BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic SIP Server 3.1 API Reference

Class AvpException

  extended byjava.lang.Throwable
      extended byjava.lang.Exception
          extended bycom.bea.wcp.diameter.DiameterException
              extended bycom.bea.wcp.diameter.MessageException
                  extended bycom.bea.wcp.diameter.AvpException
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AvpException
extends MessageException

Exception raised if an invalid AVP was encountered in a Diameter message.

See Also:
Serialized Form
Copyright © 2006 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Summary
AvpException(ResultCode rc, Attribute attr)
          Creates a new AvpException for the specified ResultCode and missing AVP.
AvpException(ResultCode rc, Avp invalidAvp)
          Creates a new AvpException for the specified ResultCode and invalid AVP.
AvpException(ResultCode rc, Avp[] invalidAvps)
          Creates a new AvpException for the specified ResultCode and invalid AVPs.
Method Summary
 void addInvalidAvp(Avp avp)
          Adds an additional AVP to the list of failed AVPs.
 void addMissingAvp(Attribute attr)
          Adds an additional missing AVP to the list of failed AVPs.
static AvpException avpOccursTooManyTimes(Avp avp)
          Convenience method to return an AvpException indicating that the specified AVP occurs too many times in the message.
static AvpException contradictingAvps(Avp avp1, Avp avp2)
          Convenience method to return an AvpException indicating indicating contradicting AVPs in a message.
 Answer createAnswer(Request req)
          Creates a new Answer message for a Request that contained invalid AVPs.
 Avp getFailedAvp()
 AvpList getFailedAvps()
          Returns the list of failed AVPs for this exception.
static AvpException invalidAvpLength(Avp avp)
          Convenience method to return an AvpException indicating that the length of the specified AVP was invalid.
static AvpException invalidAvpValue(Avp avp)
          Convenience method to return an AvpException indicating that the value of the specified AVP was invalid.
static AvpException missingAvp(Attribute attr)
Methods inherited from class com.bea.wcp.diameter.MessageException
getResultCode, unableToComply
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AvpException(ResultCode rc,
                    Attribute attr)
Creates a new AvpException for the specified ResultCode and missing AVP.


public AvpException(ResultCode rc,
                    Avp invalidAvp)
Creates a new AvpException for the specified ResultCode and invalid AVP.


public AvpException(ResultCode rc,
                    Avp[] invalidAvps)
Creates a new AvpException for the specified ResultCode and invalid AVPs.

Method Detail


public void addInvalidAvp(Avp avp)
Adds an additional AVP to the list of failed AVPs.

avp - the failed AVP to be added


public void addMissingAvp(Attribute attr)
Adds an additional missing AVP to the list of failed AVPs.

attr - the Attribute for the missing AVP


public static AvpException avpOccursTooManyTimes(Avp avp)
Convenience method to return an AvpException indicating that the specified AVP occurs too many times in the message.


public static AvpException contradictingAvps(Avp avp1,
                                             Avp avp2)
Convenience method to return an AvpException indicating indicating contradicting AVPs in a message.


public Answer createAnswer(Request req)
Creates a new Answer message for a Request that contained invalid AVPs. The failed AVPs will be included in the answer as well as AVPs for the error result code and error message.

createAnswer in class MessageException
req - the Request that was invalid
the Answer message indicating one or more invalid AVPs


public Avp getFailedAvp()


public AvpList getFailedAvps()
Returns the list of failed AVPs for this exception.


public static AvpException invalidAvpLength(Avp avp)
Convenience method to return an AvpException indicating that the length of the specified AVP was invalid.


public static AvpException invalidAvpValue(Avp avp)
Convenience method to return an AvpException indicating that the value of the specified AVP was invalid.


public static AvpException missingAvp(Attribute attr)

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2007 BEA Systems Inc.