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Oracle Sequence Bean Sample Application


This topic includes the following sections:


How the Oracle Sequence Bean Sample Works

This sample demonstrates creating unique identication numbers using EJBs. You could use these techniques when you create entity beans, which require a unique primary key. This sample uses a container-managed persistence (CMP) based entity bean with a JDBC connection pool to demonstrate the use of the Oracle database's sequence procedure to create unique primary keys. This sample depends on system tables that are shipped with Oracle.

This sample shows:

The Oracle sequence bean sample application implements the following classes:




This class demonstrates calling an entity bean, followed by creating two new accounts with an opening balance and an automatically-generated primary key.


This is the container-managed persistence based entity bean that uses a database table to create unique keys.


This class serves as the interface of the primary key for the OracleBean EJB.


Building and Running the Oracle Sequence Bean Sample

To build and run the Oracle sequence bean sample application, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify the environment variables.

  2. Copy the files for the Oracle sequence bean sample application into a work directory.

  3. Change the protection attribute on the files for the Oracle sequence bean sample application.

  4. Execute the runme command.

The following sections describe these steps, and also explain the following:

Verifying the Settings of the Environment Variables

Before building and running the sample application, you need to ensure that certain environment variables are set on your system. In most cases, these environment variables are set as part of the installation procedure. However, you need to check the environment variables to ensure they reflect correct information.

Table 5-1 lists the environment variables required to run the Oracle sequence bean sample application.

Table 5-1 Environment Variables

Environment Variable



The directory path where you installed the WebLogic Enterprise software. For example:

Windows NT





The directory path where you installed the JDK software. For example:

Windows NT



JAVA_HOME =/usr/local/JDK1.2


The directory path where you installed the Oracle software. For example:


You need to set this environment variable on UNIX operating systems only.

You may optionally set the following system environment variables to change their default value prior to running the Oracle sequence bean sample application runme command. See the Administration Guide for more information about selecting appropriate values for these environment variables.

Table 5-2 lists the optional environment variables required to run the Oracle sequence bean sample application.

Table 5-2 Optional Environment Variables

Environment Variable



The host name portion of the TCP/IP network address used by the ISL process to accept connections from Java clients. The default value is the name of the local machine.


The TCP port number at which the ISL process listens for incoming requests; it must be a number between 0 and 65535. The default value is 2468.


The address of shared memory; it must be a number greater than 32769 unique to this application on this system. The default value is 55432.


Name of the database instance or server. The default value for Oracle is Beq-Local. This is needed only for the samples that use a database.


Name of the database user. The default is scott. This is needed only for the samples that use a database.


Password for the database user. The default is tiger. This is needed only for the samples that use a database.


The Java class name of the database driver. The default is the Oracle 8i driver, weblogic.jdbc20.oci815.Driver.This is needed only for the samples that use a database.


Database connection URL. The default for Oracle is jdbc:weblogic:oracle:Beq-Local. If the database instance is not named, set DB_INSTANCE to null. This is needed only for the samples that use a database.

Verifying the Environment Variables

To verify that the information for the environment variables defined during installation is correct, complete the following steps:

Windows NT

  1. From the Start menu, select Settings.

  2. From the Settings menu, select the Control Panel.

    The Control Panel appears.

  3. Click the System icon.

    The System Properties window appears.

  4. Click the Environment tab.

    The Environment page appears.

  5. Check the settings for TUXDIR and JAVA_HOME.


  1. Enter the ksh command to use the Korn shell.

  2. Enter the printenv command to display the values of TUXDIR and JAVA_HOME, as in the following example:

    ksh prompt>printenv TUXDIR
    ksh prompt>printenv JAVA_HOME

Changing the Environment Variables

To change the environment variable settings, complete the following steps:

Windows NT

  1. From the Start menu, select Settings.

  2. From the Settings menu, select the Control Panel.

    The Control Panel appears.

  3. Click the System icon.

    The System Properties window appears.

  4. Click the Environment tab.

    The Environment page appears.

  5. On the Environment page in the System Properties window, click the environment variable you want to change or enter the name of the environment variable in the Variable field.

  6. Enter the correct information for the environment variable in the Value field.

  7. Click OK to save the changes.


  1. Enter the ksh command to use the Korn shell.

  2. Enter the export command to set the correct values for the TUXDIR and JAVA_HOME environment variables, as in the following example:

    ksh prompt>export TUXDIR=directorypath
    ksh prompt>export JAVA_HOME=directorypath

Copying the Files for the Oracle Sequence Bean Sample Application into a Work Directory

You need to copy the files for the Oracle sequence bean sample application into a work directory on your local machine. The following steps describe how to copy all the example files into a work directory.

