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T_INTERFACE Class Definition


The T_INTERFACE MIB class represents configuration and run-time attributes of CORBA interfaces at both the domain and server group levels.

A domain-level T_INTERFACE object is one that is not associated with a Server Group. Its TA_SRVGRP attribute contains a null string (string of length 0, "").

A server group level T_INTERFACE object is one that has an associated server group (i.e., its TA_SRVGRP attribute contains a valid server group name for the domain). This Server Group level representation of an interface also provides a container for managing interface state (TA_STATE) and for collecting accumulated statistics.

An associated server group level T_INTERFACE object must exist for any CORBA interfaces that are activated in a server. The activation of interfaces in a server is controlled by the state of a T_IFQUEUE object for the interface. Activation of a T_IFQUEUE object causes its attributes to be initialized with the values specified for the associated server group level T_INTERFACE object. If such an object does not exist, then one will be dynamically created. This dynamically-created server group level T_INTERFACE object will be initialized with the attributes of the domain level T_INTERFACE object for the interface if one exists. If an associated domain level T_INTERFACE object does not exist, system specified default configuration values will be applied. Once activated, interfaces are always associated with a server group level T_INTERFACE object.

The specification of configuration attributes for interfaces at any level is completely optional, system defined defaults will be provided and run-time server group level T_INTERFACE objects will be created. Interfaces to be offered by a server are identified via the ICF file used to generate server skeletons and advertised automatically by the system at server activation time.

Attribute Table

Table 0-29 T_INTERFACE Class Definition Attribute Table























GET: "{ACT | INA | SUS | PAR}"

SET: "{NEW | INV | ACT | REA | SUS}"






"N" (See Note 1 below.)




1 <= num < 32K

50 (See Note 1.)




1<= num < 101

50 (See Note 1.)




0 <= num

0 (See Note 1.)




0 <= num

30 (See Note 1.)





(See Note 2.)










0 <= num





"{method | transaction | process}"





"{always | never | optional | ignore}"






0 <= num

N/A (See Note 3.)





0 <= num


( k ) - GET key field
( l ) - Local Field
( r ) - Required field for object creation (SET TA_STATE NEW)
( * ) - GET/SET key, one or more required for SET operations



  1. Group level T_INTERFACE objects (TA_SRVGRP != " ") determine their defaults from the domain level T_INTERFACE object with a matching TA_INTERFACENAME setting if one exists. The listed defaults apply if no domain level object exists or if a domain level object is being created.

  2. All T_INTERFACE objects with the same TA_INTERFACENAME must have matching TA_FBROUTINGNAME values. Therefore, the default for a newly configured object is the 0 length string ("") if there are currently no matching objects with the same TA_INTERFACENAME. Otherwise, the default (and in fact only legal value) is the currently configured TA_FBROUTINGNAME value for the existing matched objects.

  3. TA_NCOMPLETED and TA_IMPLID (locals) require TA_LDBAL="Y" in the T_DOMAIN MIB class.

Attribute Semantics

TA_INTERFACENAME: string[1..128]

The fully qualified interface name. The interface repository ID for the interface. The format of this name is dependent on the options specified in the IDL which generates the interface implementation. See CORBA 2.1 Specification Section 7.6 [CORBA] for details.

TA_SRVGRP: string[0..30]

Server group name. Server group names cannot contain an asterisk, comma or colon. An explicitly specified 0 length string for this attribute is used to specify and query domain level configuration and run-time information for an interface. There are certain limitations and semantic differences noted in other attributes with respect to domain and group level objects in this class.


Following are the semantics for GET and SET TA_STATE values on the T_INTERFACE class. Where semantics differ between group and domain level objects, those differences are noted.

GET: {ACTive | INActive | SUSpended | PARtitioned}

A GET operation will retrieve configuration information for the selected T_INTERFACE objects. The following states indicate the meaning of a TA_STATE returned in response to a GET request. States not listed will not be returned.


T_INTERFACE object is defined and at least one corresponding T_IFQUEUE entry is in the ACTive state.

Note: For a group level T_INTERFACE object, corresponding T_IFQUEUE entries are those with matching TA_INTERFACENAME and TA_SRVGRP attributes. For a domain level T_INTERFACE object, corresponding T_IFQUEUE entries are those with matching TA_INTERFACENAME attributes regardless of their TA_SRVGRP value.


T_INTERFACE object is defined and there are no corresponding T_IFQUEUE entries in any ACTive equivalent state.


T_INTERFACE object is defined and amongst all corresponding T_IFQUEUE entries there are none in the ACTive state and at least one in the SUSpended state. This state is ACTive equivalent for the purpose of determining permissions.


T_INTERFACE object is defined and amongst all corresponding T_IFQUEUE entries there are

  1. None in the ACTive state

  2. None in the SUSpended state and

  3. At least one in the PARtitioned state. This state is ACTive equivalent for the purpose of determining permissions.

SET: {NEW | INValid | ACTive | REActivate | SUSpended}

A SET operation will update configuration and run-time information for the selected T_INTERFACE object. Note that modifications may affect more than one server group when making domain level changes and run-time modifications may affect more than one server if multiple servers are currently offering an interface. The following states indicate the meaning of a TA_STATE set in a SET request. States not listed may not be set.


