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The T_GROUP class represents application attributes pertaining to a particular server group. These attribute values represent group identification, location, and DTP information.

Attribute Table

Table 0-27 T_GROUP Class Definition Attribute Table






TA_SRVGRP( r )( * )

TA_GRPNO( k )( r )

TA_LMID( k )( r )








1 <= num < 30,000




































0 or 2 = num < 11






( k ) - GET key field
( r ) - Required field for object creation (SET TA_STATE NEW)
( * ) - GET/SET key, one or more required for SET operations

Attribute Semantics

TA_SRVGRP: string[1...30]

Logical name of the server group. The group name must be unique within all group names in the T_GROUP class and TA_LMID values in the T_MACHINE class. Server group names cannot contain an asterisk (*), comma, or colon.

TA_GRPNO: 1 <= num < 30,000

Group number associated with this server group.


Primary machine logical machine identifier for this server group (LMID1) and optional secondary logical machine identifier (LMID2). The secondary LMID indicates the machine to which the server group can be migrated (if the MIGRATE option is specified in the T_DOMAIN:TA_OPTIONS attribute). A single LMID specified on a GET operation will match either the primary or secondary LMID. Note that the location of an active group is available in the TA_CURLMID attribute. Logical machine identifiers specified with the TA_LMID attribute must be already configured. Limitation: Modifications to this attribute for an active object may only change the backup LMID designation for the group.


GET: {ACTive|INActive|MIGrating}

A GET operation will retrieve configuration and run-time information for the selected T_GROUP object(s). The following states indicate the meaning of a TA_STATE returned in response to a GET request. States not listed will not be returned.


T_GROUP object defined and active (TMS and/or application servers). Server groups with non 0-length values for the TA_TMSNAME attribute are considered active if the TMSs associated with the group are active. Otherwise, a group is considered active if any server in the group is active.


T_GROUP object defined and inactive.


T_GROUP object defined and currently in a state of migration to the secondary logical machine. The secondary logical machine is the one listed in TA_LMID that does not match TA_CURLMID. This state is ACTive equivalent for the purpose of determining permissions.

SET: {NEW|INValid|ACTive|ReACtivate|INActive|MIGrating}

A SET operation will update configuration and run-time information for the selected T_GROUP object. The following states indicate the meaning of a TA_STATE set in a SET request. States not listed may not be set.


Create T_GROUP object for application. State change allowed only when in the INValid state. Successful return leaves the object in the INActive state.


Modify an existing T_GROUP object. This combination is allowed only when in the ACTive or INActive state. Successful return leaves the object state unchanged.


Delete T_GROUP object for application. State change allowed only when in the INActive state. Successful return leaves the object in the INValid state.


Activate the T_GROUP object. State change allowed only when in the INActive or MIGrating state. For the purpose of determining permissions for this state transition, the active object permissions are considered (that is, --x--x--x).

If the group is currently in the INActive state, then TMS and application servers (subject to restriction by TA_FLAGS settings) are started on the primary logical machine if the primary logical machine is active; otherwise, the TMS and application servers are started on the secondary logical machine if it is active. If neither machine is active, then the request fails.

If the group is currently in the MIGrating state, then the active secondary logical machine (identified as the alternate to TA_CURLMID in the TA_LMID list) is used to start TMS and application servers if it is active. Otherwise, the request fails. ~The TMIB_NOTIFY TA_FLAG value should be used when activating a server group if status on individual servers is required.

Successful return leaves the object in the ACTive state.


Identical to a transition to the ACTive state except that this state change is also allowed in the ACTive state in addition to being allowed in the INActive and MIGrating states.

The TMIB_NOTIFY TA_FLAG value should be used when reactivating a server group if status on individual servers is required.


Deactivate the T_GROUP object. TMS and application servers (subject to restriction by TA_FLAGS settings) are deactivated. State change allowed only when in the ACTive or MIGrating state. Successful return leaves the object in the INActive state.

The TMIB_NOTIFY TA_FLAG value should be used when deactivating a server group if status on individual servers is required.


Deactivate the T_GROUP object on its active primary logical machine (TA_CURLMID) and prepare the group to be migrated to the secondary logical machine. State change allowed only when in the ACTive state. Successful return leaves the object in the MIGrating state.


Suspend all application services in the group. (Note: Individual services can be suspended through the T_SVCGROUP class.) A SET operation to this state is allowed only when the group is in the ACTive state. The operation leaves the group in the ACTive state, but with all its application services in a suspended state. Limitation: Operation will fail in a mixed-release application where any pre-Release 6.4 machine is active.


