BEA Systems, Inc.
Class ConfigurableEntityImpl

Direct Known Subclasses:
ContentImpl, GroupImpl, UserImpl

public abstract class ConfigurableEntityImpl
extends EntityImpl
implements PropertyCache, javax.ejb.EntityBean

This is the implementation of the Configurable Entity that combines the pluggable method features of Business Policy, Runtime Configuration, and Persistence. For each remote interface that is derived from the ConfigurableEntity, there must be an equivalent ConfigurableEntityImpl that mirrors its methods.

See Also:
ConfigurableEntity, Serialized Form

Fields inherited from class
__classIdentifier, __containingEntity, __mapKey, __sequenceNumber, _ctx, _isDirty
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 void addBusinessPolicy(java.lang.String policyKey, BusinessPolicy policy)
          Set the named policy on the object.
 void addCachedPropertyMapped(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String mapKey, java.lang.Object value)
          Add the specified value to the cache.
 void addCachedPropertyValue(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Add the specified value to the cache.
 void addPropertyValue(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object propertyValue)
          Add a Property to a collection associated with this entity.
 void addPropertyValueMapped(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String propertyKey, java.lang.String mappedKey, java.lang.Object propertyValue)
 java.lang.String buildPolicyKey(java.lang.String policyKey)
          Build policy key is a helper function that builds a property name for the business policy that will not collide with user specified keys.
static PropertyMapKey createMapKey(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String key)
          Helper function that will allocate a PropertyMapKey from a scope name and property name.
 void ejbActivate()
          ejbActivate method.
 SmartKey ejbCreate(SmartKey key)
          ejbCreate method.
 void ejbLoad()
          ejbLoad method.
 void ejbPassivate()
          ejbPassivate method.
 void ejbPostCreate(SmartKey key)
          ejbPostCreate method.
 void ejbRemove()
          ejbRemove method.
 void ejbStore()
          ejbStore method.
 BusinessPolicy getBusinessPolicy(java.lang.String policyKey)
          Get the named policy from the object.
 java.lang.Object getCachedProperty(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieve the value associated with the key from the object cache
 PersistableHandle getPersistableHandle()
          This method is used to create a long lived handle to an EJB object that can be persisted into a database.
 java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
          Retrieve the value associated with the key.
 java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String key, ConfigurableEntity successor, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
          Retrieve the value associated with the key.
 java.lang.String getPropertyAsString(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String defaultValue)
          Retrieve the String value associated with the key and return the result rendered as a string.
 java.lang.String getPropertyAsString(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String key, ConfigurableEntity successor, java.lang.String defaultValue)
          Equivalent to getProperty except that the return value is turned into a string.
 java.lang.Object getPropertyDefault(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.String key, ConfigurableEntity explicitSuccessor)
          Retrieve the default value from the Schema for the named key and the specified scope.
 java.util.Map getPropertyMap()
          Allocate the property map and load it using the EntityPropertyManager.
 java.lang.Object getPropertyNoDefault(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String key, ConfigurableEntity successor)
          Retrieve the value associated with the named key in the specified scope but does not return a default value if the property does not exist for the entity of in the hierarchy of successors.
 ConfigurableEntity getSuccessor(java.lang.String scopeName)
          Retrieve the successor associated with this ConfigurableEntity for the specified scope.
 long getUniqueId()
          Retrieve the unique identifier generated for this ConfigurableEntity.
 BusinessPolicy removeBusinessPolicy(java.lang.String policyKey)
          Remove the named policy from the object.
 void removeCachedProperties()
          Clear all the entries in the cache.
 void removeCachedProperties(java.lang.String scope)
          Clear all entries in the cache for the specified scope.
 java.lang.Object removeCachedProperty(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieve the value associated with the key from the object cache
 java.lang.Object removeCachedPropertyMapped(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String mapKey)
          Remove the value at the specified key from a named property that represents a map.
 void removeCachedPropertyValue(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Add the specified value to the cache.
 java.lang.Object removeProperty(java.lang.String key)
          This is the simplest way to remove a property.
 java.lang.Object removeProperty(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String key)
          Remove property from this ConfigurableEntity
 void removePropertyValue(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object propertyValue)
          Add a Property to this entity.
 java.lang.Object removePropertyValueMapped(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String propertyKey, java.lang.String mappedKey)
 ConfigurableEntity removeSuccessor(java.lang.String scopeName)
          Remove the successor for the specified scope.
 void setCachedProperty(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Add the specified value to the cache.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object property)
          This is the the simplest way to set a property.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object property)
          Add a property to this Entity and associated it with the specified scope and key
 void setSuccessor(java.lang.String scopeName, ConfigurableEntity successor)
          This sets the successor for this object.
static java.lang.String upcaseFirst(java.lang.String s)
Methods inherited from class
clearRelationalBinding, clearRelationalBinding, clearRelationalBinding, clearRelationalBinding, ejbFindAll, ejbFindByPrimaryKey, get__classIdentifier, get__containingBelonging, get__containingEntity, get__containingEntityReference, get__mapKey, get__sequenceNumber, getEntityContext, isModified, set__containingBelonging, set__containingEntity, set__containingEntityReference, set__mapKey, setEntityContext, unsetEntityContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConfigurableEntityImpl()
Default constructor. Does nothing.
Method Detail


public void addBusinessPolicy(java.lang.String policyKey,
                              BusinessPolicy policy)
                       throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Set the named policy on the object.


