BEA Systems, Inc.

Class PortletJspBean

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PortletJspBean
extends PortalJspBean
implements Portlet

The <jsp:usebean> for several Portal Admin tools such as portlet_new.jsp. This class represents the Portlet Definition entity.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String alternateFooterURL
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  java.lang.String alternateHeaderURL
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  java.lang.String bannerURL
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  long categoryId
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  int column
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  java.lang.String editURL
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  boolean floatable
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  boolean hasHelp
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  java.lang.String helpURL
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  java.lang.String iconURL
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  boolean isEditable
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  boolean isMandatory
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  boolean isMinimized
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  boolean loginRequired
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  boolean maximizeable
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  java.lang.String maximizedURL
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  boolean minimizeable
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  boolean moveable
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  int row
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  java.lang.String titlebarURL
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
protected  boolean visible
          An HTTP request mapping attribute.
Fields inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.jspbeans.PortalJspBean
contentColumnCount, contentColumnCountStr, contentURL, editURL, footerURL, headerURL, isEditable, name, suspended, suspendedURL
Fields inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.axiom.jsp.JspBeanBase
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of this bean.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAlternateFooterURL()
          Gets the alternate footer URL for this portlet.
 java.lang.String getAlternateHeaderURL()
          Gets the alternate header URL for this portlet.
 java.lang.String getBannerURL()
          Gets the banner URL for this portlet.
 long getCategoryId()
          Gets the portal category.
 int getColumn()
          Gets the column position of this portlet in a portal.
 java.lang.String getEditURL()
          Gets the edit URL for this portlet.
 java.lang.String getHelpURL()
          Gets the help URL for this portlet.
 java.lang.String getIconURL()
          Gets the icon URL for this portlet.
 java.lang.String getMaximizedURL()
          Gets the maximize URL for this portlet.
 int getRow()
          Gets the row position of this portlet in a column.
 java.lang.String getTitlebarURL()
          Gets the titlebar URL for this portlet.
 boolean hasHelp()
          Gets the has help attribute.
 boolean isAvailable()
          Gets the available state of this portlet.
 boolean isEditable()
          Gets the editable state of this portlet.
 boolean isFloatable()
          Gets the isFloatable attribute of this portlet.
 boolean isLoginRequired()
          Gets the login required state of this portlet.
 boolean isMandatory()
          Gets the mandatory state of this portlet.
 boolean isMaximizeable()
          Gets the is Maximizeable attribute of this portlet.
 boolean isMinimizeable()
          Gets the isMinimizeable attribute of this portlet.
 boolean isMinimized()
          Gets the current minimized state of this portlet for a user.
 boolean isMoveable()
          Gets the moveable state of this portlet.
 boolean isVisible()
          Gets the isVisible attribute of this portlet.
 void setAlternateFooterURL(java.lang.String aURL)
          Sets the alternate footer URL.
 void setAlternateHeaderURL(java.lang.String aURL)
          Sets the alternate header URL.
 void setAvailable(boolean ignore)
          Sets the available state of this portlet.
 void setBannerURL(java.lang.String aURL)
          Sets the banner URL.
 void setCategoryId(long aCategory)
          Sets the portal category for this bean.
 void setColumn(int aPos)
          Sets the column position of this portlet in a portal.
 void setEditable(boolean isEditable)
          Sets the editable state of this portlet.
 void setEditURL(java.lang.String aURL)
          Sets the edit URL.
 void setFloatable(boolean aBool)
          Sets the isFloatable attribute of this portlet.
 void setHelp(boolean aHasHelp)
          Sets whether or not this bean has help enabled.
 void setHelpURL(java.lang.String aURL)
          Sets the help URL.
 void setIconURL(java.lang.String aURL)
          Sets the icon URL.
 void setLoginRequired(boolean aBool)
          Sets the login required state of this portlet.
 void setMandatory(boolean isMan)
          Sets the mandatory state of this portlet.
 void setMaximizeable(boolean aBool)
          Sets the isMaximizeable attribute of this portlet.
 void setMaximizedURL(java.lang.String aURL)
          Sets the maximize URL.
 void setMinimizeable(boolean aBool)
          Sets the isMinimizeable attribute of this portlet.
 void setMinimized(boolean isMinimized)
          Sets the current minimized state of this portlet for a user.
 void setMoveable(boolean ignore)
          Sets the moveable state of this portlet.
 void setRow(int aPos)
          Sets the row position of this portlet in a column.
 void setTitlebarURL(java.lang.String aURL)
          Sets the titlebar URL.
 void setVisible(boolean aBool)
          Sets the isVisible attribute of this portlet.
 java.lang.String validate()
          Validates the attributes of this bean.
Methods inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.jspbeans.PortalJspBean
clone, getContentColumnCount, getContentColumnCountStr, getContentURL, getFooterURL, getHeaderURL, getName, getPK, getSuspendedURL, isSuspended, setContentColumnCount, setContentColumnCountStr, setContentURL, setFooterURL, setHeaderURL, setName, setPK, setSuspended, setSuspendedURL
Methods inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.axiom.jsp.JspBeanBase
findStringInArray, hasSpecialHTMLChars, isStringLetterOrDigit, validateDoubleValue, validateDoubleValue, validateGroupName, validateIntValue, validateIntValue, validateLength, validateUserName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected long categoryId
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>. This attribute not support yet and is reserved for future use.