  1. If you are using a UNIX system, enter the ksh command to use the Korn shell:

    ksh prompt>

  2. Create a work directory on your machine under the directory described in step 2 in the section Before you Build and Run the EJB Sample Applications.

  3. Copy the contents of the following directory into the work directory:

    Windows NT




The files copied into the work directory are in two categories:

Sample Application Files

Table 5-3 lists and describes all the files for this sample application.

Table 5-3 Sample Application Files




The XML deployment descriptor file used to help add the bean to the EJB container.


A file containing the WebLogic Enterprise extensions to the deployment descriptor DTD.


The Java source code for the client application.

The Java source code for the entity bean that uses container-managed persistence. This class contains the business logic method implementations and methods required by the EJB specification 1.1.

The Java source code for the remote interface of the OracleBean class.

The Java source code for the home interface of the OracleBean class.

Primary key for the bean.

Application-specific exception thrown by the OracleBean class for business methods.


File containing these instructions.

Utility Files

Table 5-4 lists and describes the utility files for this sample application. These files are generated based on the WebLogic Enterprise installation environment. The following files are generated in the same directory as where the source files are found.

Table 5-4 Utility Files




The Windows NT batch file that contains commands to set the environment, boot the server, and execute the client for this sample.


The UNIX Korn shell script that contains commands to boot the server and execute the client for this sample.


The batch file to run the client application on Windows NT systems.


The script file to run the client on UNIX systems.


The batch file to set the necessary environment variables on Windows NT systems.


The script file to set the necessary environment variables on UNIX systems.


The WebLogic Enterprise server configuration file to be used on UNIX systems.


The WebLogic Enterprise server configuration file to be used on Windows NT systems.


The EJB JAR file that contains the source file classes, the container-specific class files generated by the ejbc command, and the deployment descriptor files. This is the EJB JAR file that is deployed on the WebLogic Enterprise server.

Changing the Protection Attribute on the Files for the Oracle sequence Bean Sample Application

During the installation of the WebLogic Enterprise software, the sample application files are marked read-only. Before you can edit or build the files in the Oracle sequence bean sample application, you need to change the protection attribute of the files you copied into your work directory, as follows:

Windows NT

prompt>attrib /S -r drive:\workdirectory\*.*



ksh prompt>chmod +w /workdirectory/*.*

On the UNIX operating system platform, you also need to change the permission of runme.ksh and clean.ksh to give execute permission to those files, as follows:

ksh prompt>chmod +x *.ksh

Creating Database Records to Use With the Sample

Before you run the Oracle sequence bean sample application, make sure you do the following:

  1. Create a sequence that includes one or more appropriate SQL statements, such as the following:

    "create sequence ejbSequence start with 8001"

  2. Edit the weblogic-ejb-extensions.xml file to indicate the appropriate database information. The locations within the weblogic-ejb-extensions.xml file that you need to edit are identified by the following comments:


    The values you need to provide are for the database URL, user, and password.

Executing the runme Command

The runme command automates the following steps:

  1. Loads the UBBCONFIG file.

  2. Compiles the code for the Oracle sequence bean sample application.

  3. Starts the server application using the tmboot command.

  4. Starts the client application.

  5. Stops the server application using the tmshutdown command.

To build and run the stateless session bean sample application, make sure you have copied the scripts described in Before you Build and Run the EJB Sample Applications, and enter the runme command, as follows:

Windows NT

prompt>cd workdirectory

prompt>runme sequence oracle


ksh prompt>cd workdirectory

ksh prompt>./runme.ksh sequence oracle

A number of messages are displayed, along with whether or not the build procedure was successful. Note that the sample is not only built, but also the servers are booted and the client is run once.

Running the Sample Manually

After you have executed the runme command, you can run the sample manually if you like. To run the samples manually, complete the following steps:

  1. Change the directory to the sample's work directory, if necessary.

  2. Make sure that your environment is set correctly by entering the following command:

    Windows NT



    prompt>. ./setenv.ksh

  3. Boot the server and run the client by entering the following commands:

    Windows NT

    prompt>tmboot -y


    prompt>tmboot -y

Processes and Files Generated by the Sample Application

When the you enter the tmboot command to start the Oracle sequence bean sample application, the following server processes are started:


Stopping the Sample Application

You can stop the Oracle sequence bean sample application by entering the following command:

prompt>tmshutdown -y


Oracle Sequence Bean Javadoc

The Javadoc for the Oracle sequence bean example is in the following location:

Windows NT




If you are viewing this document in a browser, you can click the following link to display this Javadoc:
