Transactions are grouped into transaction types. Transaction types are used for transaction limits enforcement and for grouping reports. Transaction types are in turn grouped into different categories for license enforcement. For more information on transaction types and licensing, see Licensing, a separate document in this set.

Statistics are only generated by communication services. Verification mechanisms ensure that all network protocol plug-ins have the statistics aspects applied. This verification takes place when the plug-in is deployed into Network Gatekeeper.

Statistics are held in an in-memory store and flushed to database at a given time interval. Statistics reports are created based on information in the database.

It is possible to get a snapshot of the current status of the transaction, or request, counters. This information is fetched from the in-memory store.

These report types are available:


Overview of Statistics Reports

Statistics are used to generate reports filtered on a number of parameters:

Note: All combinations of the above are not supported.

System Report to Console

This report is created by Operation: getSystemStatistics. The output is presented in the console.

System Report to File

This report is created by Operation: saveStatisticsToFile. The format is adapted for programmatic processing of the file.

Weekly System Report

The weekly report is a pre-defined report. It shows the total number of transactions through Network Gatekeeper hour by hour during a specified week. It also shows total usage for each day and the average transaction rate (transactions/second) during the busy hour of each day. The busy hour is defined as the 60 minutes during which the largest number of transactions are handled, and does not depend on clock hours. Any 60 minute period (5 minute intervals are used) can be identified as the busy hour.

A weekly system statistics report shows:

This report is stored on file.

License Limit Log Report

A license limit log can be extracted from the Network Gatekeeper. The log file contains a set of entries, where each entry represents the average transactions per second during the busy hour of a 24-hour period starting at 12:00 AM and ending 11:59 PM the previous day.

The license limit log report is an XML file with a header and a footer.

Listing 7-1 Structure of license limit log file


	<start> </start>
	<end> </end>


All information is contained within the tags <transaction_limit_log>.

A header, encapsulated by the tag <header>, contains information on the time period over which the log is generated, with a start and end date in the tags <start> and <end>, respectively. The format is DD-MM-YYYY.

Directly following the tag </end>, one or more log entries are found in the tag <log_entry>.

There is one <log_entry> created for each day and transaction type.

This tag contains a set of attributes:

A checksum is contained in the tag <checksum>. This tag contains a checksum created based on the content of the file. The checksum is used for validating that the file has not been changed.

Listing 7-2 License limit log file example
<log_entry group="BEA-modules" start="2007-01-01 13:45" end="2007-01-01 14:45" tps="27.35" limit="50" exceeded="false"/> 

For more information about licensing, see Transaction Based Licensing.

Counter Snapshots

Counter snapshots are a real-time snapshot of the statistics counters, to see the counter snapshot for the local server, use Attribute: CounterSnapshot (r)

The snapshot is organized into different categories.

Counter snapshot category
Per server
Sum of the statistics counters for all requests regardless of the originator of the request.
Per server and service provider
Sum of the statistics counters for all requests originating from a given service provider, regardless of application.
Per server and service provider and application
Sum of the statistics counters for all requests originating from a given service provider and application.

The output is in the form of key value pairs, described below.

Server name.
Application ID.
Empty if counter snapshot category is per server or per server and service provider.
Service provider ID.
Empty if counter snapshot category is per server or per server and service provider.
Statistics type.
num of transactions:
The snapshot of the counter.


Managing StatisticService

Configure the StatisticService

To configure...
Statistics persistence interval

Configure Statistics Types and Transaction Types

Statistics types
Add a new
Remove an existing
List existing

View In-Flight Statistics counters

To view a snapshot of...
a subset of the statistics counters

Generate Statistics Reports

To generate a...
license log report
weekly report
statistics summary over a time interval
statistics summary over the last minutes

Operation: getSystemStatistics

statistics report to file

Operation: saveStatisticsToFile

Reference: attributes and operations for StatisticsService

Managed object: Container ServicesArrow symbolStatisticsService


Below is a list of attributes and operations for configuration and maintenance:


Attribute: CounterSnapshot (r)

Read only.

Scope: Server

Displays a snapshot with information about all statistics-related counters for the chosen Network Gatekeeper server.

The information is useful for analyzing runtime traffic and, by invoking it periodically, can be used to get an approximate value of the traffic throughput. See Counter Snapshots.

Note: The counters are reset periodically.

Attribute: StoreInterval

Unit: seconds.

Scope: Cluster

Specifies how often statistics data is persisted to the database.

