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This topic describes the University sample applications provided with the WebLogic Enterprise software. The sample applications provide client and server programmers with the basic concepts of developing distributed client/server applications using the WebLogic Enterprise software and introduces many of the more advanced features of the WebLogic Enterprise product.

This topic includes the following sections:


An Overview of the University Sample Applications

The WebLogic Enterprise software includes a sample application suite based on client and server applications implemented at a university. Each University sample application demonstrates a new set of WebLogic Enterprise features while building on the experience obtained from the previous examples. The University sample applications are intentionally simplified to demonstrate only the steps and processes associated with using a particular feature of the WebLogic Enterprise product.

Table 1-1 describes the University sample applications.

Table 1-1 The University Sample Applications

Sample Application



Describes how to create WebLogic Enterprise client and server applications, configure the WebLogic Enterprise application, and build and run the client and server applications included in the Basic sample application. CORBA C++, CORBA Java, and ActiveX client applications are provided as well as a C++ server application.


Adds application-level security to the client applications in the Basic sample application and to the configuration of the WebLogic Enterprise application.


Adds transactional objects to the client and server applications in the Basic sample application. The Transactions sample application demonstrates how to use the Implementation Configuration File (ICF) to define transaction policies for CORBA objects.


Demonstrates how to wrap an existing BEA Tuxedo application as a CORBA object.


Demonstrates replicating server applications, creating stateless objects, and implementing factory-based routing in server applications.

Use the University sample applications in conjunction with the following manuals:


Naming Conventions Used in the University Sample Applications

The naming conventions listed and described in Table 1-2 are used in the code of the University sample applications.

Table 1-2 Naming Conventions Used in the University Sample Applications




The abbreviation for course.


The abbreviation for synopsis.


The abbreviation for details.


The abbreviation for list.


The abbreviation for enumerator.


The abbreviation for student.


The abbreviation for number.


The abbreviation for current.


A CORBA::Object reference.


A typed object reference.


The abbreviation for ptr.


The abbreviation for var.


The abbreviation for file static data.


The abbreviation for class member data.

method names and variable names

Use all lowercase letters for the name and underscores to separate words within the method name (for example, m_v_crs_syn_list is member data that is a var holding a course synopsis list).

type names

Start with an uppercase letter and use an uppercase letter to separate words with a type name. Type names do not use abbreviations. An example of a type name is UniversityB::CourseSynopsisEnumerator_var.