Create T_INTERFACE object for application. State change only allowed when in the INValid state. Successful return leaves object in INActive state. Creation of a domain level T_INTERFACE object will affect existing group level objects with the same TA_INTERFACENAME value by resetting all TA_FBROUTINGNAME values if a new value is explicitly specified. All other configuration attribute settings will not affect existing group level T_INTERFACE objects.


Delete T_INTERFACE object for application. State change only allowed when in the INActive state. Successful return leaves object in INValid state.


Activate the T_INTERFACE object. Setting this state on the domain level object has the effect of activating all corresponding T_IFQUEUE entries that are currently SUSpended throughout the domain. Setting this state on the group level object will affect only servers within the group offering the interface. State change only allowed when in the SUSpended state. Successful return leaves object in ACTive state.


Reactivate the T_INTERFACE object. Setting this state on the domain level object has the effect of activating all corresponding T_IFQUEUE entries that are currently SUSpended throughout the domain. Setting this state on the group level object will affect only servers within the group offering the interface. State change only allowed when in the ACTive or SUSpended states. Successful return leaves object in ACTive state. This state permits global activation of T_IFQUEUE entries suspended at the group level without having to individually activate each group level T_INTERFACE object.


Suspend the T_INTERFACE object. Setting this state on the domain level object has the effect of suspending all corresponding T_IFQUEUE entries that are currently ACTive throughout the domain. Setting this state on the group level object will affect only servers within the group offering the interface. State change only allowed when in the ACTive state. Successful return leaves object in SUSpended state.

Limitation: Dynamic advertisement of interfaces (i.e., state change from INActive or INValid to ACTive) is not supported, nor is unadvertisement (i.e., state change from ACTive to INActive).


Signifies whether a transaction will be automatically started for invocations made outside a transaction context.

Limitations: Run-time updates to this attribute are not reflected in active equivalent T_INTERFACE objects and TA_TXPOLICY may override the value specified for this attribute in the UBBCONFIG file. If TA_TXPOLICY is:


A value of N will have no effect at run time. Behavior will be as though the setting was Y.


A value of Y will have no effect. The interface will never be involved in a transaction.


A value of Y will have no effect. The interface will never be involved in a transaction.

TA_LOAD: 1 <= num <= 32K

This T_INTERFACE object imposes the indicated load on the system. Interface loads are used for load balancing purposes, that is, queues with higher enqueued workloads are less likely to be chosen for a new request.

Limitation: Run-time updates to this attribute for domain level objects will not affect corresponding group level objects for the same interface.

TA_PRIO: 1 <= num <= 101

This T_INTERFACE object has the indicated dequeuing priority. If multiple interface requests are waiting on a queue for servicing, the higher priority requests will be handled first.

Limitation: Run-time updates to this attribute for domain level objects will not affect corresponding group level objects for the same interface.

TA_TIMEOUT: 0 <= num

Time limit (in seconds) for processing individual method invocations for this interface. Servers processing method invocations for this interface will be abortively terminated if they exceed the specified time limit in processing the request. A value of 0 for this attribute indicates that the server should not be abortively terminated.

Limitation: Run-time updates to this attribute for domain level objects will not affect corresponding group level objects for the same interface.

TA_TRANTIME: 0 <= num

Transaction timeout value in seconds for transactions automatically started for this T_INTERFACE object. Transactions are started automatically when a requests not in transaction mode is received and the T_INTERFACE: TA_AUTOTRAN attribute value for the interface is "Y."

Limitation: Run-time updates to this attribute for domain level objects will not affect corresponding group level objects for the same interface.

Note: Updating this value at run-time for domain level objects should cause a warning, since the only use would be to set the default for a subsequent boot of the application.

TA_FBROUTINGNAME: string[1..15]

The factory-based routing criteria associated with this interface. The name FBROUTINGNAME is used to allow for the future possibility of other routing criteria for message-based routing. This will be less confusing than trying to overload ROUTINGNAME

Limitation: This attribute may be set only for a domain level T_INTERFACE object, i.e., TA_SRVGRP is "".


Current logical machine with which the active equivalent group level T_INTERFACE object is associated. This attribute is blank, i.e., "" for domain level objects unless a local query is performed, i.e., TA_FLAGS has the MIB_LOCAL bit set. In the local case, multiple domain level objects will be returned for the same interface, one per machine, with the local values retrieved from each machine represented in the separate objects.


Number of corresponding servers offering this interface.

TA_TPPOLICY: { method | transaction | process }

The TP Framework deactivation policy. This reflects the policy registered with the framework at server startup. The first server to register the interface sets the value in T_INTERFACE. This value cannot be changed.

TA_TXPOLICY: { optional | always | never | ignore }

The transaction policy for the interface. The setting in this attribute affects the effect of the TA_AUTOTRAN attribute. See TA_AUTOTRAN for further explanation. This attribute is always read-only. It is set by the developer when the server is built and registered at server startup.


Number of interface method invocations completed with respect to the corresponding T_IFQUEUE objects since they were initially offered. Local queries (TA_FLAGS MIB_LOCAL bit set) on domain level objects will return one object per machine with the statistics for the indicated interface on that machine.

TA_NQUEUED: 0 <= num

Number of requests currently enqueued for this interface. Local queries (TA_FLAGS MIB_LOCAL bit set) on domain level objects will return one object per machine with the statistics for the indicated interface on that machine.

Implementation Hint

The T_INTERFACE MIB is a mapping from an interface to a BEA Tuxedo service. The MIB server can implement some of the get/set operations for an interface by calling the existing logic for the associated T_SERVICE object.