BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.axiom.reasoning.rules

Interface Summary
Displayable Displayable interface.
RuleConstants Constants file.
RuleSheetDefinition Interface for RuleSheetDefinition.
RuleSheetDefinitionHome Home interface for the RuleSheetDefinition.
RuleTagConstants Constants file.

Class Summary
Arguments Arguments tag impl.
Assert Assert tag impl.
BasicNode All objects within the model should extend this class so that we can use the reflection methods to write between the DOM and the light weight objects.
BasicTextNode Basic tag with no attributes.
BinaryOp BinaryOp tag impl.
Cast Cast tag implementation.
Comment Comment tag.
Constant Constant tag impl.
Description Basic a tag with no attributes.
DisplayItem Basic a tag with no attributes.
Method Method tag impl.
NamedNode Abstract representation of a node that has a name attribute.
NaryOp NaryOp tag impl.
New New tag impl.
Op Base of the operators.
Rule Class representing the DTD rule tag.
RuleEditorHelper Helper class for rules.
RuleSheet Implementation of the rulesheet tag.
RuleSheetDefinitionBean Entity bean for storing xml rulesheets.
RuleSheetDefinitionPK Primary key for the RuleSheet definition.
SimpleCondition SimpleCondition tag impl.
Then Implementation of the then tag.
UnaryOp Implementation of the unaryOp tag.
Variable Variable tag impl.
When Implementation of the when tag.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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