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servopts-run-time options for BEA Tuxedo system server processes


AOUT CLOPT= [-A][-s{@filename|service[,service...][:func]}]
[-e stderr_file][-p [L][low_water][,[terminate_time]]
[:[high_water][,create_time]][-h][-l locktype][-n prio]
[-o stdout_file][-r][ -- uargs]


servopts is not a command. Rather, it is a list of run-time options recognized by servers in a BEA Tuxedo system.

The server using these options may be one of the BEA Tuxedo system-supplied servers such as FRMPRT(5), or it may be an application-supplied server built with the buildserver(1) command.

Running servers in a BEA Tuxedo system is accomplished through the tmboot(1) and tmadmin(1) commands working with servers (and other resources) specified in the application configuration file. Desired selections from the servopts list are specified with the server in the configuration file. The following options are recognized:


Indicates that the server should initially offer all services with which it was constructed. For BEA Tuxedo system-supplied servers, -A is the only way of specifying services.

-s { @filename | service[,service...][:func] }

Specifies the names of services to be advertised when the server is booted. In the most common case, a service is performed by a function that carries the same name; that is, the x service is performed by function x. For example, the specification:

-s x,y,z

will run the associated server initially offering services x, y, and z, each processed by a function of the same name. In other cases, a service (or several services) may be performed by a function of a different name. The specification:

-s x,y,z:abc

runs the associated server with initial services x, y, and z, each processed by the function abc.

Spaces are not allowed between commas. Function name is preceded by a colon. Service names (and implicit function names) must be less than or equal to 15 characters in length. An explicit function name (that is, a name specified after a colon) can be up to 128 characters in length. Names longer than these limits are truncated with a warning message. When retrieved by tmadmin(1) or TM_MIB(5), only the first 15 characters of a name are displayed.

A filename can be specified with the -s option by prefacing the filename with the `@' character. Each line of this file is treated as an argument to the -s option. You may put comments in this file. All comments start with "#" or
" :". The -s option may be specified multiple times.


Specifies the name of a file to be opened as the server's standard error file. Providing this option ensures that a restarted server has the same standard error file as its predecessors. If this option is not used, a default diversion file called stderr is created in the directory specified by $APPDIR.

-p [L][low_water][,[terminate_time]][:[high_water][,create_time]]

This option can be used to support automatic spawning/decay of servers. It may be used for servers on an MSSQ with MAX greater than 1; it is not allowed (and not necessary) for conversational servers. Arguments to the option have the following meanings: L. The decision to spawn more servers is based on load rather than number of servers or messages. The remaining arguments, low_water, terminate_time, high_water, and create_time are used to control when servers are spawned or deactivated. The algorithm is: if the load meets or exceeds high_water for at least create_time seconds, a new server is spawned. If the load drops below low_water for at least terminate_time seconds, a server is deactivated.

The L option works only in SHM mode with load balancing turned on. If SHM/LDBAL+Y is not set, then a userlog message (LIBTUX_CAT:1542) is printed and no spawning is done.

low_water defaults to an average of 1 server or message on the MSSQ or a workload of 50. high_water defaults to an average of 2 servers or messages, or a workload of 100. create_time defaults to 50: terminate_time defaults to 60.


Do not run the server immune to hangups. If not supplied, the server ignores the hangup signal.

-l locktype

Lock the server in core. The argument for locktype is t, d, or p according to whether the text (TXTLOCK), data (DATLOCK), or the entire process (text and data - PROCLOCK), should be locked. See plock(2) for details. The lock fails if the server is not run as root. There is no way to unlock a server once it is locked.

-n prio

nice the server according to the prio argument. Giving the process better priority (a negative argument) requires it to be run with the uid of root. See nice(2) for details.

-o stdout_file

Specifies the name of a file to be opened as the server's standard output file. Providing this option ensures that a restarted server has the same standard output file as its predecessors. If this option is not used, a default diversion file called stdout is created in the directory specified by $APPDIR.


Specifies that the server should record, on its standard error file, a log of services performed. This log may be analyzed by the txrpt(1) command. When the -r option is used, make sure that the ULOGDEBUG variable is not set to "y". The ULOGDEBUG variable prevents debugging messages from being sent to stderr. Debugging messages in the file will be misinterpreted by txrpt.


Marks the end of system-recognized arguments and the start of arguments to be passed to a subroutine within the server. This option is needed only if the user wishes to supply application-specific arguments to the server. The system-recognized options precede the --; application arguments should follow it. Application arguments may be processed by a user-supplied version of the tpsvrinit(3c) function. getopt(3) should be used to parse them. Because all system arguments are processed prior to the call to tpsvrinit(3c), when the call is made the external integer, optind points to the start of the user flags. The same option letters (for example, -A) may be reused after the -- argument, and given any meaning appropriate to the application.

Note: At run time the BEA Tuxedo system automatically adds the following option to each command line for each server: -c dom=domainid. The -c option adds a comment line, in which the specified domain ID is reported, to any command output that reports on the processes associated with the domain in question, such as the output of the ps command. This comment helps an administrator who is managing multiple domains to interpret a single output stream that refers to several domains.


See the Examples section of ubbconfig(5).

See Also

buildserver(1), tmadmin(1), tmboot(1), txrpt(1), tpsvrinit(3c), BQ(5), FRMPRT(5), ubbconfig(5), BEA Tuxedo Administrator's Guide, nice(2), plock(2), getopt(3) in UNIX reference manuals