public void addCachedPropertyMapped(java.lang.String scope,
                                    java.lang.String key,
                                    java.lang.String mapKey,
                                    java.lang.Object value)
                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Add the specified value to the cache.
Specified by:
addCachedPropertyMapped in interface PropertyCache
scope - java.lang.String
key - java.lang.String
mapKey - java.lang.String the key into which the property will be mapped
value - java.lang.Object the value to be set.


public void addCachedPropertyValue(java.lang.String scope,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   java.lang.Object value)
                            throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Add the specified value to the cache.
Specified by:
addCachedPropertyValue in interface PropertyCache
scope - java.lang.String
key - java.lang.String
value - java.lang.Object the value to be set.


public void addPropertyValue(java.lang.String scopeName,
                             java.lang.String key,
                             java.lang.Object propertyValue)
                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Add a Property to a collection associated with this entity.


public void addPropertyValueMapped(java.lang.String scopeName,
                                   java.lang.String propertyKey,
                                   java.lang.String mappedKey,
                                   java.lang.Object propertyValue)
                            throws java.rmi.RemoteException


public java.lang.String buildPolicyKey(java.lang.String policyKey)
Build policy key is a helper function that builds a property name for the business policy that will not collide with user specified keys.


public static PropertyMapKey createMapKey(java.lang.String scopeName,
                                          java.lang.String key)
Helper function that will allocate a PropertyMapKey from a scope name and property name.
scope - java.lang.String
key - java.lang.String


public void ejbActivate()
                 throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from class: EntityImpl
ejbActivate method.
Specified by:
ejbActivate in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean
ejbActivate in class EntityImpl


public SmartKey ejbCreate(SmartKey key)
                   throws javax.ejb.CreateException,
Description copied from class: EntityImpl
ejbCreate method.
ejbCreate in class EntityImpl


public void ejbLoad()
             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from class: EntityImpl
ejbLoad method.
Specified by:
ejbLoad in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean
ejbLoad in class EntityImpl


public void ejbPassivate()
                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from class: EntityImpl
ejbPassivate method.
Specified by:
ejbPassivate in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean
ejbPassivate in class EntityImpl


public void ejbPostCreate(SmartKey key)
                   throws javax.ejb.CreateException,
Description copied from class: EntityImpl
ejbPostCreate method.
ejbPostCreate in class EntityImpl


public void ejbRemove()
               throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Description copied from class: EntityImpl
ejbRemove method.
Specified by:
ejbRemove in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean
ejbRemove in class EntityImpl


public void ejbStore()
              throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Description copied from class: EntityImpl
ejbStore method.
Specified by:
ejbStore in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean
ejbStore in class EntityImpl


public java.lang.Object getCachedProperty(java.lang.String scope,
                                          java.lang.String key)
                                   throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve the value associated with the key from the object cache
Specified by:
getCachedProperty in interface PropertyCache
scope - java.lang.String
key - java.lang.String


public BusinessPolicy getBusinessPolicy(java.lang.String policyKey)
                                 throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Get the named policy from the object.


public PersistableHandle getPersistableHandle()
                                       throws java.rmi.RemoteException
This method is used to create a long lived handle to an EJB object that can be persisted into a database. It is used mainly to establish successorship relationships. It is a method on the EJB because information such as the JNDI home name is not known outside the EJB.


public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String key,
                                    java.lang.Object defaultValue)
                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve the value associated with the key. Return the specified default if a value cannot be found.
key - java.lang.String
defaultValue - java.lang.Object
See Also:


public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String scopeName,
                                    java.lang.String key,
                                    ConfigurableEntity successor,
                                    java.lang.Object defaultValue)
                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve the value associated with the key. The fact that a scope and successor are passed implies that the caller is primarily interested in properties defined at runtime. For this reason the runtime properties are searched followed by local attributes.
key - java.lang.String


public java.lang.String getPropertyAsString(java.lang.String key,
                                            java.lang.String defaultValue)
                                     throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve the String value associated with the key and return the result rendered as a string. The specified default will be return if there is no value set on that attribute and if there is there is no default set on the schema.
key - java.lang.String


public java.lang.String getPropertyAsString(java.lang.String scopeName,
                                            java.lang.String key,
                                            ConfigurableEntity successor,
                                            java.lang.String defaultValue)
                                     throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Equivalent to getProperty except that the return value is turned into a string.
key - java.lang.String


public java.lang.Object getPropertyDefault(java.lang.String scope,
                                           java.lang.String key,
                                           ConfigurableEntity explicitSuccessor)
                                    throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve the default value from the Schema for the named key and the specified scope.


