BEA Systems, Inc.

Class PortalLayoutJspBean


public class PortalLayoutJspBean
extends JspBeanBase

The class that includes various portlet layout algorithms used by the various layout.jsp (Administration Tool) pages.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static boolean debug
          Debugging flag.
Fields inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.axiom.jsp.JspBeanBase
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance.
Method Summary
 void calcXYForNewPortlets(java.util.LinkedList addList, java.util.LinkedList sortedColumnList, PortalColumnInformation[] columnInfo)
          Calculates the X and Y for each portal in an 'add set' of portlets.
protected  int findFirstNarrowColumn(PortalColumnInformation[] columnInfo)
          Returns the index of the first narrow column for a portal.
protected  int findFirstWideColumn(PortalColumnInformation[] columnInfo)
          Returns the index of the first wide column for a portal.
protected  int findNextNarrowColumn(int curIdx, PortalColumnInformation[] columnInfo)
          Returns the index of the next narrow column for a portal.
 Portlet[][] getAllPortletsFor(java.lang.String aPortalName, java.lang.String aGroupName, java.lang.String aUserName)
          Returns an 2 dimensional array (sorted in row/column) of AVAILABLE portlets for a portal for a portal, group, and user.
 Portlet[] getAvailablePortletsForPortal(java.lang.String aPortalName)
          Returns an array of available portlets for a portal at the portal level.
 PortalColumnInformation[] getPortalColumnInfo(java.lang.String portalName)
          Returns the column information for a portal.
 Portlet getPortletFor(java.lang.String layoutScope, java.lang.String portalName, java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String portletName)
          Returns the visible portlets based upon the scope of the request.
 Portlet[][] getPortletRC(int numCols, java.util.Hashtable aMap)
          Redo the Row/Column representation of the portlets based on the new layout.
 java.lang.String[] getVisiblePortletNamesFor(java.lang.String layoutScope, java.lang.String portalName, java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String userName)
          Returns the visible portlet names based upon the scope of the request.
 void processMoveCommand(java.lang.String theCommand, Portlet thePortlet)
          Processes a move command from the layout tool.
 boolean removePortletFor(java.lang.String layoutScope, java.lang.String portalName, java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String userName, Portlet aPortlet)
          Removes (turns off the visible bit) a portlet for the scope of the request.
 void resequencePortletsFor(java.lang.String layoutScope, java.lang.String portalName, java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String userName, int thePortalColumn, Portlet theMovedPortlet, java.lang.String moveCmd)
          Re-sequences the portlets for a given layout scope.
 void sequencePortlets(java.lang.String layoutScope, java.lang.String portalName, java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String userName, java.util.Vector aPortletVec)
          Sequences the portlets in a column for a given layout scope.
 void setPortalColumnInfo(Portal aPortal, PortalColumnInformation[] colInfo)
          Sets the portal column information for a portal.
 java.util.LinkedList sortIntoColumns(Portlet[] portlets, PortalColumnInformation[] columnInfo)
          Sorts an array of portlets into columns.
 void sortPortlets(java.util.ArrayList thePortletArrayList)
          Sorts an ArrayList of portlets
 void sortPortlets(java.util.Vector thePortletVec)
          Sorts a vector of portlets
 boolean updateColumnInfo(java.util.HashMap bufferedColWidthHashMap, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Portal thePortal)
          Updates the column information for a Portal.
 boolean updatePortletFor(java.lang.String layoutScope, java.lang.String portalName, java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String userName, Portlet aPortlet)
          Updates a portlet for the scope of the request.
 boolean updatePortlets(java.util.HashMap thePortletHashMap, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, java.lang.String layoutScope, java.lang.String portalName, java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String userName)
          Updates a portlet for the scope of the request.
 boolean updatePortlets(java.util.HashMap thePortletHashMap, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, java.lang.String layoutScope, java.lang.String portalName, java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String userName, java.util.Hashtable originalMap)
          Updates a portlet for the scope of the request.
Methods inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.axiom.jsp.JspBeanBase
findStringInArray, hasSpecialHTMLChars, isStringLetterOrDigit, validateDoubleValue, validateDoubleValue, validateGroupName, validateIntValue, validateIntValue, validateLength, validateUserName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final boolean debug
Debugging flag.
Constructor Detail


public PortalLayoutJspBean()
Creates a new instance.
Method Detail


public void sortPortlets(java.util.Vector thePortletVec)
Sorts a vector of portlets
thePortletVec - A vector of portlet references that represent a column.


