Managing Accounts and SLAs

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Defining Global Node and Service Provider Group Node SLAs

In addition to SLAs that describe an applications use of Network Gatekeeper, there is a separate SLA that defines that application’s access to underlying network elements. In addition, there is an SLA that defines Network Gatekeeper as a whole’s access to underlying network elements. These are known as Node SLAs and are expressed in XML.

This section describes:


Structure of a Node Service Level Agreement

Table 10-1 Structure and contents of a global node and service provider group node SLA
Main tag. Contains:
<nodeContract>, zero (0) or more.
<globalContract>, zero (0) or more.

Note: <nodeContract> and <globalContract> are mutually exclusive in one SLA instance.

Has the following attributes:
serviceProviderGroupID, that contains the service provider group ID for the SLA is associated with, in the case of a service provider group node SLA. Remove if it is a global node SLA
Parent tag: <Sla>.
Defines under which conditions one, or a set of network node(s) can be accessed by Network Gatekeeper. This contract takes into account which service provider a requests originates from.
This tag is use for service provider node SLAs. These SLAs are provisioned using the management operations described in Service Provider Node SLAs.
Contains the following tags:
  • <startDate>, one (1)
  • <endDate>, one (1)
  • <nodeID>, one (1)
  • <nodeRestrictions>, zero (0) or one (1).
Parent tag: <Sla>.
Defines under which conditions one or a set of network node(s) can be accessed by Network Gatekeeper. This contract does not take into account which service provider a requests originates from. It defines how Network Gatekeeper as a whole can use the node(s).
These SLAs are provisioned using the management operations described in Global node SLAs
Contains the following tags:
  • <startDate>, one (1)
  • <endDate>, one (1)
  • <nodeID>, one (1)
  • <globalRestrictions>, zero (0) or one (1)
Parent: <nodeContract>
Contains the following tags:
  • <nodeRestriction>, zero (0) or one (1)
Parent: <nodeRestrictions>
Contains the following tags:
  • <reqLimit>, zero (0) or one (1)
  • <timePeriod>, zero (0) or one (1)
Parent: <nodeContract>
Contains the following tags:
<globalRestriction>, zero (0) or one (1)
Parent: <globalRestrictions>
Contains the following tags:
  • <reqLimit>, zero (0) or one (1)
  • <timePeriod>, zero (0) or one (1)
  • <guaranteePercentage>, zero (0) or one (1)
Specifies the date the service provider or WebLogic Network Gatekeeper, depending of it is a service provider group node SLA or a global node SLA can start accessing the network node.
Format YYYY-MM-DD.
Specifies the last date (expiry date) the service provider or WebLogic Network Gatekeeper can access the network node.
Format YYYY-MM-DD.
Specifies the network node's node ID as registered in the Plug-in manager.A node ID can be assigned to one or more network nodes and the contract is subsequently valid for one or a group of nodes.
The plug-in manager is used for provisioning of node IDs, see the section about the Plug-in manager in the System Administrator’s Guide.

Content of this tag specifies a number of requests.

Specifies the number of requests allowed during the time-period specified in <timePeriod>.

Specifies the time period during which the request limit, specified in <reqLimit>, is valid.
Unit: milliseconds.
Specifies at which request rate only requests that are guaranteed are passed on the network node. Requests are marked as guaranteed in the service provider group and application group SLAs. Expressed as a fraction of <reqLimit> divided by <timeperiod>.
Unit: percentage.


Node SLA Overview

The SLAs are written in XML. The SLA looks slightly different depending on the type of node SLA. The types are:

The schema for the global node SLA is found in:

$BEA_Home/wlng400/modules/com.bea.wlcp.wlng.policy_<version>.jar: sla_schema/global_node_sla_file.xsd

The schema for the service provider group node SLA is found in:

$BEA_Home/wlng400/modules/com.bea.wlcp.wlng.policy_<version>.jar: sla_schema/sp_node_sla_file.xsd


Service Provider Group Node SLA

The service provider group node SLA consists of an <sla> tag containing zero (0) or more <nodeContract> tags as shown in Listing 10-1. The serviceProviderGroupID attribute specifies the service provider group for which the SLA file is valid. The structure and contents of the <nodeContract> tag is further described in Global contract data.

Listing 10-1 Service provider group node SLA
<Sla serviceProviderGroupID="spGroup1"
    <!--Contract data for network node 1-->
    <!--Contract data for network node 2-->
    <!--Contract data for network node n-->

Node Contract

The <nodeContract> tags contains a set of tags that define under which conditions a network node can be accessed by a service provider. See Listing 10-2. The contents of each tag are further described below the listing.

Listing 10-2 <nodeContract> tag contents


Global Node SLA

The global node SLA consists of an <sla> tag containing zero (0) or more <globalContract> tags as shown in Listing 10-3. In this case, the serviceProviderGroupID attribute is left empty. The structure and contents of the <globalContract> tag are further described in Node Contract.

Listing 10-3 Global Node SLA
<Sla xmlns:xsi=""
    <!--Contract data for network node 1-->
    <!--Contract data for network node 2-->
    <!--Contract data for network node n-->

Global Contract

The <globalContract> tags contains a set of tags that define under which conditions a network node can be accessed. The contents of each tag are further described below in Listing 10-4.

Listing 10-4 <globalContract> tag contents

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