BEA Systems, Inc.


Interface Summary
AbstractPropertyMetaData has a column for pk which is generated by a sequencer and never appears in the model Attribute: propertyMetaDataId Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: propertyKey Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: isDefault Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
DirectPropertyManager Interface for a session bean that provides ConfigurableEntity functionality with minimal access through entity beans.
DirectPropertyManagerHome The home interface for the DirectPropertyManager EJB.
EntityPropertyAggregator This class is used to expedite access to EntityProperties and the mapping of their names.
EntityPropertyAggregatorHome The home interface for the EntityPropertyAggregator Session Bean.
EntityPropertyManager This class is used to expedite access to EntityProperties and the mapping of their names.
EntityPropertyManagerHome The home interface for the EntityPropertyManager Session Bean.
LDAPEntityPropertyManager This class is used to expedite access to EntityProperties and the mapping of their names.
LDAPEntityPropertyManagerHome The home interface for the LDAPEntityPropertyManager Session Bean.
PropertyLocator Attribute: jndiHomeName Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: pkString Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: schemaGroupName Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
PropertyMapKey Attribute: propertyName Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: scopeName Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
PropertyMetaData there is a hidden field called propertyMetaDataId in the table that is generated by a sequencer Attribute: description The PK information of the Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: propertyMetaDataId Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: values Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 0:N Interface: java.util.Collection Attribute: isExplicit Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: isMultiValued Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: isRestricted Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: propertyType Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: schemaId Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1 Attribute: type Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
PropertyMetaDataBoolean Attribute: value Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
PropertyMetaDataDouble Attribute: value Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
PropertyMetaDataFloat Attribute: value Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
PropertyMetaDataInteger Attribute: value Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
PropertyMetaDataLong Attribute: value Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
PropertyMetaDataText Attribute: value Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
PropertyMetaDataTimeStamp Attribute: value Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
PropertyType This Interface provides a mechanism for validating a property.
Schema has a hidden field in db called schemaID that is also generated by a sequencer
SchemaHome The home interface for the Schema entity bean.
SchemaManager This is the public interface for the schema manager.
SchemaManagerConstants Constants used for using Schemas.
SchemaManagerHome The home interface for the SchemaManager EJB.

Class Summary
AbstractPropertyMetaDataHome The home class for the AbstractPropertyMetaData belonging.
AbstractPropertyMetaDataImpl has a column for pk which is generated by a sequencer and never appears in the model
DirectPropertyManagerBean A session bean that provides ConfigurableEntity functionality with minimal access through entity beans.
EntityPropertyAggregatorImpl This class is used to get and set values from different EntityPropertyManager implementations, based on configuration options.
EntityPropertyManagerImpl This class is used to expedite access to EntityProperties and the mapping of their names.
LDAPEntityPropertyManagerImpl This class is used to expedite access to EntityProperties and the mapping of their names.
MultiValuePropertyTypeHome The home class for the MultiValuePropertyType belonging.
PropertyLocatorHome The home class for the PropertyLocator belonging.
PropertyMapKeyHome The home class for the PropertyMapKey belonging.
PropertyMetaDataBooleanHome The home class for the PropertyMetaDataBoolean belonging.
PropertyMetaDataDoubleHome The home class for the PropertyMetaDataDouble belonging.
PropertyMetaDataFloatHome The home class for the PropertyMetaDataFloat belonging.
PropertyMetaDataHome The home class for the PropertyMetaData belonging.
PropertyMetaDataImpl there is a hidden field called propertyMetaDataId in the table that is generated by a sequencer
PropertyMetaDataIntegerHome The home class for the PropertyMetaDataInteger belonging.
PropertyMetaDataLongHome The home class for the PropertyMetaDataLong belonging.
PropertyMetaDataTextHome The home class for the PropertyMetaDataText belonging.
PropertyMetaDataTimeStampHome The home class for the PropertyMetaDataTimeStamp belonging.
PropertyTypeHome The home class for the PropertyType belonging.
PropertyTypeImpl This Interface provides a mechanism for validating a property.
SchemaImpl has a hidden field in db called schemaID that is also generated by a sequencer
SchemaManagerBean SchemaManager handles the intricacies of retrieving schemas.
SchemaPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
SchemaValue has a hidden field in db called schemaID that is also generated by a sequencer
SingleValuePropertyTypeHome The home class for the SingleValuePropertyType belonging.

Exception Summary
SchemaManagerException Exception thrown from SchemaManager operations.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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