public void sortPortlets(java.util.ArrayList thePortletArrayList)
Sorts an ArrayList of portlets
thePortletArrayList - The array list of portlets that represent a column.


public Portlet[] getAvailablePortletsForPortal(java.lang.String aPortalName)
Returns an array of available portlets for a portal at the portal level.
aPortalName - The portal name.
An array of portlets found. If not found, it returns an empty array.


public Portlet[][] getAllPortletsFor(java.lang.String aPortalName,
                                     java.lang.String aGroupName,
                                     java.lang.String aUserName)
Returns an 2 dimensional array (sorted in row/column) of AVAILABLE portlets for a portal for a portal, group, and user. If the user is not null, then it returns all of the available portlets to the user. If the user is null, then it returns all available portlets for the group and portal. If the group is null, then it returns all available portlets for the portal.
aPortalName - The portal name.
aGroupName - The group name.
aUserName - The user name.
An array of portlets found. If not found, it returns null;


public void resequencePortletsFor(java.lang.String layoutScope,
                                  java.lang.String portalName,
                                  java.lang.String groupName,
                                  java.lang.String userName,
                                  int thePortalColumn,
                                  Portlet theMovedPortlet,
                                  java.lang.String moveCmd)
Re-sequences the portlets for a given layout scope.
layoutScope - The scope of the layout (portal, group, user)
portalName - The name of the portal.
groupName - The name of the group.
userName - The name of the user.
thePortalColumn - The position of the portal column affected.
theMovedPortlet - The portlet that has moved.
moveCmd - The move comand (MoveDown, MoveUp, MoveLeft, MoveRight, Remove).


public void sequencePortlets(java.lang.String layoutScope,
                             java.lang.String portalName,
                             java.lang.String groupName,
                             java.lang.String userName,
                             java.util.Vector aPortletVec)
Sequences the portlets in a column for a given layout scope.
layoutScope - The scope of the layout (portal, group, user)
portalName - The name of the portal.
groupName - The name of the group.
userName - The name of the user.
aPortletVec - A vector of portlets representing all portlets in a column.


public java.util.LinkedList sortIntoColumns(Portlet[] portlets,
                                            PortalColumnInformation[] columnInfo)
Sorts an array of portlets into columns. It only sorts the references in the array and does not update the entities in the persistent store.
Portlets - An array of portlets to be sorted.
columnInfo - The column information for the portal that contains the portlets.
A linked list of vectors where each vector is all of the portlets in the column. Returns an empty list if an error or their are no portlets.


public void calcXYForNewPortlets(java.util.LinkedList addList,
                                 java.util.LinkedList sortedColumnList,
                                 PortalColumnInformation[] columnInfo)
Calculates the X and Y for each portal in an 'add set' of portlets. An add set is a set of new portlets that will be added to a portal. This method does not add them it just updates the in memory portlet X and Y.
addSet - a Set of Portlet references.
sortedColumnSet - a Set of vectors containing portlets sorted into columns.
columnInfo - The column information for the portal. Each vector is a column.


protected int findFirstWideColumn(PortalColumnInformation[] columnInfo)
Returns the index of the first wide column for a portal. Note: The wide attribute is not supported yet.
columnInfo - The portal's column information.
-1 if no wide column found, else the 0 based offset of the first wide column found.


protected int findFirstNarrowColumn(PortalColumnInformation[] columnInfo)
Returns the index of the first narrow column for a portal.
columnInfo - The portal's column information.
-1 if no narrow column found, else the 0 based offset of the first narrow column found.


protected int findNextNarrowColumn(int curIdx,
                                   PortalColumnInformation[] columnInfo)
Returns the index of the next narrow column for a portal.
curIdx - The current column index.
columnInfo - The portal's column information.
-1 if no narrow column found, else the 0 based offset of the next narrow column found.


