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   WLE Doc Home   |   TUXEDO 6.5 Reference Manual for WebLogic Enterprise 5.0   |   Previous   |   Next   |   Contents   |   Index

Section 3FML - FML Commands

This section describes the C language functions for defining and using Field Manipulation Language (FML) storage structures.


Section 3FML - FML Commands

   Fintro (3FML)

   CFadd (3FML)

   CFchg (3FML)

   CFfind (3FML)

   CFfindocc (3FML)

   CFget (3FML)

   CFgetalloc (3FML)

   F_error (3FML)

   F32to16 (3FML)

   Fadd (3FML)

   Fadds (3FML)

   Falloc (3FML)

   Fappend (3FML)

   Fboolco (3FML)

   Fboolev (3FML)

   Fboolpr (3FML)

   Fchg (3FML)

   Fchgs (3FML)

   Fchksum (3FML)

   Fcmp (3FML)

   Fconcat (3FML)

   Fcpy (3FML)

   Fdel (3FML)

   Fdelall (3FML)

   Fdelete (3FML)

   Fextread (3FML)

   Ffind (3FML)

   Ffindlast (3FML)

   Ffindocc (3FML)

   Ffinds (3FML)

   Ffloatev (3FML)

   Ffprint (3FML)

   Ffree (3FML)

   Fget (3FML)

   Fgetalloc (3FML)

   Fgetlast (3FML)

   Fgets (3FML)

   Fgetsa (3FML)

   Fidnm_unload (3FML)

   Fidxused (3FML)

   Fielded (3FML)

   Findex (3FML)

   Finit (3FML)

   Fjoin (3FML)

   Fldid (3FML)

   Fldno (3FML)

   Fldtype (3FML)

   Flen (3FML)

   Fmkfldid (3FML)

   Fmove (3FML)

   Fname (3FML)

   Fneeded (3FML)

   Fnext (3FML)

   Fnmid_unload (3FML)

   Fnum (3FML)

   Foccur (3FML)

   Fojoin (3FML)

   Fpres (3FML)

   Fprint (3FML)

   Fproj (3FML)

   Fprojcpy (3FML)

   Fread (3FML)

   Frealloc (3FML)

   Frstrindex (3FML)

   Fsizeof (3FML)

   Fstrerror (3FML)

   Ftypcvt (3FML)

   Ftype (3FML)

   Funindex (3FML)

   Funused (3FML)

   Fupdate (3FML)

   Fused (3FML)

   Fvall (3FML)

   Fvals (3FML)

   Fvftos (3FML)

   Fvnull (3FML)

   Fvopt (3FML)

   Fvrefresh (3FML)

   Fvselinit (3FML)

   Fvsinit (3FML)

   Fvstof (3FML)

   Fvstot (3FML)

   Fwrite (3FML)