BEA Systems, Inc.
Class EntityImpl

Direct Known Subclasses:
AlphaNumericSequencerImpl, ConfigurableEntityImpl, SchemaImpl

public class EntityImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements javax.ejb.EntityBean, RelationalReference

This is the base implementation of the Business Smart Component (BSC) entity interface. For each BSC Entity derived interface, there will be a corresponding BSC EntityImpl with business methods that are mirrored. It also provides storage for an EntityContext and an implementation of the Set and Get Entity Context methods.

See Also:
Entity, Serialized Form

Field Summary
 java.lang.String __classIdentifier
 SmartEntityReference __containingEntity
 java.lang.Object __mapKey
 java.lang.Long __sequenceNumber
 javax.ejb.EntityContext _ctx
protected  javax.naming.Context _environmentNamingContext
protected  java.util.Hashtable _environmentPropertyCache
 boolean _isDirty
protected  SmartBMP _smartBMP
Constructor Summary
          EntityImpl constructor.
Method Summary
protected  void bscInitializeAttributes(SmartKey pk)
          Initialize this object's attributes.
 void clearRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.util.Collection collection)
 void clearRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.util.Collection collection, java.lang.Object o)
 void clearRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.util.Map map)
 void clearRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key)
protected  java.util.Collection doRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.util.Collection collection)
          Add relational information to each element in a collection, AND synchronize the collection with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  java.util.Map doRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.util.Map map)
          Add relational information to each element in a map, AND synchronize the map with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  Belonging doRelationalBindingOnElement(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, Belonging value)
          Add relational information to a belonging This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  javax.ejb.EJBObject doRelationalBindingOnElement(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, javax.ejb.EJBObject value)
          Add relational information to an EJBObject This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  java.lang.Object doRelationalBindingOnElement(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.lang.Object value)
          Add relational information to a dependent object.
protected  Belonging doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, Belonging value)
          Add relational information to a belonging This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  javax.ejb.EJBObject doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, javax.ejb.EJBObject ejbObject)
          Add relational information to an EJBObject This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  java.lang.Object doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.lang.Object value)
          Add relational information to a dependent object.
protected  java.lang.Object doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, Belonging belonging, java.lang.Object key)
          Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  javax.ejb.EJBObject doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, javax.ejb.EJBObject ejbObject, java.lang.Object key)
          Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  java.lang.Object doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.lang.Object object, java.lang.Object key)
          Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
 void ejbActivate()
          ejbActivate method.
 SmartKey ejbCreate(SmartKey pk)
          ejbCreate method.
 java.util.Enumeration ejbFindAll()
          ejbFindAll method.
 SmartKey ejbFindByPrimaryKey(SmartKey pk)
          ejbFindByPrimaryKey method.
 void ejbLoad()
          ejbLoad method.
 void ejbPassivate()
          ejbPassivate method.
 void ejbPostCreate(SmartKey key)
          ejbPostCreate method.
 void ejbRemove()
          ejbRemove method.
 void ejbStore()
          ejbStore method.
protected  java.util.Collection enumerateRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.util.Collection collection)
          Add relational information to each element in a collection, but do not synchronize the collection with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  java.util.Map enumerateRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier, java.util.Map map)
          Add relational information to each element in a map, but do not synchronize the map with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
 java.lang.String get__classIdentifier()
          Get class identifier for this object (used to persist subclasses in a single collection or map)
 Belonging get__containingBelonging()
          Get foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
 javax.ejb.EJBObject get__containingEntity()
          Get foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
 SmartEntityReference get__containingEntityReference()
 java.lang.Object get__mapKey()
          get map key
 java.lang.Long get__sequenceNumber()
          Get the sequencer number
 javax.ejb.EntityContext getEntityContext()
          getEntityContext method.
protected  javax.naming.Context getEnvironmentNamingContext()
          Returns the bean's environment naming context.
 java.lang.Object getEnvironmentProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
          This method returns the value of the specified environment property.
 java.lang.Object getEnvironmentProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
          This method returns the value of the specified environment property or the specified default value if the environment property is not found.
protected  java.util.Hashtable getEnvironmentPropertyCache()
          Returns the bean's environment property cache
 PersistenceHelperPlugin getPersistenceHelperPlugin()
          Returns a PersistenceHelperPlugin object for the entity bean.
protected  SmartBMP getSmartBMP()
          Returns the smartBMP cache.
protected  SmartBMP initSmartBMP()
          Attempts to initialize the SmartBMP cached information by looking up "SmartBMPClass" in the environment properties.
 boolean isModified()
          This method is used by some containers to evaluate if the bean has been modified and it must be persisted.
protected  void set__classIdentifier(java.lang.String classIdentifier)
          Derived classes use this to set the class identifier
 void set__containingBelonging(Belonging belonging)
          Provides foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
 void set__containingEntity(javax.ejb.EJBObject containingEntity)
          Provides foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
 void set__containingEntityReference(SmartEntityReference smartEntityReference)
 void set__mapKey(java.lang.Object mapKey)
          Provides map key information
 void setEntityContext(javax.ejb.EntityContext ctx)
          setEntityContext method.
 void unsetEntityContext()
          unsetEntityContext method.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public transient boolean _isDirty


