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Using the SPI Implementations for JNDI


This document explains how to use the BEA WebLogic Enterprise Service Provider Interface (SPI) implementations for Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) in WebLogic Enterprise applications. The information in this document supplements the Sun Microsystems, Inc. JNDI 1.2 Specification for the SPI. The basic JNDI framework implementation in WLE is based on version 1.2 of the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard extension classes.

This document is intended mainly for programmers and system administrators who need to create and maintain transactional, scalable WLE applications.

This document contains the following topics:


Using the SPI Implementations for JNDI

Overview of JNDI in WebLogic Enterprise


The Naming Interface -- javax.naming

The Directory Interface --

The Service Provider Interface -- javax.naming.spi

Additional WebLogic Enterprise SPI Implementations

WebLogic Enterprise JNDI Packaging

Location of the WebLogic Enterprise JNDI Javadoc

Unified Naming and Directory Services

Using the Remote Naming Service for Client Connections and SSL Support

Step 1: Set Up JNDI Environment Properties for the Initial Context


WLEContext.PROVIDER_URL Property


WebLogic Enterprise Keys Required for BEA TUXEDO Style Authentication

Step 2: Establish an InitialContext with the WebLogic Enterprise Domain

Step 3: Use the Context to Look Up a Named Server Object

Step 4: Use the Named Server Object to Get a Reference for the Desired Remote Object, and Invoke Operations on the Remote Object

Step 5: Complete the Session

Providing Remote Client Access to the UserTransaction Interface

Using the Application Naming Service to Access Local Objects

Using the Application Naming Service to Access Global Objects

Overview of Features

Accessing the Factories Subcontext

Binding Objects into the Factories Subcontext

Unbinding Objects from the Factories Subcontext

J2EE Requirements

Cross-Domain Support

The J2EE Naming Context

Overview of Requirements

Accessing Environment Entries

Using EJB References

Obtaining Resource Factory References

Obtaining a UserTransaction Object