Platform Development Studio - Developer’s Guide

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Converting Traffic Paths and Plug-ins to Communication Services

Traffic paths and network protocol plug-ins developed as extensions to Network Gatekeeper 3.0 can be converted to communication services and deployed in this release using the procedure described in this section.

Plug-ins and traffic paths developed for Network Gatekeeper 2.2 and earlier should be re-engineered in order to take full advantage of the improvements of the platforms.

A pre-requisite is to have the source code for the traffic path and plug-in that is to be converted.


Converting Network Protocol Plug-ins

The procedure for converting a plug-in for an existing communication service is:

  1. Generate a a new plug-in using the Platform Development Studio Eclipse Wizard, see Using the Eclipse Wizard.
  2. Copy the src directory of the plug-in to be converted to the src directory of the new plug-in.
  3. If no MBean class is declared, remove the javadoc2annotation target from the build.xml file for the new plug-in.


Converting Traffic Paths

The procedure for converting a traffic path to a communication service is:

  1. Generate a new common service with the same settings as the traffic path to be converted using the Platform Development Studio Eclipse Wizard, see Using the Eclipse Wizard.
  2. Copy any customized part from the traffic_path directory for the traffic path to be converted to common directory for new communication service.
  3. Copy the src directory of the plug-in to be converted to the src directory of the new plug-in.
  4. If no MBean class is declared, remove the javadoc2annotation target from the build.xml file for the new plug-in.



Below are a few items that should be verified during the conversion process:

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