public javax.ejb.EntityContext _ctx


protected transient SmartBMP _smartBMP


protected transient javax.naming.Context _environmentNamingContext


protected transient java.util.Hashtable _environmentPropertyCache


public SmartEntityReference __containingEntity


public java.lang.Object __mapKey


public java.lang.Long __sequenceNumber


public java.lang.String __classIdentifier
Constructor Detail


public EntityImpl()
EntityImpl constructor.
Method Detail


protected void bscInitializeAttributes(SmartKey pk)
                                throws javax.ejb.CreateException
Initialize this object's attributes.


public void ejbActivate()
                 throws javax.ejb.EJBException
ejbActivate method.
Specified by:
ejbActivate in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean


public SmartKey ejbCreate(SmartKey pk)
                   throws javax.ejb.CreateException,
ejbCreate method.


public java.util.Enumeration ejbFindAll()
                                 throws javax.ejb.FinderException,
ejbFindAll method.


public SmartKey ejbFindByPrimaryKey(SmartKey pk)
                             throws javax.ejb.FinderException,
ejbFindByPrimaryKey method.


public void ejbLoad()
             throws javax.ejb.EJBException
ejbLoad method.
Specified by:
ejbLoad in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean


public void ejbPassivate()
                  throws javax.ejb.EJBException
ejbPassivate method.
Specified by:
ejbPassivate in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean


public void ejbPostCreate(SmartKey key)
                   throws javax.ejb.CreateException,
ejbPostCreate method.


public void ejbRemove()
               throws javax.ejb.RemoveException,
ejbRemove method.
Specified by:
ejbRemove in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean


public void ejbStore()
              throws javax.ejb.EJBException
ejbStore method.
Specified by:
ejbStore in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean


public void setEntityContext(javax.ejb.EntityContext ctx)
                      throws javax.ejb.EJBException
setEntityContext method.
Specified by:
setEntityContext in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean


public void unsetEntityContext()
                        throws javax.ejb.EJBException
unsetEntityContext method.
Specified by:
unsetEntityContext in interface javax.ejb.EntityBean


public javax.ejb.EntityContext getEntityContext()
getEntityContext method.


protected final javax.naming.Context getEnvironmentNamingContext()
                                                          throws javax.naming.NamingException
Returns the bean's environment naming context.
javax.naming.NamingException - - if a naming exception is encountered


protected final java.util.Hashtable getEnvironmentPropertyCache()
Returns the bean's environment property cache


public final java.lang.Object getEnvironmentProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
                                              throws javax.naming.NamingException
This method returns the value of the specified environment property.
javax.naming.NamingException - - if a naming exception is encountered


public final java.lang.Object getEnvironmentProperty(java.lang.String propertyName,
                                                     java.lang.Object defaultValue)
                                              throws javax.naming.NamingException
This method returns the value of the specified environment property or the specified default value if the environment property is not found.
javax.naming.NamingException - - if a naming exception is encountered


protected final SmartBMP getSmartBMP()
Returns the smartBMP cache.


protected final SmartBMP initSmartBMP()
                               throws SystemException
Attempts to initialize the SmartBMP cached information by looking up "SmartBMPClass" in the environment properties. If the "SmartBMPClass" property is found the method invokes the the SmartBMPFactory.createSmartBMP method to obtain the singleton instance and it caches it.


public final boolean isModified()
This method is used by some containers to evaluate if the bean has been modified and it must be persisted.


public final java.lang.Long get__sequenceNumber()
Get the sequencer number
Specified by:
get__sequenceNumber in interface RelationalReference


public final java.lang.Object get__mapKey()
Description copied from interface: RelationalReference
get map key
Specified by:
get__mapKey in interface RelationalReference
Tags copied from interface: RelationalReference
the mak key
java.lang.ClassCastException - source object is not an instance of the remote interface of the containing class.