protected java.lang.String maximizedURL
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected boolean moveable
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>. Since the Portal Framework does not support this attribute at this time, default it to true.


protected boolean isMinimized
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected boolean isMandatory
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>. Since the Portal Framework does not support this attribute at this time, default it to false.


protected boolean minimizeable
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected boolean maximizeable
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected boolean floatable
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected boolean visible
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected int row
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected int column
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected java.lang.String bannerURL
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected java.lang.String alternateHeaderURL
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected java.lang.String alternateFooterURL
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected boolean hasHelp
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected java.lang.String helpURL
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected java.lang.String iconURL
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected boolean isEditable
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected java.lang.String editURL
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected java.lang.String titlebarURL
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.


protected boolean loginRequired
An HTTP request mapping attribute. This attribute is contained in the HTTP request for the JSP page associated with this <jsp:usebean>.
Constructor Detail


public PortletJspBean()
Creates a new instance of this bean.
Method Detail


public void setCategoryId(long aCategory)
Sets the portal category for this bean. This is not support yet and is reserved for future use.
Specified by:
setCategoryId in interface Portlet
aCategory - The portal category name.


public long getCategoryId()
Gets the portal category. This method is not supported yet and is reserved for future use.
Specified by:
getCategoryId in interface Portlet
String - The portal category that this portlet belongs to.


public void setHelp(boolean aHasHelp)
Sets whether or not this bean has help enabled.
Specified by:
setHelp in interface Portlet
aHasHelp - True if it supports help, false if not.


public boolean hasHelp()
Gets the has help attribute.
Specified by:
hasHelp in interface Portlet
boolean - true if this portlet has help, false if not.


public void setHelpURL(java.lang.String aURL)
Sets the help URL.
Specified by:
setHelpURL in interface Portlet
aURL - The help URL.


public java.lang.String getHelpURL()
Gets the help URL for this portlet.
Specified by:
getHelpURL in interface Portlet
String - The help URL for this portlet.


public java.lang.String getIconURL()
Gets the icon URL for this portlet.
Specified by:
getIconURL in interface Portlet
String - The icon URL for this portlet.


public void setIconURL(java.lang.String aURL)
Sets the icon URL.
Specified by:
setIconURL in interface Portlet
aURL - The icon URL.


public boolean isAvailable()
Gets the available state of this portlet. Always returns false at this level since this attribute in this class is ignored. Subclasses need to override this method to customize the behavior.
Specified by:
isAvailable in interface Portlet
boolean - ignore This parameter is ignored.
See Also:


public void setAvailable(boolean ignore)
Sets the available state of this portlet. Setting this attribute in this class is ignored. Subclasses need to override this method to customize the behavior.
Specified by:
setAvailable in interface Portlet
ignore - This parameter is ignored.
See Also:


public boolean isMoveable()
Gets the moveable state of this portlet. Always returns true since this attribute is not supported and is reserved for future use.
Specified by:
isMoveable in interface Portlet
boolean - Always returns true.


public void setMoveable(boolean ignore)
Sets the moveable state of this portlet. Always sets it to true since this attribute is not supported and is reserved for future use.
Specified by:
setMoveable in interface Portlet
ignore - This parameter is ignored.


public boolean isMinimizeable()
Gets the isMinimizeable attribute of this portlet. When true, the portal framework allows the user to minimize the portlet.
Specified by:
isMinimizeable in interface Portlet
boolean - true if the portlet can be minimized, false if not.
See Also:
Portal Developer's Guide for more detail.


