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Guide to the Java Sample Applications


This topic describes the CORBA Java sample applications that are provided with the BEA WebLogic EnterpriseTM software.



Overview of the Sample Applications


The Java Simpapp Sample Application

How the Java Simpapp Sample Application Works

Software Prerequisites

The OMG IDL Code for the Java Simpapp Sample Application

Building and Running the Java Simpapp Sample Application

Copying the Files for the Java Simpapp Sample Application into a Work Directory

Changing the Protection Attribute on the Files for the Java Simpapp Sample Application

Verifying the Settings of the Environment Variables

Executing the runme Command

Using the Java Simpapp Sample Application

Using the C++ Client Application with the Java Simpapp Sample Application

Stopping the Java Simpapp Sample Application


The JDBC Bankapp Sample Application

How the JDBC Bankapp Sample Application Works

Java Server Objects

Application Workflow

JDBC Connection Pooling

Development Process for the JDBC Bankapp Sample Application

Object Management Group (OMG) Interface Definition Language (IDL)

Client Application

Server Application

Server Description File (BankApp.xml)


Setting Up the Database for the JDBC Bankapp Sample Application

Setting Up an Oracle Database

Setting Up a Microsoft SQL Server Database

Building the JDBC Bankapp Sample Application

Step 1: Copy the Files for the JDBC Bankapp Sample Application into a Work Directory

Step 2: Change the Protection Attribute on the Files for the JDBC Bankapp Sample Application

Step 3: Verify the Settings of the Environment Variables

Step 4: Run the setupJ Command

Step 5: Load the UBBCONFIG File

Compiling the Client and Server Applications

Initializing the Database

Initializing an Oracle Database

Initializing a Microsoft SQL Server Database

Starting the Server Application in the JDBC Bankapp Sample Application

Files Generated by the JDBC Bankapp Sample Application

Starting the ATM Client Application in the JDBC Bankapp Sample Application

Stopping the JDBC Bankapp Sample Application

Using the ATM Client Application

Available Banking Operations

Available Statistics

Keypad Functions

Steps for Using the ATM Client Application


The XA Bankapp Sample Application

How the XA Bankapp Sample Application Works

Server Applications

Application Workflow

Software Prerequisites

Development Process for the XA Bankapp Sample Application

Object Management Group (OMG) Interface Definition Language (IDL)

Client Application

Server Application

Server Description File

Implementation Configuration File


Setting Up the Database for the XA Bankapp Sample Application

Building the XA Bankapp Sample Application

Step 1: Copy the Files for the XA Bankapp Sample Application into a Work Directory

Step 2: Change the Protection Attribute on the Files for the XA Bankapp Sample Application

Step 3: Verify the Settings of the Environment Variables

Step 4: Run the setupX Command

Step 5: Load the UBBCONFIG File

Step 6: Create a Transaction Log

Compiling the Client and Server Applications

Initializing the Oracle Database

Starting the Server Application in the XA Bankapp Sample Application

Files Generated by the XA Bankapp Sample Application

Starting the ATM Client Application in the XA Bankapp Sample Application

Stopping the XA Bankapp Sample Application

Using the ATM Client Application