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Welcome to the BEA WebLogic Personalization Server Developer's Guide!

This guide describes:

  • Personalization Server run-time architecture

  • The Personalization Advisor, which contains core services used to deliver personalized content

  • Information needed by JSP tag developers, Servlet developers, and Java programmers who want to set up rules and content management policies


Overview of Personalization Development

Personalization Server Run-Time Architecture


Portal Management

User Management

Content Management

Rules Management

Foundation Classes and Utilities

JSP Tags

Integration of External Components

Support for Native Types


Creating Personalized Applications with the Advisor

What Is the Advisor?

The Advisor Delivers Content to a Personalized Application

The Advisor Provides Information About User Classifications

You Can Use the Advisor in One of Two Ways

Creating Personalized Applications
with the Advisor JSP Tags

Classifying Users with the JSP <pz:div> Tag

Selecting Content with the <pz:contentQuery> JSP Tag

Matching Content to Users with the <pz:contentSelector> JSP Tag

Creating Personalized Applications with the Advisor Session Bean

Classifying Users with the Advisor Session Bean

Selecting Content with the Advisor Session Bean

Matching Content to Users with the Advisor Session Bean


Foundation Classes and Utilities

Flow Manager

Hot Deployment

Dynamic Flow Determination and Handling

How the FlowManager Works

Property Set Usage

destinationdeterminer Property

destinatationhandler Property

ttl (time-to-live) Property

Creating a New Property Set

Set Parameters for Your Portal or Application


Accessing Your Application via the Flow Manager

Using Flow Manager with a Web Application

Using Flow Manager with a non-Web Application


HTTP Handling

Personalization Request Object

Default Request Property Set

Personalization Session Object

Default Session Property Set








Utilities in commerce.util Package




Creating and Managing Content

What Is the Content Manager?

Using Third-party Tools

How Do I Choose What Content Management Tools to Use?

Constructing Queries Using Java

Differences Between Content Management and Document Management

Using the Document Servlet

Example 1: Usage in a JSP

Example 2: Usage in a JSP

JSP Tags

Configuring the Content Manager

Configuring the DocumentSchema EJB Deployment Descriptor

Configuring the DocumentManager EJB Deployment Descriptor

Setting Up Connection Pools

Example Connection Pool Entry

Configuring WebLogic Commerce Properties

Using the Show Document Servlet

Querying Document Content

Structuring a Query

Using Comparison Operators to Construct Queries

Using the BulkLoader to Load File-based Content

Command Line Usage

How the BulkLoader Finds Files

How the BulkLoader Finds Metadata Properties

Cleaning Up the Database

Loading Internationalized Documents

Generating Schema Files

Using Content Management JSP Tags

Content Cache

readOnly Content Tag

Object Interfaces


Developing Portlets


What Is a Portlet?

Creating a Portlet Application

Defining the Portlet JSP

Working Within the Portal Framework

Extending the PortalJspBase Class

Accessing Portal Session Information

Sending Requests Through the Flow Manager

Using URL Links in Your Portlet

HTML Form Processing

Retrieving the Home Page

Retrieving the Current Page

Setting the Request Destination

Tracking User Login Status

Loading Content from an External URL

Using Example Portlets

HTML Tables versus HTML Frames


Building a Custom Portal Step-by-Step



How to Use This Chapter

Creating the Framework for Your Custom Portal

Installing WebLogic Personalization Server

Setting Up the Portal Framework


Repository Directory

Simple Customizations

Project 1: Customizing the Acme Logos

Project 2: Customizing the Choice of Portlets

Project 3: Customizing the Layout of Portlets

Project 4: Describing Your Users

Writing Your Own Portlets

Project 5: Building a Static Portlet


Project 6: Building a Simple Dynamic Portlet


Project 7: Building a Second Dynamic Portlet


Advanced Portlet Functionality

Project 8: Adding a Maximized URL


Project 9: Changing the Look of a Maximized Portlet



Project 10: Inter-portlet Communication



Using the HTTP Request Method to Communicate Between Portlets

Parameter Name Collisions Between Portlets

Several Sets Of Portlets Using The Http Request Method At Once

Other Customization Techniques

More Portlet Customization

Database Interaction

Java Beans Interaction

Personalization Advisor Functionality


Using Webflow

Commerce Functionality

Modifying the Portal Framework

Building Your Site Without the Portal Framework

Framework Files


Using the Catalog Application in a Portal

Deploying a Portal as a Web Application

Using E-Commerce Functionality Within a Portal

Using Webflow Within a Portal

Reusing Pieces of the Demo Catalog Application in a Portal


Localizing Applications with the Internationalization Tags

What Is the I18N Framework?

Localizing Your JSP



The JspMessageBundle

How the Localization Tag Works

Character Encoding

Displaying More than One Character Set on a Page

Default Character Encodings

Steps for Localizing Your Application

Code Examples

Using the JSP Internationalization Framework with JavaScript

Using the JSP Internationalization Framework with Java Scriptlets

Localizing the BEA WebLogic Personalization Server

Static Text

Constructed Messages

Resource Bundles Used in the WebLogic Personalization Server Tools

Localizing System Messages


WebLogic Personalization Server Schema

The Entity-Relationship Diagram

The Tables Comprising the WebLogic Personalization Server

The Schema Tables

The SQL Scripts Used to Create the Database


JSP Tag Library Reference

The Advisor




Content Management






Flow Manager











Portal Management








Property Sets



User Management

Profile Management Tags






Group-User Management Tags

















Security Tags




Personalization Utilities











WebLogic Utilities

