BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.axiom.jsp

Interface Summary
JspConstants Prescribes constants used for JSP, Personalization, and Portal run-time and tools administration purposes.
JspUtilPages Prescribes constants used for navigational purposes within the WLPS Administration tools.
SessionComparator An interface for for validating a HttpServletRequest.

Class Summary
DefaultSessionComparator A default class for for validating a HttpServletRequest.
JspBase Acts as a base class for all JSP pages that use a JspServiceManager.
JspBeanBase This class is the base class for many JSP Beans that are instantiated from the <jsp:usebean> JSP tag.
JspHelper A helper class for all JSP pages.
JspServiceManager Acts as a traffic cop for a portal implementation.
ToolsJspBase Acts as a base class for all Portal JSP pages.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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