Operation: addStatisticType

Scope: Cluster

Adds a statistic type. Used to add a statistics type for custom communication services.


addStatisticType(Id: int, Name: String)

Table 7-1 addStatisticType
Statistic type ID.
Statistic type name. Descriptive name for the statistic type.

Operation: createLicenseLimitLog

Scope: Cluster

Creates a license limit supervision log that contains information about the busy hour transaction rate for each transaction group and day during a given time period.


createLicenseLimitLog(filename: String, startDate: String, endDate: String)

Table 7-2 createLicenseLimitLog
The filename for the report. The file is created on the local file system of the selected server. Must include an absolute path.

Note: The file must not already exist. If it already exists, the operation will fail.

Specifies the start date for the report.
Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
Specifies the end date for the report.
Format is YYYY-MM-DD.

Operation: createWeeklyReport

Scope: Cluster

Creates a weekly report. See Weekly System Report for a description of the report.


createWeeklyReport(SpAccountId: String, StartDate: String, FileName: String, Decimals: int)

Table 7-3 createWeeklyReport
Service provider ID to filter on.

Note: Leave empty to include all service provider account in the report.

Specifies the start date for the report.
Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
The filename for the report. Must include an absolute path. The file is created on the local file system of the selected server.
Note: The file must not already exist. If it already exists, the operation will fail.
Number of decimals in the entry for transactions/second in the report.

Operation: getStatistics

Scope: Cluster or Server

Displays a detailed statistics report for a specific service provider and application. Wildcards and filters apply.


getStatistics(ServerName: String, StatisticType: String, fromDate: String, toDate: String)

Table 7-4 getStatistics
Specifies the name of the server to display statistics from.

Leave empty to display statistics generated in all servers.

Specifies the statistics type ID for the statistics type to display. See Operation: listStatisticTypes.

Note: Use -1 to display all statistics types.

Specifies the start date and time for the interval to display.
Format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm.

Note: Leave empty to display all statistics up to the date and time specified in toDate.

Specifies the end date and time for the interval to display.
Format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm.

Note: Leave empty to display all statistics generated from the date and time specified in fromDate up to current date and time.

Service provider account ID to filter on. Leave empty to wildcard.
Application account ID to filter on. Leave empty to wildcard.

Operation: getSystemStatistics

Scope: Cluster or Server

Displays a summary of system statistics for the last minute (s). See Overview of Statistics Reports for information on output format.


getSystemStatistics(minutes: int)

Table 7-5 getSystemStatistics
The number of minutes relative to the current time.

Operation: listStatisticTypeDescriptors

Scope: Cluster

Displays a list of all available statistics type descriptors. The descriptors contain information on transactionTypeName and transactionTypeID.



Table 7-6 listStatisticTypeDescriptors

Operation: listStatisticTypes

Scope: Cluster

Specifies the statistics types included in the statistics reports.



Table 7-7 listStatisticTypes

Operation: removeStatisticType

Scope: Cluster

Removes a statistics type.


removeStatisticType(statisticsType: int)

Table 7-8 listStatistics
ID for the statistics type.

Operation: saveStatisticsToFile

Scope: Cluster/Server

Saves a statistics report to file.


saveStatisticsToFile(serverName: String, StatisticType: String, fromDate: String, toDate: String, filename: String)

Table 7-9 saveStatisticsToFile
Specifies the name of the server.
Leave empty for statistics generated in all servers.
ID for the statistics type.

Note: Use -1 to display all statistics types.

Specifies the start date and time for the time interval.
Format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm.

Note: Leave empty for all statistics up to the date and time specified in toDate.

Specifies the end date and time for the time interval.
Format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm.

Note: Leave empty for all statistics generated from the date and time specified in fromDate up to current date and time.

Specifies the filename for the report. Must include an absolute path. The file is created on the local file system of the selected server.

Note: The file must not already exist. If it does already exist, the method will fail.


Transaction Types

A set of transaction types are defined for the communication services that come as a part of Network Gatekeeper. The transaction type TRANSACTION_TYPE_EXTENSION is used for new communication services, developed as extensions to Network Gatekeeper.

Which events generate which statistics for a certain transaction type are described in the Communication Service Reference, in the sub-section Statistics for the communication service in question.

The information includes correlation maps between methods being invoked from either an application or the telecom network and the corresponding transaction type, see the sub-section Statistics in the Communication Service Reference.

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