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Welcome to the BEA WebLogic Personalization Server!

Using WebLogic Personalization Server, you can create personalized e-Commerce sites with content that is customized to users based on user profiles and business rules you define. What this means for your e-Commerce enterprise is a flexible, personalized, dynamic Web presence that listens and responds to your customers and partners based on what you define as important factors. Get started now employing the power of dynamic, rules-based, custom Web content!


Overview of the WebLogic Personalization Server

What Is WebLogic Personalization Server?

The Advisor

User Management

Rules Management

Property Set Management

Portal Management

Foundation Classes and Utilities


Creating and Managing Portals

Introduction to Portals and Portlets

The Portal Framework

What is the Difference Between a Portal and a Portlet?

Personalizing a Portal

Setting Up

Logging On to the Administration Tool

Configuring the Flow Manager to Control Portal Access

Creating a Portal Web Site Directory Under the Server Document Root

Using the Portal Administration Tool

Administering Portlets

Administering Portals

Administering Portal Groups

Creating a Portal Using the Acme Demo

Introducing the Acme Demo Portal

Starting the Acme Demo Portal

Building the Acme Demo Portal Components

Creating Portlets for Your Demo Portal

Associating Portlets with Your Demo Portal

Editing Your Demo Portal Layout

Editing Your Demo Portal Color Scheme

Testing Your Demo Portal

Where to Get More Information


Creating and Managing Property Sets

Overview of Property Sets

Property Value Retrieval via ConfigurableEntity

Using the Property Set Management Tool

Creating Property Sets

Creating Properties Within a Property Set

Editing Property Sets

Editing Properties Within a Property Set

Deleting Property Sets

Deleting Properties


Creating and Managing Users

Overview of User Management

Users and Groups

Unified User Profiles

Configuration 1

Configuration 2

Configuration 3

Configuration 4

Using WebLogic Realms

Anonymous User Profiles

Privacy Statement

User Manager

Using the User Management Tool

Creating Groups

Deleting Groups

Adding Users to Groups

Removing Users from Groups

Editing Group Property Values

Creating Users

Editing User Property Values

Deleting Users

Creating Unified Profile Types

Editing Unified Profile Types

Deleting Unified Profile Types

Using Other Realms

Registering User Attributes for Retrieval from LDAP

Unregistering User Attributes for Retrieval from LDAP

Registering Group Attributes for Retrieval from LDAP

Unregistering Group Attributes for Retrieval from LDAP

Viewing LDAP Configuration Settings

Selecting Groups for Use in the Personalization Server from the Realm

Mapping Realm Groups to the Personalization Server

Deleting Groups from Your Database

Deleting User Records That Do Not Exist in the Realm from the Personalization Database


Creating and Managing Rules

What Is the Rules Manager?

Well-known Objects

How the Rules Engine Works

What Are Rule Sets?

Classifier Rules

Content Selector Rules

Debugging Rule Sets

Using the Rules Management Administration Tool

Creating a Rule Set

Opening a Rule Set

Editing Rule Set Properties

Saving a Rule Set

Deleting a Rule Set

Navigating Between Rule Types

Finding a Rule

Creating a Classifier Rule

Editing a Rule

Editing Rule Properties

Adding an If User Phrase to a Rule

Editing an If User Phrase

Deleting a Rule Phrase

Creating a Content Selector Rule

Adding an If User Classifier to a Content Selector Rule Phrase

Adding an And When Phrase to a Content Selector Rule

Adding a Then Display Content Phrase to a Content Selector Rule

Editing a Then Display Content Phrase