BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface AdviceRequest

All Known Subinterfaces:
ClassificationAdviceRequest, ContentQueryAdviceRequest, ContentSelectorAdviceRequest, RulesAdviceRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AdviceRequest

This is an abstract interface that represents the common interface for all AdviceRequest types. This interface is meant to be extended by a concrete interface.

Method Summary
 Advislet getAdvislet()
          Returns the default advislet for this type of request.
 void validate()
          Validates the request.

Method Detail


public Advislet getAdvislet()
Returns the default advislet for this type of request.
Agent The default advislet that gives advise for this kind of AdviceRequest.


public void validate()
              throws AdviceRequestValidationException
Validates the request.
AdviceRequestValidationException - thrown when not valid. The message in the exception indicates the validation error.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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