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WebLogic Enterprise EJB Extensions Reference


This topic describes the WebLogic EJB Extensions, which are XML elements used to configure EJBs used in applications that run in the WebLogic Enterprise (WLE) environment.

This topic includes the following sections:

For more information about deploying EJBs in the WebLogic Enterprise environment, see "Developing WebLogic Enterprise EJB Applications" in Getting Started.


About the WebLogic Enterprise EJB Extensions

The Enterprise JavaBeans Specification 1.1, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc., defines a standard DTD for describing EJB deployment information. For a list of the standard XML elements, see EJB Deployment Descriptor Reference.

WebLogic Enterprise extends the ability to configure EJBs by providing additional, optional XML elements that can be associated with EJBs. The Enterprise JavaBeans Specification 1.1 mandates that these extensions be specified in a separate file. The WebLogic Enterprise EJB Extensions are defined in a file named weblogic-ejb-extensions.xml.

The Bean Developer is responsible for creating this file, if needed, and the Application Assembler is responsible for including it in a deployable EJB JAR file. To add this extensions file to an EJB JAR file, an Application Assembler uses the ejbc command-line tool, specifying the -x parameter and passing the weblogic-ejb-extensions.xml filename. For more information about the ejbc command-line tool, see the Commands, Systems Processes, and MIB Reference.


DOCTYPE Declaration

All valid file named weblogic-ejb-extensions.xml files must contain the following DOCTYPE declaration:

<!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-extensions SYSTEM "weblogic-ejb-extensions.dtd" >


Summary of WebLogic Enterprise EJB Extensions

Table 2-1 describes the WebLogic Enterprise XML extension elements.

Table 2-1 WebLogic Enterprise XML Extension Elements



EJB Role


Specifies an attribute map containing one or more attribute map entries, which define a mapping between an EJB field (a container-managed attribute) and a table column name.

Bean Provider


Specifies the mapping between an EJB field and a table column.

Bean Provider


Specifies the name of an EJB field in an attribute map entry.

Bean Provider


Specifies the finder descriptor for finding one or more EJBs.

Bean Provider


Specifies whether or not an entity bean or stateful session bean can be cached.

Bean Provider


Specifies the name of an EJB method that tells the WebLogic Enterprise EJB container whether the bean data has been modified.

Bean Provider


Specifies the name for the EJB home that is registered in the Global WebLogic Enterprise JNDI namespace.

Bean Provider


Specifies the server implementation class for handling the initialize and release methods.

Bean Provider


Specifies the name of the server implementation class for handling the initialize and release methods.

Bean Provider


Specifies the type of persistence storage (in a flat file or a JDBC-managed database) for container-managed persistence.

Bean Provider


If persistent storage is kept in a flat file, specifies the directory root for storing all instances of an EJB. Each ejb-name element is converted to a directory name.

Bean Provider


Specifies persistent storage in a flat file.

Bean Provider


Specifies persistent storage in a database that is managed by a WebLogic Enterprise JDBC connection pool.

Bean Provider


Specifies the name of the JDBC connection pool associated with the database used to store EJB state information.

Bean Provider


Specifies the query expression for a finder method.

Bean Provider


Specifies the name of a table column in an attribute map entry.

Bean Provider


Specifies the name of the table used to store EJB state information.

Bean Provider


Specifies the default timeout, in seconds, for container-initiated transactions for this bean. If a transaction duration exceeds this value, the transaction will be rolled back.

Bean Provider


Specifies deployment options for the BEA WebLogic ServerTM.

Bean Provider


Root element of the WebLogic Enterprise XML extensions to the deployment descriptor.

Bean Provider


Specifies deployment information for a bean that is specific to WebLogic Enterprise.

Bean Provider


Specifies the WebLogic Enterprise version.

Bean Provider


Description of WebLogic Enterprise EJB Extension Elements



Specifies an attribute map containing one or more attribute map entries, which define a mapping between an EJB field (a container-managed attribute) and a table column name.


<!ELEMENT attribute-map (description?, attribute-map-entry+)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies the mapping between an EJB field and a table column.


<!ELEMENT attribute-map-entry (bean-field-name, table-column-name)>


The specified mapping must be between equivalent types, because no automatic type conversion between types is performed on primary key columns.

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies the name of an EJB field in an attribute map entry.


<!ELEMENT bean-field-name (#PCDATA)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies the finder descriptor for finding one or more EJBs.


<!ELEMENT finder-descriptor (description?, method?, query-grammar?)>

Valid Values


Finder descriptors are the WebLogic Enterprise implementation of the EJB find methods. If an EJB uses container-managed JDBC persistence, you can specify finder methods of the form findMethod() to find either an individual EJB or a collection of EJBs.

