BEA Systems, Inc.


Interface Summary
Address The Address represents a standard postal location.
Contact A Contact represents a personal or business contact.
ContactHome The home interface for the Contact entity bean.
ContactRemote A Contact represents a personal or business contact.
CreditCard Information needed to submit a transaction to a credit card company on behalf of a customer.
Group Group is a component that represents a group in a system.
GroupHome The home interface for the Group entity bean.
GroupRemote Group is a component that represents a group in a system.
PersonRemote A Person describes a Contact that represents a single individual.
RealmConfiguration This is the public interface for configuring the underlying Realm.
RealmConfigurationHome The home interface for the RealmConfiguration EJB.
UnifiedProfileTypeManager This is the public interface to a session bean manager for unified profile types and their related attributes.
UnifiedProfileTypeManagerHome The home interface for the UnifiedProfileTypeManager EJB.
User User is a component that represents a user of a system.
UserHome The home interface for the User entity bean.
UserManagementConstants A set of constants shared by the user manager session bean and it's clients.
UserManager This is the public interface class for the user management session bean.
UserManagerHome The home interface for the UserManager EJB.
UserRemote User is a component that represents a user of a system.

Class Summary
AddressHome The home class for the Address belonging.
AddressImpl The Address represents a standard postal location.
ContactAddressHome The home class for the ContactAddress belonging.
ContactImpl A Contact represents a personal or business contact.
ContactPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
ContactValue A Contact represents a personal or business contact.
CreditCardHome The home class for the CreditCard belonging.
CreditCardImpl Information needed to submit a transaction to a credit card company on behalf of a customer.
GroupImpl The implementation of the Group entity bean interface.
GroupPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
GroupValue Lightweight object to hold information about a Group entity bean.
RealmConfigurationBean RealmConfigurationBean configures information regarding the underlying Realm for use in the personalization server.
UnifiedProfileType Representation of a Unified profile type, and its attributes.
UnifiedProfileTypeManagerBean Implementation of the session bean used to access UnifiedProfile types
UserImpl The implementation of the User entity bean interface.
UserManagerBean This is the public interface class for the user management session bean.
UserPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of a BSC Configurable/Entity bean.
UserValue * User is a component that represents a user of a system.

Exception Summary
AuthenticationException Exception thrown when an authentication fails.
GroupAlreadyExistsException Exception thrown when a group name is proposed but a group with that name already exists.
InvalidGroupNameException Exception thrown when an invalid group name is proposed.
InvalidPasswordException Exception thrown when an invalid password is proposed.
InvalidUsernameException Exception thrown when an invalid username is proposed.
ReservedGroupNameException Exception thrown when a reserved group name is proposed.
ReservedUsernameException Exception thrown when a reserved username is proposed.
ServiceProviderException Exception thrown when a system error occurs in a ServiceProvider.
UserAlreadyExistsException Exception thrown when a user name is proposed, but the user name is already in use.
UserManagementException Base exception for user management.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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