public void setMinimizeable(boolean aBool)
Sets the isMinimizeable attribute of this portlet. When true, the portal framework allows the user to minimize the portlet.
Specified by:
setMinimizeable in interface Portlet
aBool - true if the portlet can be minimized, false if not.
See Also:
Portal Developer's Guide for more detail.


public boolean isMandatory()
Gets the mandatory state of this portlet. Always set to false since this attribute is not supported and is reserved for future use.
Specified by:
isMandatory in interface Portlet
boolean - Always returns false.


public void setMandatory(boolean isMan)
Sets the mandatory state of this portlet. Always set to false since this attribute is not supported and is reserved for future use.
Specified by:
setMandatory in interface Portlet
ignore - This parameter is ignored and always set to false.


public boolean isLoginRequired()
Gets the login required state of this portlet. For security and/or content reasons, you can make your portlet require a log in to the portal. This means that only signed in users will see the porlet and anonymous users will not.
Specified by:
isLoginRequired in interface Portlet
boolean - true if login is required to view this portlet, false if not which allows anonymous users to view the portlet.
See Also:
Portal Developer's Guide for more detail.


public void setLoginRequired(boolean aBool)
Sets the login required state of this portlet. For security and/or content reasons, you can make your portlet require a log in to the portal. This means that only signed in users will see the porlet and anonymous users will not.
Specified by:
setLoginRequired in interface Portlet
aBool - true if login is required to view this portlet, false if not which allows anonymous users to view the portlet.
See Also:
Portal Developer's Guide for more detail.


public java.lang.String getEditURL()
Gets the edit URL for this portlet.
Specified by:
getEditURL in interface Portlet
String - The edit URL for this portlet.


public void setEditURL(java.lang.String aURL)
Sets the edit URL.
Specified by:
setEditURL in interface Portlet
aURL - The edit URL.


public boolean isEditable()
Gets the editable state of this portlet. If a portlet is editable, then you are required to provide an edit URL which is the web page where the user can customize your portlet. For example, a stock portlet should be editable in order for the user to add and remove stock symbols that the user wants to track. The edit URL is the web page that contains the content that allows the user to add/remove stock symbols. If editable, then the portlet's titlebar will contain an edit icon which launches the edit URL. Note, the edit icon will only be displayed when the user is signed in to the portal. The edit icon will not be displayed for anonymous users.
Specified by:
isEditable in interface Portlet
boolean - true if this portlet is editiable, false if not.
See Also:
Portal Developer's Guide for more detail.


public void setEditable(boolean isEditable)
Sets the editable state of this portlet. If a portlet is editable, then you are required to provide an edit URL which is the web page where the user can customize your portlet. For example, a stock portlet should be editable in order for the user to add and remove stock symbols that the user wants to track. The edit URL is the web page that contains the content that allows the user to add/remove stock symbols. If editable, then the portlet's titlebar will contain an edit icon which launches the edit URL. Note, the edit icon will only be displayed when the user is signed in to the portal. The edit icon will not be displayed for anonymous users.
Specified by:
setEditable in interface Portlet
isEditable - true if this portlet is editiable, false if not.
See Also:
Portal Developer's Guide for more detail.


public boolean isMinimized()
Gets the current minimized state of this portlet for a user. When set to true, the portlet's current state is minimized for the user. Note, the minimized icon in the portlet titlebar will only be displayed when the user is signed in since this is a personalized attribute which requires the portal framework to know who the user is. The minimized icon will not be displayed for anonymous users.
Specified by:
isMinimized in interface Portlet
boolean - true if this portlet is minimized, false if not.
See Also:
Portal Developer's Guide for more detail.


public void setMinimized(boolean isMinimized)
Sets the current minimized state of this portlet for a user. When set to true, the portlet's current state is minimized for the user. Note, the minimized icon in the portlet titlebar will only be displayed when the user is signed in since this is a personalized attribute which requires the portal framework to know who the user is. The minimized icon will not be displayed for anonymous users.
Specified by:
setMinimized in interface Portlet
isMinimized - true if this portlet is minimized, false if not.
See Also:
Portal Developer's Guide for more detail.