The finder-descriptor elements are pairs of method signatures and expressions. You specify a method signature in the EJB Home interface and specify the method's expression in the deployment descriptor using the query-grammar element. Expressions contain method parameters and EJB attributes. The EJB container automatically maps the attributes to the appropriate columns in the persistent store.

For complex SQL lookups, such as a dynamically set WHERE clause, you need to use bean-managed persistence and write custom finders.

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In



The findBigAccounts method has the following interface:

public interface AccountHome extends EJBHome {
// ...
public Enumeration findBigAccounts(double balanceGreaterThan)
throws FinderException, RemoteException;
// ...

The following sample expression associated with the findBigAccounts method is defined in the deployment descriptor:

  (> balance $balanceGreaterThan)

where balance is an attribute (field) of the EJB and $balanceGreaterThan is the symbol for the method parameter balanceGreaterThan.

A call in the client application, such as myEJBean.findBigAccounts(amount), will return a list of all EJBs whose balance attribute is greater than the value of amount.



Specifies whether or not an entity bean or stateful session bean can be cached.


<!ELEMENT is-cacheable (#PCDATA)>

Valid Values

One of the following values:


The information supplied for the is-cacheable element is used by the EJB container to determine whether a bean can be cached. The is-cacheable element applies to entity beans and stateful session beans, but not to stateless session beans.

The setting for the is-cacheable element determines the EJB's caching behavior:

In general, you specify the is-cacheable element only if you want to turn caching off for a specific bean on a server that supports caching. If is-cacheable is set to True for a bean that resides on a server with caching turned off, the bean is not cached.

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies the name of an EJB method that tells the WebLogic Enterprise EJB container whether the bean data has been modified or not.


<!ELEMENT is-modified-method-name (#PCDATA)>


The is-modified-method-name element points to the method that is called before the EJB is stored. The specified method must return a Boolean value, where True indicates that the EJB has been modified, and False indicates that it has not been modified and should not be saved. The is-modified-method-name element applies to stateful session beans or entity beans using container managed persistence, but not to stateless session beans.

When using the is-modified-method-name element:

If the is-modified-method-name element is not specified, WebLogic Enterprise always assumes that the EJB has been modified and saves it.

Providing a method and setting the method appropriately improves performance by eliminating unnecessary writing of the bean to the database or file system. When you are using container-managed persistence for entity beans or stateful session beans, the WebLogic Enterprise EJB container must write the contents of the EJB. The is-modified-method-name element provides a mechanism for telling the container when the bean has and has not been changed. Otherwise, the container has no way of knowing that the EJB's contents have not been modified during the usage of the EJB.

However, this check for a modified EJB assumes that no other client has modified the entity either from WebLogic Enterprise or directly to the database. The extension should be used only as an optimizer for specific situations; otherwise, a loss of data integrity can result.

This optimization works by taking advantage of what Bean Providers know about the logic of the business methods to reduce the frequency with which beans are passivated. If all the methods of your bean change the value of the bean (and therefore the container should save the contents after each invocation), this optimization is not appropriate. There are other circumstances (such as shared databases) in which you also should not use this optimization.

Using this optimization will not degrade the portability of your EJB, because it simply adds a method and a transient value that other EJB containers ignore.

This is an advanced use of EJBs. Only programmers who have an in-depth understanding of EJB and databases should use this optimization.

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies the name for the EJB home that is registered in the Global WebLogic Enterprise JNDI namespace.


<!ELEMENT jndi-name (#PCDATA)>


To allow Java clients to perform a lookup on the JNDI name for the EJB home and gain access to the object, the name of the EJB home must be registered in the Global WebLogic Enterprise JNDI namespace.

This name can differ from the ejb-name element specified in the standard EJB XML. Whereas the ejb-name element must be unique only among the names of the EJBs in the same EJB JAR file, however, the JNDI name must be unique among all global factory names in a WebLogic Enterprise domain, including EJB homes, CORBA factories, and RMI-named objects.

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In













Specifies the server implementation class for handling the initialize and release methods.


<!ELEMENT module-initializer-class (module-initializer-class-name)>


The syntax for specifying a Server implementation class for handling the initialize and release methods is specified in the EJB XML deployment descriptor extensions. These XML elements are processed by the ejbc command. The WebLogic Enterprise EJB framework parses the XML at run time and performs the startup/shutdown processing.

For a complete description of startup and shutdown handling in WebLogic Enterprise, see "Starting and Shutting Down Applications" in the Administration Guide.

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies the fully qualified name of the server implementation class for handling the initialize and release methods.


<!ELEMENT module-initializer-class-name (#PCDATA)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In












Specifies the type of persistence storage (in a flat file or a JDBC-managed database) for container-managed persistence.


<!ELEMENT persistence-store-descriptor (description?, is-modified-method-name?, (persistence-store-file  |  persistence-store-jdbc)?)+>


For container-managed persistence, WebLogic Enterprise EJB container supports storing an EJB in either of the following formats:

The standard EJB XML descriptor provides XML elements for specifying which fields in the entity bean are to be persisted (the cmp-field element), and information about the primary key. The WebLogic Enterprise XML extensions provide additional information for mapping to the persistent store.

