BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface InventoryManager

public interface InventoryManager
extends Session

The inventory manager provides a simplified interface to the Inventory classes. To accomplish this it uses ItemInventory and InventoryRecord

See Also:
InventoryManagerHome, InventoryManagerImpl

Method Summary
 InventoryRecord addItemToInventory(Item item, Quantity qty)
          Create a new inventory record and set the initial balance to the quantity specified.
 void assignItems(Account acct, Item item, Quantity quantity)
          Iterate the Inventory records for the item and execute withdrawals until the desired amount has been acquired.
 boolean checkItemAvailability(Item item)
          Find the ItemInventory object that summarizes all Inventory Records available for this item type.
 InventoryRecord increaseInventory(java.lang.String inventoryKey, Quantity qty)
          Increase the balance on the Inventory Record by the specified Quantity.
Methods inherited from interface javax.ejb.EJBObject
getEJBHome, getHandle, getPrimaryKey, isIdentical, remove

Method Detail


public boolean checkItemAvailability(Item item)
                              throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Find the ItemInventory object that summarizes all Inventory Records available for this item type. Iterate these items until the quantity desired has been found. Return true if the quantity is available and false if not.


public void assignItems(Account acct,
                        Item item,
                        Quantity quantity)
                 throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Iterate the Inventory records for the item and execute withdrawals until the desired amount has been acquired. All of this is done within a single transaction.


public InventoryRecord addItemToInventory(Item item,
                                          Quantity qty)
                                   throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Create a new inventory record and set the initial balance to the quantity specified.


public InventoryRecord increaseInventory(java.lang.String inventoryKey,
                                         Quantity qty)
                                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Increase the balance on the Inventory Record by the specified Quantity.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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