Communication Service Reference

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Events, Alarms, and Charging



The following chapter describes the features common to the handling of events, charging, and alarms in Network Gatekeeper.



Events are handled differently in the Access Tier and Network Tier.

Event handling in the Access Tier

The Access Tier runs in the WebLogic Server’s Web Services Container, so events or alarms that are raised there can be monitored through standard JMX mechanisms or by using the WebLogic Diagnostics Framework.

See Developing Manageable Applications with JMX and Configuring and Using the WebLogic Diagnostics Framework for more information on how this works.

Event handling in the Network Tier

In the Network Tier, much of the functionality comes from the interaction between communication services and Network Gatekeeper’s Container Services. To capture this specialized level of information, and other pertinent information about the status of the tier, Network Gatekeeper has developed specific mechanisms to record the data.

In standard communication services, all status information generated by the Network Tier - events, alarms, charging data, and usage statistics - begins as an event, which is fired whenever designated methods are called or exceptions are thrown. These events are then sent to the EDR Service. In the EDR Service, events are processed through XML-based filters, which provide the criteria by which the events are classified into types. The filters can also be used to transform the data in the original event, including adding other useful information. Once the information has been processed by the filters, it is delivered to type-specific listeners. Out of the box, there are three types of filters that are all found in tthe file wlng-edr.xml. They produce three distinct types of data: Event Data Records (EDRs), Charging Data Records (CDRs), and Alarms. All three of these filters can be customized as desired, using the Administrative Console. These filters can also deliver desired event-based information to external JMS-based listeners. Such listeners are set up as standard JMS topic subscribers and can be anywhere on the network. See the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper - System Administrator’s Guide for more information on setting up these filters.

Note: For the purposes of backwards compatibility, events, alarms, and charging records can be published and delivered to 2.2 style, as well as standard style, listeners, but this mechanism has been deprecated since version 3.0.

Each EDR always includes:

The type of EDR
The service type (SMS, Call Handling, etc.) that produced the event
The name of the WLS host
The time at which the event was triggered (in milliseconds from midnight 1 January 1970)
The transaction ID from WebLogic Server, if available. This identifies the thread on which the request is executed
The name of the class that logged the event
The name of the method that logged the event
The kind of event. There are two possible values for this field:
  • Method: the event was fired in relation to a method call
  • Exception: the event was fired in relation to an exception being thrown

In addition, most events include:

The direction in which the request is traveling. There are two possible values for this field:
  • South: traveling toward the network node
  • North: traveling toward the application
The position of the EDR relative to the method that logged the EDR. There are two possible values for this field:
  • Before: the event occurred before the method
  • After: the event occurred after the method
The interface at which the EDR is logged. There are three possible values for this field:
  • North: the event was logged at the north plug-in interface
  • South: the event was logged at the south plug-in interface
  • Other: the event was logged someplace other than the north or south interfaces
The name of the exception that triggered the EDR
The application’s session identifier
The service provider account identifier
The application account identifier
The authentication user name of the Application Account. This is a string that is equivalent to the 2.2 value: Application Instance Group ID
The originating address with scheme. For example: tel:12123334444
The destination address. If this is a send list, the first address will be listed here. Additional addresses are stored in the AdditionalInfo field.
Variable information depending on the communication service. Stored as “key=value\n” pairs.
The unique id of the plug-in instance.



Network Tier alarms are those events that are of immediate interest to the operator. They are EDRs that are defined via filters created in the internal configuration file. While each alarm begins as an EDR, not all the information available in the EDR is stored when the alarm is written to the database (although that information can be retrieved using an external listener). Each alarm entry in the database includes the following information:

A unique sequential identifier
The name of the software module that raised the alarm and the IP address of the server in which the module runs. This is not the same as the Source field in the event
The time at which the event was triggered (in milliseconds from midnight 1 January 1970)
The importance of the alarm. There are four possible values for this field:
  • 4 for warning
  • 3 for minor
  • 2 for major
  • 1 for critical
The alarm type
Information provided by the module that raised the alarm
This field includes:
  • Service Provider ID
  • Application ID
  • Application Instance ID
  • Plug-in instance ID
  • Other information depending on context

Management integration

Network Gatekeeper supports integration of its alarm and event mechanisms with external management tools.


An Operation Support System (OSS) can integrate with WebLogic Network Gatekeeper alarm and event services through the creation of external JMS listeners. As well, integration can be managed via OAM scripts through the use of JMX-based tools.


WebLogic Network Gatekeeper also supports the sending of alarms as SNMP traps to SNMP managers. The alarms sent to the SNMP managers can be filtered on alarm severity.


Charging Data Records

Charging Data Records originate as filtered EDRs. While each CDR begins as an EDR, not all the information available in the EDR is stored when the CDR is written to the database (although that information can be retrieved using an external listener). Each CDR entry in the database includes the following information:

The Network Gatekeeper transaction sequence number
The communication service whose use is being tracked
The Service Provider ID
The Application ID
The user name of the Application Account. This is a string that is equivalent to the 2.2 value: Application Instance Group ID
The transaction ID from WebLogic Server, if available. This identifies the thread on which the request is executed
The name of the server in which the CDR was generated
The time at which the event was triggered (in milliseconds from midnight 1 January 1970)
An identifier that allows the usage of multiple service types to be correlated into a single charging unit
An ID correlating related transactions within a service capability module that belong to one charging session. For example, a call containing three call-legs will produce three separate transactions within the same session.

Note: In installations where sessions are not used, this field contains only a placeholder value.

The date and time the request began to use the services of the underlying network.
The date and time the destination party responded. Used for Call Control traffic only.
The date and time the request stopped using the services of the underlying network.
The total time the request used the services of the underlying network.
The used amount. Used when charging is not time dependent, as in, for example, flat rate services.
The originating party's address.
The destination party's address. This is the first address in the case of send lists, with all additional addresses placed in the additional_info field.
A service code added by the application or by policy service.
If the communication service supports send lists, all destination addresses other than the first, under the key “destinationParty”. In addition any other information provided by the communication service

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