BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.util

Interface Summary
PersistenceHelperPlugin Interface for Persistence Helper Plugin A specific driver must be written for each type of persistence cache.
Sequencer This file contains an interface for a unique number sequencer.

Class Summary
ArgsParser Parses the arguments passed to public static void main(String args[]) Subclasses specify their application's grammar in the constructor.
ClassHelper Helper methods for the Class class
CloneHelper Helper for cloning.
Command Creation date: (12/23/99 12:38:31 PM)
ExpressionHelper Helper class to handle dealing with Expression, Criteria, and Logical objects.
FixedResourceBundle Loads a bundle only from a properties file, does not look for a class file first as in java.util.ResourceBundle.
GlobHelper A utility class for doing DOS-style pattern matching (GLOBing).
MimeTypeHelper Utility class to help with Mime Types.
PersistenceHelper Persistence Helper provides an optional, cross-platform optimization for dependent objects in the persistence cache.
SequencerFactory Factor for Database sequencers.
SerializableEnumeration An implementation of the Enumeration interface which is Serializable.
ShowHTTPHeaders A command-line utility to display open an URL and display the HTTP headers coming back from the server.
SoftHashMap A map implemented using SoftReferences to store the values.
TRACE Usage: -trace [flags]|+ + = Trace all remarks 1) Comment your code using the following.
TypesHelper A helper with constants for the various types and operators for configurable entity properties.

Exception Summary
ArgsParser.HelpSpecifiedException The user specified -? or -h
ArgsParser.UsageException The user entered unparseable data

BEA Systems, Inc.

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