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Welcome to the WebLogic Personalization Tour!

This tour walks you through the steps required to use many of the personalization services provided by the WebLogic Commerce Server. By building upon the Acme Demo example portal that ships with the product, the WebLogic Personalization Tour includes descriptions about how to add properties and set property values, how you could create rules to classify users, and how you can build a portlet and add the portlet to the example portal.


Overview of the Personalization Tour

Get Started!


Working with Properties

Adding Properties Within a Property Set

Creating a Property Within the exampleportal Property Set

Adding a Default Value to the AcmePoints Property


Working with User Profiles

Editing User Properties


Working with Content

Adding Content

Ensuring Content Is Available

Check the Metadata in the Content

Indexing Content with the BulkLoader


Working with Rules

Creating Rules

Creating the Classifier Rules

Adding Phrases to the Classifier Rules

Creating the Content Selector Rules

Adding Conditions to the Hints Rule

Adding Conditions to the FrequentVisitorMessage Rule


Editing the Example Portal

Viewing the JSP Page

Building the Portlet

Adding the Portlet to the Portal


Deploying the New Example Portal

Viewing the New Example Portal

Logging In as a Frequent Visitor

Viewing Infrequent Visitor Hints

Enhancing the Example Portal Login