public java.lang.String[] getVisiblePortletNamesFor(java.lang.String layoutScope,
                                                    java.lang.String portalName,
                                                    java.lang.String groupName,
                                                    java.lang.String userName)
Returns the visible portlet names based upon the scope of the request.
layoutScope - The scope of the layout (portal, group, user)
portalName - The name of the portal.
groupName - The name of the group.
userName - The name of the user.
An array of portlet names.
See Also:


public Portlet getPortletFor(java.lang.String layoutScope,
                             java.lang.String portalName,
                             java.lang.String groupName,
                             java.lang.String userName,
                             java.lang.String portletName)
Returns the visible portlets based upon the scope of the request.
layoutScope - The scope of the layout (portal, group, user)
portalName - The name of the portal.
groupName - The name of the group.
userName - The name of the user.
An array of portlets.
See Also:


public boolean removePortletFor(java.lang.String layoutScope,
                                java.lang.String portalName,
                                java.lang.String groupName,
                                java.lang.String userName,
                                Portlet aPortlet)
Removes (turns off the visible bit) a portlet for the scope of the request.
layoutScope - The scope of the layout (portal, group, user)
portalName - The name of the portal.
groupName - The name of the group.
userName - The name of the user.
aPortlet - The portlet to remove (make invisible).
true if successful; false if not.
See Also:


public boolean updatePortletFor(java.lang.String layoutScope,
                                java.lang.String portalName,
                                java.lang.String groupName,
                                java.lang.String userName,
                                Portlet aPortlet)
Updates a portlet for the scope of the request.
layoutScope - The scope of the layout (portal, group, user)
portalName - The name of the portal.
groupName - The name of the group.
userName - The name of the user.
aPortlet - The portlet to remove (make invisible).
true if successful; false if not.
See Also:


public PortalColumnInformation[] getPortalColumnInfo(java.lang.String portalName)
Returns the column information for a portal.
portalName - The name of the portal.
The Portal Column Information.


public void setPortalColumnInfo(Portal aPortal,
                                PortalColumnInformation[] colInfo)
Sets the portal column information for a portal.
aPortal - The Portal.
colInfo - The column information.


public void processMoveCommand(java.lang.String theCommand,
                               Portlet thePortlet)
Processes a move command from the layout tool.
theCommand - The command to process (MoveDown, MoveUp, MoveLeft, MoveRight, Remove).
thePortlet - The portlet for the command.


public boolean updatePortlets(java.util.HashMap thePortletHashMap,
                              javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                              java.lang.String layoutScope,
                              java.lang.String portalName,
                              java.lang.String groupName,
                              java.lang.String userName)
Updates a portlet for the scope of the request.
request - The HTTP request.
layoutScope - The scope of the layout (portal, group, user)
portalName - The name of the portal.
groupName - The name of the group.
userName - The name of the user.
true if successful; false if not.


public boolean updateColumnInfo(java.util.HashMap bufferedColWidthHashMap,
                                javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                Portal thePortal)
Updates the column information for a Portal.
bufferedColWidthHashMap - The column widths.
request - The HTTP request.
thePortal - The portal.
true if successful; false if not.


public boolean updatePortlets(java.util.HashMap thePortletHashMap,
                              javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                              java.lang.String layoutScope,
                              java.lang.String portalName,
                              java.lang.String groupName,
                              java.lang.String userName,
                              java.util.Hashtable originalMap)
Updates a portlet for the scope of the request. This will only work for the end user tools. Which are those available directly off of the portal.
request - The HTTP request.
layoutScope - The scope of the layout (portal, group, user)
portalName - The name of the portal.
groupName - The name of the group.
userName - The name of the user.
originalMap - the original values of the portlets. This will be changed to match the new layout.
true if successful; false if not.


public Portlet[][] getPortletRC(int numCols,
                                java.util.Hashtable aMap)
Redo the Row/Column representation of the portlets based on the new layout.
aMap -  
numCols -  

BEA Systems, Inc.

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