public boolean isMaximizeable()
Gets the is Maximizeable attribute of this portlet. When true, the portal framework allows the user to maximize the portlet. When set to true, the portlet's titlebar will display a maximize icon if the portlet is not in a maximized state.
Specified by:
isMaximizeable in interface Portlet
boolean - true if this portlet is maximizeable, false if not.
See Also:
Portal Developer's Guide for more detail.


public void setMaximizeable(boolean aBool)
Sets the isMaximizeable attribute of this portlet. When true, the portal framework allows the user to maximize the portlet. When maximized, the portlet replaces the existing web browser page with a fullscreen version of the portlet. When set to true, the portlet's titlebar will display a maximize icon if the portlet is not in a maximized state.
Specified by:
setMaximizeable in interface Portlet
See Also:
Portal Developer's Guide for more detail.


public boolean isFloatable()
Gets the isFloatable attribute of this portlet. When true, the portal framework allows the user to float (detach) the portlet in a new browser window. When set to true, the portlet's titlebar will display a detach icon if the portlet is not already in a detached state.
Specified by:
isFloatable in interface Portlet
boolean - true if this portlet is floatable (detachable), false if not.


public void setFloatable(boolean aBool)
Sets the isFloatable attribute of this portlet. When true, the portal framework allows the user to float (detach) the portlet in a new browser window. When set to true, the portlet's titlebar will display a detach icon if the portlet is not already in a detached state.
Specified by:
setFloatable in interface Portlet
aBool - true if this portlet is floatable (detachable), false if not.


public boolean isVisible()
Gets the isVisible attribute of this portlet. When true, the portal framework makes this portlet visible. When false, the portlet is not visible.
Specified by:
isVisible in interface Portlet
boolean - true if this portlet is visible, false if not.


public void setVisible(boolean aBool)
Sets the isVisible attribute of this portlet. When true, the portal framework makes this portlet visible. When false, the portlet is not visible.
Specified by:
setVisible in interface Portlet
aBool - true if this portlet is visible, false if not.


public java.lang.String getMaximizedURL()
Gets the maximize URL for this portlet.
Specified by:
getMaximizedURL in interface Portlet
String - The maximize URL for this portlet.


public void setMaximizedURL(java.lang.String aURL)
Sets the maximize URL.
Specified by:
setMaximizedURL in interface Portlet
aURL - The maximize URL.


public int getRow()
Gets the row position of this portlet in a column.
Specified by:
getRow in interface Portlet
int - The zero-based position.


public void setRow(int aPos)
Sets the row position of this portlet in a column.
Specified by:
setRow in interface Portlet
aPos - The zero-based position.


public int getColumn()
Gets the column position of this portlet in a portal.
Specified by:
getColumn in interface Portlet
int - The zero-based position.


public void setColumn(int aPos)
Sets the column position of this portlet in a portal.
Specified by:
setColumn in interface Portlet
aPos - The zero-based position.


public java.lang.String getBannerURL()
Gets the banner URL for this portlet.
Specified by:
getBannerURL in interface Portlet
String - The benner URL for this portlet.


public void setBannerURL(java.lang.String aURL)
Sets the banner URL.
Specified by:
setBannerURL in interface Portlet
aURL - The banner URL.


public java.lang.String getAlternateHeaderURL()
Gets the alternate header URL for this portlet.
Specified by:
getAlternateHeaderURL in interface Portlet
String - The alternate header URL for this portlet.


public void setAlternateHeaderURL(java.lang.String aURL)
Sets the alternate header URL.
Specified by:
setAlternateHeaderURL in interface Portlet
aURL - The alternate header URL.


public java.lang.String getAlternateFooterURL()
Gets the alternate footer URL for this portlet.
Specified by:
getAlternateFooterURL in interface Portlet
String - The alternate footer URL for this portlet.


public void setAlternateFooterURL(java.lang.String aURL)
Sets the alternate footer URL.
Specified by:
setAlternateFooterURL in interface Portlet
aURL - The alternate footer URL.


public java.lang.String getTitlebarURL()
Gets the titlebar URL for this portlet.
Specified by:
getTitlebarURL in interface Portlet
String - The titlebar URL for this portlet.


public void setTitlebarURL(java.lang.String aURL)
Sets the titlebar URL.
Specified by:
setTitlebarURL in interface Portlet
aURL - The titlebar URL.


public java.lang.String validate()
Validates the attributes of this bean.
validate in class PortalJspBean
String - An error string if an error, else it returns null if sucessful.

BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2000 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved