Installing BEA WebLogic SIP Server

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WebLogic SIP Server Quick-Start Installation

This document summarizes the tasks required to install and configure a multiple-server installation of WebLogic SIP Server 3.0. It is intended for users who are already familiar with WebLogic Server installation and configuration, or for users who want to quickly set up a multiple-server configuration for demonstration or evaluation. If you are unfamiliar with installing BEA products or you want to perform automated or non-graphical installations, see Installing WebLogic SIP Server instead.

This document contains the following sections:


Overview of Installation Steps

The quick-start installation involves performing the following steps:


Step 1: Install WebLogic SIP Server on All Machines

The WebLogic SIP Server software must be available on all server machines that will run a WebLogic SIP Server instance. Follow these steps for the Administration Server machine and for all other machines that will run a Managed Server:

  1. Execute the installation program for your operating system. To execute the Linux binary installation program:
  2. chmod a+x ./sipserver300_linux32.bin

    (Substitute the appropriate filename for the installation program you have obtained.)

    To launch the generic JAR file installation:

    1. Ensure that the path to the bin directory of a supported Java VM is part of your PATH environment variable.
    2. Launch the generic installer with:
    3. java -jar ./sipserver300_generic.jar
  3. Follow the prompts to install WebLogic SIP Server on the local machine.
  4. Exit the installation program.

See Installing WebLogic SIP Server for more information about using the installation program.


Step 2: Create an Administrative Domain

All related WebLogic SIP Server instances must be members of the same administrative domain. The Configuration Wizard provided with WebLogic SIP Server contains several templates to help you create different types of domains. The templates are provides as JAR files in the WLSS_HOME/common/templates/domains directory. Table 2-1 describes the available templates.

Table 2-1 WebLogiC SIP Server Domain Templates
Template Name
Creates a multiple-server domain consisting of a Diameter Sh client node, a Diameter relay node, and a Diameter HSS simulator.
Creates a new, single-server domain with the findme example automatically deployed.
Creates a primary WebLogic SIP Server site having that replicates call state data data to the engine tier servers created in geo2domain.jar using geographic redundancy features.
Creates a secondary site that replicates call state data from the domain created with geo1domain.jar.
Creates a new template domain having two data tier server instances, an engine tier server instance, and an Administration Server instance. Select this template for any multiple-server WebLogic SIP Server installation; you can modify this basic domain to add or remove servers as necessary.
Creates an empty single-server domain that you can use for developing your own applications.

Follow these steps to install a new WebLogic SIP Server domain:

  1. Access the server machine that will be used as the Administration Server. The domain directory and associated files for the domain will remain on the Administration Server machine. Other servers in the WebLogic SIP Server installation (data tier and engine tier servers) will obtain their configuration by connecting to the Administration Server at boot time.
  2. Start the Configuration Wizard application:
  3. cd ~/bea/sipserver30	/common/bin
  4. Accept the default selection, Create a new WebLogic domain, and click Next.
  5. Select Base this domain on an existing template, and click Browse to display the Select a Template dialog.
  6. Select the template named replicateddomain.jar, and click OK.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Enter the username and password for the Administrator of the new domain, and click Next.
  9. Select a JDK to use, and click Next.
  10. Select No to keep the settings defined in the source template file, and click Next. Alternately, select Yes if you want to customize server names, cluster names, machine names, or configured J2EE resources.
  11. Complete any optional customization screens, and click Create to create the domain.


Step 3: Configure Server Instances and Clusters

The WebLogic SIP Server instances you intend to use must be created within a single administrative domain, and servers in the engine and data tiers should be arranged into clusters to simplify deployment and management. If you used the Configuration Wizard to create a replicated WebLogic SIP Server domain, the domain is automatically created with default engine tier servers and data tier servers arranged into clusters; you can modify this configuration to match the number of servers you want to use in your domain. See Modifying the Default Replicated Domain.

If you used the Configuration Wizard with the sipserverdomain.jar template, only a single server is configured. You will need to create engine and data tier servers and clusters by hand.

WARNING: When you configure a domain with multiple engine and data tier servers, you must accurately synchronize all server system clocks to a common time source (to within one or two milliseconds) in order for the SIP protocol stack to function properly. See Configuring NTP for Accurate SIP Timers in the Configuration Guide for more information.

Modifying the Default Replicated Domain

The default replicatedWebLogic SIP Server domain is preconfigured with five separate servers and two clusters.

Table 2-2 Summary of the Default Replicated Domain
The Administration Server, AdminServer, is used only for administration. This server is not a member of either cluster, and it does not process SIP requests.
The two engine tier servers, engine1 and engine2, can be used for hosting SIP applications and processing SIP messages.
The two data tier servers, replica1 and replica2, are members of the same data tier partition. Each server manages the same copy of the application call state and can act as a backup should the other server fail.

