Concepts and Architectural Overview

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Related Documentation

Introducing WebLogic Network Gatekeeper

What Network Gatekeeper Provides

Access to telecom network service capabilities using APIs based on well-known Web Services standards

Access to WebLogic SIP server for connectivity to SIP network infrastructure

Application development tools

Web Service integration for automating partner management

Common access control for both internal and 3rd party applications

Flexible authorization control based on fine-grained policy decisions

Enhanced network protection

Built-in network routing

Carrier grade and fully scalable architecture

OSS and billing system integration

Subscriber personalization and protection

Extensible architecture

Software Architecture Overview


Communication Services

Container Services

Deployment Model

Introducing Communication Services


How they work

Typical Application-initiated Traffic Flow

Typical Network-triggered Traffic Flow

Platform Features

Service Level Agreements and Policy Enforcement

Service Level Agreements and Network Protection

Traffic Security

Events, Alarms, and Charging

Statistics and Transaction Units (Licensing)

Developing and Testing Applications




Managing Application Service Providers


The Administration Model

Partner Relationship Management Interfaces

Other Tasks Associated with Administering Service Providers

Managing Network Gatekeeper: OAM


The WLS and Network Gatekeeper Management Console

OAM Tasks Overview

OSS Integration

Charging and Billing Integration



Data Generation

Billing System Integration

Billing gateways

CDR database

Redundancy, Load Balancing, and High Availability


Traffic Management Inside Network Gatekeeper

Application-initiated Traffic

Network-triggered Traffic

Registering Notifications with Network Nodes

Notification Life Span

When the Network Node Supports Primary and Secondary Notification

When the Network Node Supports Only Single Notification

Network Configuration

Geographic Redundancy

Service Extensibility


The Platform Development Studio

Standards and Specifications

Application-facing interfaces

Parlay X 2.1

Parlay X 3.0

Extended Web Services

Binary SMS

WAP Push

Subscriber Profile LDAP

Network protocol plug-ins


Identity and Trust

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