public final void set__mapKey(java.lang.Object mapKey)
Description copied from interface: RelationalReference
Provides map key information
Specified by:
set__mapKey in interface RelationalReference
Tags copied from interface: RelationalReference
mapKey - the key if this object is used in a map


public final SmartEntityReference get__containingEntityReference()


public final void set__containingEntityReference(SmartEntityReference smartEntityReference)


public final void set__containingEntity(javax.ejb.EJBObject containingEntity)
Provides foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
Specified by:
set__containingEntity in interface RelationalReference
ejbObject - remote interface of the containing bean
java.lang.ClassCastException - source object is not an instance of %EntityType%


public final javax.ejb.EJBObject get__containingEntity()
Get foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
Specified by:
get__containingEntity in interface RelationalReference
ejbObject remote interface of the containing bean


protected final void set__classIdentifier(java.lang.String classIdentifier)
Derived classes use this to set the class identifier


public final java.lang.String get__classIdentifier()
Get class identifier for this object (used to persist subclasses in a single collection or map)
Specified by:
get__classIdentifier in interface RelationalReference
class identifier for this object.


public final void set__containingBelonging(Belonging belonging)
Provides foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
Specified by:
set__containingBelonging in interface RelationalReference
ejbObject - remote interface of the containing bean


public final Belonging get__containingBelonging()
Get foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
Specified by:
get__containingBelonging in interface RelationalReference
ejbObject remote interface of the containing bean
java.lang.ClassCastException - source object is not an instance of the remote interface of the containing class.


protected final java.lang.Object doRelationalBindingOnElement(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                              java.lang.Object value)
Add relational information to a dependent object. This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
value - instance of a dependent object
entityImpl - implementation of an entity bean


protected final Belonging doRelationalBindingOnElement(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                       Belonging value)
Add relational information to a belonging This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
belonging - instance of a belonging
entityImpl - implementation of an entity bean


protected final javax.ejb.EJBObject doRelationalBindingOnElement(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                                 javax.ejb.EJBObject value)
Add relational information to an EJBObject This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
ejbObject - instance of an EJB object
entityImpl - implementation of an entity bean


protected final java.lang.Object doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                                java.lang.Object value)
Add relational information to a dependent object. This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
value - instance of a dependent object
entityImpl - implementation of an entity bean


protected final Belonging doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                         Belonging value)
Add relational information to a belonging This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
belonging - instance of a belonging
entityImpl - implementation of an entity bean


protected final javax.ejb.EJBObject doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                                   javax.ejb.EJBObject ejbObject)
Add relational information to an EJBObject This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
ejbObject - instance of an EJB object
entityImpl - implementation of an entity bean


protected final java.lang.Object doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                               java.lang.Object object,
                                                               java.lang.Object key)
Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
collection - the target collection


protected final javax.ejb.EJBObject doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                                  javax.ejb.EJBObject ejbObject,
                                                                  java.lang.Object key)
Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
collection - the target collection


protected final java.lang.Object doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                               Belonging belonging,
                                                               java.lang.Object key)
Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
collection - the target collection


protected final java.util.Collection doRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                         java.util.Collection collection)
Add relational information to each element in a collection, AND synchronize the collection with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
collection - the target collection


protected final java.util.Map doRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                  java.util.Map map)
Add relational information to each element in a map, AND synchronize the map with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
map - the target map


protected final java.util.Collection enumerateRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                                java.util.Collection collection)
Add relational information to each element in a collection, but do not synchronize the collection with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
collection - the target collection


protected final java.util.Map enumerateRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                                         java.util.Map map)
Add relational information to each element in a map, but do not synchronize the map with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
map - the target map


public final void clearRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                         java.util.Collection collection)


public final void clearRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                         java.util.Collection collection,
                                         java.lang.Object o)


public final void clearRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                         java.util.Map map,
                                         java.lang.Object key)


public final void clearRelationalBinding(java.lang.String attributeIdentifier,
                                         java.util.Map map)


public final PersistenceHelperPlugin getPersistenceHelperPlugin()
Returns a PersistenceHelperPlugin object for the entity bean. The PersistenceHelperPlugin created a new instance of the class defined by the "PersistenceHelperPlugin" environment property for the bean. If the environment property is not found, the "DefaultPersistenceHelperPlugin" value defined in the file is used to create the plugin.

BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2000 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved