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Post Installation Considerations for BEA Jolt


This chapter discusses post installation procedures, and includes the following sections:


Installing JRLY After Normal Installation

The following sections give instructions for installing JRLY.

Installing JRLY on UNIX

JRLY is a stand-alone process provided to run on the same machine as the Web server. On UNIX systems, no changes have been made, and JRLY functions as it did in previous versions of Jolt.

Installing JRLY on NT

On NT systems, when you install JRLY as an NT Service, BEA Jolt 1.2 registers the configuration file when NT boots.

On NT, if you do not install JRLY with the normal Jolt installation, but decide you want it later, you can install it through configuration on the command line with the following command:

  1. jrly -install [display_suffix] //registers JRLY

  2. jrly -set [-d display_suffix] -f <config file> //registers //configuration file

  3. jrly -manual [display_suffix] //sets start/stop to manual


    jrly -auto [display_suffix] //Sets the start/stop
    // to automatic


Uninstalling Jolt

The following sections describe how to uninstall Jolt.

Uninstalling Jolt From NT

To remove Jolt, follow these instructions:

  1. From your Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs.

    The Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box appears (See Figure 4-1).

  2. From the list of programs shown, select "BEA Jolt".

    Figure 17-1 The Add/Remove Programs Properties Dialog Box

  3. Click on the Add/Remove button.

    A confirmation box appears and asks if you really want to remove the selected application.

  4. The Remove Programs from Your Computer dialog box appears and the program is removed.

    When the program has been removed, the following message appears in the dialog box: "Uninstall Successfully Completed."

  5. Click the OK button.

  6. Click the OK button in the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box.

    Jolt has been removed.

Uninstalling Jolt From UNIX

Currently, there is no script for uninstalling Jolt from UNIX. You can, however, uninstall Jolt from your UNIX system by removing the applicable files and directories.