The code for implementing the persistence is generated by the EJB compiler, based on the bean's deployment descriptors.

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In



Using JDBC persistence, the following sample XML code shows how to define the automatic saving of two fields (accountId, balance) in an entity bean to a database table (ejbAccounts) using a connection pool (ejbPool):



























If persistent storage is kept in a flat file, specifies the directory root for storing all instances of an EJB. Each ejb-name element is converted to a directory name.


<!ELEMENT persistence-store-directory-root (#PCDATA)>


For EJBs with container-managed persistence, stateful session beans are stored using file persistence when they are passivated. The persistence-store-directory-root element defines the storage location for these instances. By default, the root directory is pstore, which WebLogic Enterprise creates in the directory where the JavaServer is run.

The default filename for a passivated instance is the fully qualified name of the bean, with underscores replacing the periods, plus additional information to ensure uniqueness. For example, if persistence-store-directory-root is c:\weblogic\mystore, all instances of the EJB examples.ejb.AccountBean might be stored in:


EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies persistent storage in a flat file.


<!ELEMENT persistence-store-file (description?, persistence-store-directory-root)>


File persistence for EJBs is intended primarily for development and prototyping. For an EJB to fully cooperate in a WebLogic Enterprise global transaction, use persistence-store-jdbc instead.

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies persistent storage in a database that is managed by a WebLogic Enterprise JDBC connection pool.


<!ELEMENT persistence-store-jdbc (description?, pool-name, table-name, attribute-map, finder-descriptor*)>


EJB instances are stored in a database that has been previously set up with the JDBC connection pool specified in the pool-name element. The table-name and attribute-map elements map the EJB fields to the appropriate table columns in the database.

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies the name of the JDBC connection pool associated with the database used to store EJB state information.


<!ELEMENT pool-name (#PCDATA)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies the query expression for a finder method.


<!ELEMENT query-grammar (#PCDATA)>


The query grammar syntax has an expression prefix notation of:

[operator operand1 operand2]

Valid operators include:

Valid operands include:

EJB Role

Bean Provider


The following examples show sample query expressions in finder methods.

The following expression determines whether balance exceeds amount:

"(> balance $amount)"

The following example shows the use of compound expressions. Note that single quotes are used to denote strings:

"(& (> bal $amount) (! (= accountType 'checking')))" 

The following example is a method signature and an expression that is converted to a findBigAccounts method in the generated persistent storage class. The method returns an enumeration of beans of this class that satisfy this expression:

"findBigAccounts(double amount)" "(> balance $amount)" 

The following example finds all the EJBs in a table:

"findAll()" "(= 1 1)" 

The following example finds all EJBs whose lastName fields starts with M:

"findNamesStartingWithM()" "(like lastName M%)" 

The following example finds all EJBs whose firstName field is null:

"findNullFirstNames()" "(isNull firstName)" 

The following example finds all EJBs whose firstName field is not null:

"findNullFirstNames()" "(isNotNull firstName)" 

The following expression finds all EJBs in which the value of the balance field exceeds balanceGreaterThan and returns the beans ordered by the id database column. Notice that this expression should all be contained in a single line and that no column mapping is performed. The database column must be specified directly:

"findOrderedAccounts(double balanceGreaterThan)"
"(orderBy 'id' (> balance $balanceGreaterThan))"

The following expression is identical to the previous one except that it returns the beans in descending order:

"findOrderedAccounts(double balanceGreaterThan)"
"(orderBy 'id desc' (> balance $balanceGreaterThan))"

Used In




Specifies the name of a table column in an attribute map entry.


<!ELEMENT table-column-name (#PCDATA)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies the name of the table used to store EJB state information.


<!ELEMENT table-name (#PCDATA)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Sets the default timeout, in seconds, for container-initiated transactions for this bean. If a transaction duration exceeds this value, the transaction will be rolled back.


<!ELEMENT trans-timeout-seconds (#PCDATA)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies deployment options for the WebLogic Server.


<!ELEMENT weblogic-deployment-params (is-cacheable? trans-timeout-seconds?, jndi-name?, persistence-store-descriptor?)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Root element of the WebLogic Enterprise XML extensions.


<!ELEMENT weblogic-ejb-extensions (description?, weblogic-version?, weblogic-enterprise-bean*, module-initializer-class*)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider



Specifies deployment information for a bean that is specific to WebLogic Enterprise.


<!ELEMENT weblogic-enterprise-bean (ejb-name, weblogic-deployment-params?)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In




Specifies the WebLogic Enterprise version.


<!ELEMENT weblogic-version (#PCDATA)>

EJB Role

Bean Provider

Used In
