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Release Notes for BEA WebLogic Commerce Server and BEA WebLogic Personalization Server, release 3.2 with Service Pack 2.

Release Notes

Before You Begin: Important Notes on This Document

Conventions for Referring to Installation Directories

Check E-Docs for Latest Version

Initial Release 3.2 Notes and Changes

New Features in Release 3.2

Limitations Fixed in 3.2 Initial Release

Known Limitations and Workarounds in 3.2 Initial Release

Miscellaneous Notes on 3.2 Initial Release

3.2 Service Pack 2 Kit

SP1 and SP2 Limitations Fixed in This Service Pack

Known Limitations and Workarounds in SP2

Installing SP2

Notes on WebLogic Server Service Packs

About the Service Packs for WebLogic Server

Accessing WebLogic Server Service Pack 10

Using the New LDAPRealm in WLS 5.1 SP10

General Requirements and Notes for 3.2 Initial Release and Service Packs

The Java HotSpot Server VM is Required

Evaluation License Keys

Default Administrator Log-in

Disclaimer Regarding Use of Integrations

Design Goals for the Commerce Server Sample Web Application

Database Notes

Schema Migration Information

Using Oracle 8.1.6 or Higher on Windows

Database Performance

Sybase Database Installation Note

About the Download File

About Cybercash and TAXWARE

Supported Platforms

Service Pack 2 Supported Platforms

Service Pack 1 Supported Platforms

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