Release Notes

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Resolved Problems for Service Pack 2

The following table summarizes the issues that were resolved in WebLogic SIP Server 2.0.2.

Table 4-1 Problems Resolved in Version 2.0.2
Change Request Number
The product license file, sip-license.xml, was moved to the WebLogic SIP Server product directory (BEA_HOME/wlss202).
The code was modified so that SIP message Via, Contact, and Record-Route headers can be populated with the correct IP address on multihomed machines. See Setting Up Connectors.
WebLogic SIP Server generated an exception if an INVITE request contained a Route header having the server's IP address. The code was modified to remove the Route header and forward the request.
If a SIP request did not contain a Max-Forwards header, WebLogic SIP Server would throw a javax.servlet.sip.TooManyHopsException and respond with code 483. This behavior did not match the specified behavior, which is to decrement the Max-Forwards value by one of the header is present. The code was changed to match the specified behavior.
WebLogic SIP Server threw an exception if a From address contained a "<" or ">" symbol. The code was modified to address this problem.
The code was modified to support configurable SIP timers. See Configuring SIP Timers.
CR219912, CR221880
WebLogic SIP Server did not observe the Record-Route header for BYE or ACK messages. Instead, BYE and ACK messages were sent using the Contact header, ignoring the record-route hierarchy. This problem was solved with a change to the code.
WebLogic SIP Server did not generate an error if it could not bind to a configured UDP port (for example, if the port was already in use). The code was modified to generate an appropriate message when the server cannot bind to a configured port.
To improve proxy performance, the code was modified to first use UDP with a fixed buffer size, and then switch to TCP only if the message size exceeds the MTU size. This code fix also improves compliance with the SIP specification, because responses that exceed the configured MTU size are no longer rejected, but are instead sent over UDP if the original Request was via UDP.
When forwarding messages having Route header values and a proxyTo() destination, WebLogic SIP Server forwarded to the proxyTo() destination rather than the first Route value. The code was changed to comply with the SIP specification; Route headers are now handled based on the transaction user in question and on whether a dialog is established.
WebLogic SIP Server could potentially proxy a CANCEL request if a SIP application failed to implement a doCancel() method but the doRequest() method proxied the CANCEL. The code was modified to ensure that CANCEL requests are not proxied even if the SIP application attempts to proxy them in doRequest().
WebLogic SIP Server returned an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception when 0 bytes were read from a stream. This issue was resolved with a code fix.
WebLogic SIP Server 2.0.2 includes a "no-op" authentication provider, called the Identity Assertion Authenticator, that performs neither group population nor user existence checking. You can configure this provider and use it with the Digest Identity Asserter provider when neither group population nor user existence checking is required, in order to save an additional round-trip connection to the LDAP server. See Configuring Digest Authentication for WebLogic SIP Server for more information.
Trusted hosts can now be configured in order to bypass authentication for listed host addresses. See Configuring Trusted Hosts.
A deadlock situation could occur when two messages were received by a B2BUA servlet at the same time and each leg tried to forward the response to the other leg. This issue was resolved with a code fix.
Weblogic SIP Server did not consider DNS names in Route headers when proxying requests; if a Route header contained a DNS name that resolved to the IP address of WebLogic SIP Server itself, the Route header was not removed when proxying the request to its destination. The code was changed to resolve the DNS name in the Route header and remove the header if the name resolved to the IP address of the server. WebLogic SIP Server caches the IP address to avoid repeated DNS lookups.

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