You may want to modify the default replicated domain if you want to add, remove, or rename servers in either of the clusters, or to configure the network settings of individual server instances. To modify the default configuration:

  1. Access the server machine that will be used as the Administration Server. The domain directory and associated files for the domain will remain on the Administration Server machine. Other servers in the WebLogic SIP Server installation (data tier and engine tier servers) will obtain their configuration by connecting to the Administration Server at boot time.
  2. Start the Administration Server:
  3. cd c:\bea\user_projects\domains\replicated
  4. Access the Administration Console by pointing a browser to http://localhost:7001/console
  5. Login to the Administration Console using the administrator username and password.
  6. Click Lock & Edit.
  7. To add a new engine or data tier server:
    1. Select the Environment->Servers node in the left pane.
    2. Select the name of a server in the list, then click Clone. To add an engine tier server, clone the engine1 server instance. To add a data tier server, clone either replica1 or replica2.
    3. Enter a new name for the cloned server.
    4. Enter the Listen Address and Listen Port of the remote Managed Server machine on which the server will run.
    5. Click OK.
  8. To delete an existing engine or data tier server:
    1. Select the Environment->Servers node in the left pane.
    2. Select the name of a server in the list, then click delete.
    3. Click Yes to delete the server configuration.
  9. To change a server's network listen address or port or other properties:
    1. Select the Environment->Servers node in the left pane.
    2. Click the name of the server you want to modify.
    3. On the Configuration->General tab, modify the Name, Listen Address, or Listen Port entries as necessary.
    4. Click Save to apply your changes.
  10. Click Activate Changes to apply your changes to the configuration.
Note: These quick-start instructions assume each managed server listens on a single network address. If you intend to run servers on multi-homed server hardware, or if you want to configure secure SIP transport protocols, see in Configuring Network Resources.


Step 4: Configure Data Tier Partitions

In the previous section you organized the data tier servers into a cluster for administration purposes. You must also configure the datatier.xml file to define how data tier servers are used to manage SIP application call state for your installation.

The data tier cluster can be arranged into one or more partitions. A partition consists of one or more data tier server instances that manage the same portion of the concurrent call state data. In a single-server WebLogic SIP Server installation, or in a two-server installation where one server resides in the engine tier and one resides in the data tier, all call state data is maintained in a single partition. Multiple partitions are required when the size of the concurrent call state exceeds the maximum size that can be managed by a single server instance. In most cases, the amount of call state that can be managed by a server corresponds to the Java Virtual Machine limit of approximately 1.6GB per server.

Additional servers can also be added within the same partition to manage copies of the call state data. When multiple servers are part of the same partition, each server manages a copy of the same portion of the call data, referred to as a replica of the call state. If any server in a partition fails or cannot be contacted due to a network failure, another replica in the same partition can supply the call state data to the engine tier.

Before modifying datatier.xml, read Configuring Data Tier Partitions and Replicas in the Configuration Guide to fully understand the role of the data tier and the format of the datatier.xml configuration file.

To modify datatier.xml for your domain:

  1. Access the Administration Server machine for your domain.
  2. Open the datatier.xml configuration file with a text editor. This file is part of the sipserver application that provides WebLogic SIP Server functionality, installed in the top level of your domain directory:
  3. cd c:\bea\user_projects\domains\replicated\custom
    notepad datatier.xml

    If you installed the default replicated domain, the datatier.xml file contains the entries shown in Listing 2-1, which defines a single partition with two replicas.

    Listing 2-1 Default datatier.xml for Replicated Domain
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <data-tier xmlns="">
  4. Edit the file as necessary to configure partitions and server names for your domain.
  5. Save your changes and exit the text editor.


Step 5: Start the Administration Server and Managed Servers

To start the fully-configured WebLogic SIP Server domain, first start the Administration Server, then start individual Managed Servers to connect to the Administration Server. The sections that follow provide server startup instructions.

Starting the Administration Server

To start the Administration Server:

  1. Access the Administration Server machine.
  2. Move to your domain directory:
  3. cd c:\bea\user_projects\domains\replicated
  4. Execute the start script for the Administration Server:
  5. startWebLogic.cmd

Starting Managed Servers

Note: WebLogic SIP Server start scripts use default values for many JVM parameters that affect performance. For example, JVM garbage collection and heap size parameters may be omitted, or may use values that are acceptable only for evaluation or development purposes. In a production system, you must rigorously profile your applications with different heap size and garbage collection settings in order to realize adequate performance. See Tuning JVM Garbage Collection for Production Deployments in the Configuration Guide for suggestions about maximizing JVM performance in a production domain.

To start the Managed Servers in your domain:

  1. Access one of the Managed Server machines.
  2. Move to a subdirectory from which you will execute the Managed Server instance (creating a new subdirectory if necessary). For example:
  3. mkdir c:\myManagedServer
    cd c:\myManagedServer
    Note: The Managed Server machines do not have a domain directory. Instead, they obtain their configuration by connecting to the Administration Server at startup.
  4. Execute the Managed Server start script available in the WLSS_HOME\common\bin directory:
  5. WLSS_HOME\common\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd server_name admin_url


    • WL_HOME is the full path to the WebLogic SIP Server installation directory, and
    • server_name is the name of the Managed Server you are starting, and
    • admin_url is the url used to access the Administration Server for the domain.
    • For example:

      startManagedWebLogic.cmd replica1 t3://adminhost:7001
  6. Repeat these steps to start other Managed Servers in the domain.


Where to Go From Here

After booting your domain, you may want to perform further administration procedures such as configuring network resources, enabling logging, or setting up security providers. For more information on these topics, see the Configuration Guide.

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