public java.util.Map getPropertyMap()
                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Allocate the property map and load it using the EntityPropertyManager.


public java.lang.Object getPropertyNoDefault(java.lang.String scopeName,
                                             java.lang.String key,
                                             ConfigurableEntity successor)
                                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve the value associated with the named key in the specified scope but does not return a default value if the property does not exist for the entity of in the hierarchy of successors. This method is used by the implementation of the getProperty methods so that the search in the successor hierarchy does not return a default value from the Schema.


public ConfigurableEntity getSuccessor(java.lang.String scopeName)
Retrieve the successor associated with this ConfigurableEntity for the specified scope.


public BusinessPolicy removeBusinessPolicy(java.lang.String policyKey)
                                    throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Remove the named policy from the object.


public void removeCachedProperties()
                            throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Clear all the entries in the cache. This is useful when all properties are to be reloaded.
Specified by:
removeCachedProperties in interface PropertyCache
scope - the scope for which properties are to be removed.


public void removeCachedProperties(java.lang.String scope)
                            throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Clear all entries in the cache for the specified scope. This is useful when all properties for a scope are to be reloaded.
Specified by:
removeCachedProperties in interface PropertyCache
scope - the scope for which properties are to be removed.


public java.lang.Object removeCachedProperty(java.lang.String scope,
                                             java.lang.String key)
                                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve the value associated with the key from the object cache
Specified by:
removeCachedProperty in interface PropertyCache
scope - java.lang.String
key - java.lang.String
java.lang.Object The object removed.


public void removeCachedPropertyValue(java.lang.String scope,
                                      java.lang.String key,
                                      java.lang.Object value)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Add the specified value to the cache.
Specified by:
removeCachedPropertyValue in interface PropertyCache
scope - java.lang.String
key - java.lang.String
value - java.lang.Object the value to be set.


public java.lang.Object removeCachedPropertyMapped(java.lang.String scope,
                                                   java.lang.String key,
                                                   java.lang.String mapKey)
                                            throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Remove the value at the specified key from a named property that represents a map.
Specified by:
removeCachedPropertyMapped in interface PropertyCache
scope - java.lang.String
key - java.lang.String
mapKey - java.lang.String the key into which the property will be mapped
The object that was removed or a null if the map entry was empty.


public java.lang.Object removeProperty(java.lang.String key)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
This is the simplest way to remove a property. Note: is not possible to remove a property that is a will atempt to remove it from the runtime properties.
key - The name under which the property is bound.


public java.lang.Object removeProperty(java.lang.String scopeName,
                                       java.lang.String key)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Remove property from this ConfigurableEntity


public void removePropertyValue(java.lang.String scopeName,
                                java.lang.String key,
                                java.lang.Object propertyValue)
                         throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Add a Property to this entity.


public java.lang.Object removePropertyValueMapped(java.lang.String scopeName,
                                                  java.lang.String propertyKey,
                                                  java.lang.String mappedKey)
                                           throws java.rmi.RemoteException


public ConfigurableEntity removeSuccessor(java.lang.String scopeName)
                                   throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Remove the successor for the specified scope.


public void setProperty(java.lang.String key,
                        java.lang.Object property)
                 throws java.rmi.RemoteException
This is the the simplest way to set a property. If the property is an attribute of the entity it will be set directly by calling the set method. If it is a runtime property it will be set using the EntityPropertyManager.
key - The string to which the property will be bound
property - The value that will be bound to that name


public void setProperty(java.lang.String scopeName,
                        java.lang.String key,
                        java.lang.Object property)
                 throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Add a property to this Entity and associated it with the specified scope and key
scopeName - The scopeName and key uniquely identify the propertyName
key -  
property - The value to associate with the property.


public void setSuccessor(java.lang.String scopeName,
                         ConfigurableEntity successor)
                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
This sets the successor for this object. This is used when resolving the getProperty.
successor -  


public void setCachedProperty(java.lang.String scope,
                              java.lang.String key,
                              java.lang.Object value)
                       throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Add the specified value to the cache. This does not have the side effect of persisting the value in the EntityPropertyManager so that persistence mechanism can also populate this map.
Specified by:
setCachedProperty in interface PropertyCache
scope - java.lang.String
key - java.lang.String
value - java.lang.Object the value to be set.


public long getUniqueId()
                 throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve the unique identifier generated for this ConfigurableEntity.


public static java.lang.String upcaseFirst(java.lang.String s)

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