Unsuspend all application services in the group marked as suspended. A SET operation to this state value is allowed only when the group is in the ACTive state. The operation leaves the group in the ACTive state.

Limitation: Operation will fail in a mixed-release application where any pre-Release 6.4 machine is active.


Current logical machine on which the server group is running. This attribute will not be returned for server groups that are not active.

TA_ENVFILE: string[0...78]

Environment file for servers running in this group. If the value specifies an invalid filename, no values are added to the environment. the value of string is placed in the environment.

When booted, local servers inherit the environment of tmboot(1) and remote servers (not on the MASTER) inherit the environment of tlisten(1). TUXCONFIG, TUXDIR, and APPDIR are also put in the environment when a server is booted based on the information in the associated T_GROUP object.

PATH is set in the environment to:


where <path> is the value of the first PATH= line in the machine environment file, if one exists (subsequent PATH= lines is ignored). This PATH is used as a search path for servers that are specified with a simple or relative pathname (that is, one that doesn't begin with slash).

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set in the environment to:


where <lib> is the value of the first LD_LIBRARY_PATH= line appearing in the machine environment file, if one exists (subsequent LD_LIBRARY_PATH= lines are ignored).

As part of server initialization (before tpsvrinit(3c) is called), a server reads and exports variables from both the machine and server ENVFILE files. If a variable is set in both the machine and server ENVFILE, the value in the server ENVFILE will override the value in the machine ENVFILE with the exception of PATH which is appended. A client processes only the machine ENVFILE file. When the machine and server ENVFILE files are processed, lines that are not of the form <ident>= is ignored, where <ident> contains only underscore or alphanumeric characters.

If a PATH= line is encountered, PATH is set to:


where <path> is the value of the first PATH= line appearing in the environment file (subsequent PATH= lines are ignored). If PATH appears in both the machine and server files, then <path> is defined as <path1>:<path2> where <path1> is from the machine ENVFILE and <path2> is from the server ENVFILE. If a LD_LIBRARY_PATH= line is encountered, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to


where <lib> is the value of the first LD_LIBRARY_PATH= line appearing in the environment file (subsequent LD_LIBRARY_PATH= lines are ignored). Attempts to reset TUXDIR, APPDIR, or TUXCONFIG are ignored and a warning is displayed if the value does not match the corresponding T_GROUP attribute value. Limitation: Modifications to this attribute for an active object do NOT affect running servers or clients.

TA_CLOSEINFO: string[0...256]

If a non 0-length value other than "TMS" is specified for the TA_TMSNAME attribute, then this attribute value indicates the resource manager-dependent information needed when terminating access to the resource manager. Otherwise, this attribute value is ignored.

The format for this attribute value is dependent on the requirements of the vendor providing the underlying resource manager. The information required by the vendor must be prefixed with "rm_name:", which is the published name of the vendor's transaction (XA) interface followed immediately by a colon (:).

A 0-length string value for this attribute means that the resource manager for this group (if specified) does not require any application specific information to close access to the resource.

Limitation: Run-time modifications to this attribute will not affect active servers in the group.

TA_OPENINFO: string[0...256]

If a non 0-length value other than "TMS" is specified for the TA_TMSNAME attribute, then this attribute value indicates the resource manager dependent information needed when initiating access to the resource manager. Otherwise, this attribute value is ignored.

The format for this attribute value is dependent on the requirements of the vendor providing the underlying resource manager. The information required by the vendor must be prefixed with "rm_name:", which is the published name of the vendor's transaction (XA) interface followed immediately by a colon (:).

A 0-length string value for this attribute means that the resource manager for this group (if specified) does not require any application specific information to open access to the resource.

Limitation: Run-time modifications to this attribute will not affect active servers in the group.

TA_TMSCOUNT: 0 or 2 <= num < 11

If a non 0-length value is specified for the TA_TMSNAME attribute, then this attribute value indicates the number of transaction manager servers to start for the associated group. Otherwise, this attribute value is ignored.

TA_TMSNAME: string[0...78]

Transaction manager server a.out associated with this group. This parameter must be specified for any group entry whose servers will participate in distributed transactions (transactions across multiple resource managers and possibly machines that are started with tpbegin(3), and ended with tpcommit(3)/tpabort(3)).

The value "TMS" is reserved to indicate use of the null XA interface. If a non-empty value other than "TMS" is specified, then a TLOGDEVICE must be specified for the machine(s) associated with the primary and secondary logical machines for this object.

A unique server identifier is selected automatically for each TM server, and the servers will be restartable an unlimited number of times.

