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APPQ_MIB-BEA Tuxedo system /Q Management Information Base


#include <fml32.h>
#include <tpadm.h>


The /Q MIB defines classes through which application queues can be managed.

APPQ_MIB(5) should be used in combination with the generic MIB reference page MIB(5) to format administrative requests and interpret administrative replies. Requests formatted as described in MIB(5) using classes and attributes described on this reference page may be used to request an administrative service using any one of a number of existing ATMI interfaces in an active application. Application queues in an inactive application may also be administered using the tpadmcall(3) function interface.

APPQ_MIB(5) consists of the following classes:

Table 0-5 APPQ_MIB Classes

Class Name



Application queues within a queue space


Messages within an application queue


Application queue spaces


Transactions associated with application queues

Note that this MIB refers to application-defined reliable disk-based queues (that is, /Q queues), and not server queues (the T_QUEUE class of the TM_MIB(5) component).

Each class description section has four subsections:


High level description of the attributes associated with the class.

Attribute Table

A table that lists the name, type, permissions, values and default for each attribute in the class. The format of the attribute table is described below.

Attribute Semantics

Tells how each attribute should be interpreted.


Limitations in the access to and interpretation of this class.

Attribute Table Format

Each class that is a part of this MIB is documented in four parts. One part is the attribute table. The attribute table is a reference guide to the attributes within a class and how they may used by administrators, operators, and general users to interface with an application.

There are five components to each attribute description in the attribute tables: name, type, permissions, values and default. Each of these components is discussed in MIB(5).


MIB(5) defines the generic TA_FLAGS attribute which is a long containing both generic and component MIB-specific flag values. The following flag values are defined for the APPQ_MIB(5) component. These flag values should be OR'd with any generic MIB flags.


When setting the TA_STATE attribute of a T_APPQSPACE object to CLEaning, this flag indicates that the state change should succeed even if the state of the queue space is ACTive.


When setting the TA_STATE attribute of a T_APPQSPACE object to INValid, this flag indicates that the state change should succeed even if the queue space is ACTive or if messages are present in any of its queues. Similarly, when setting the TA_STATE attribute of a T_APPQ object to INValid, this flag allows the queue to be deleted even if messages are present or processes are attached to the queue space.


When setting the TA_STATE attribute of a T_APPQ object to INValid, this flag indicates that the state change should succeed even if messages are present on the queue. If, however, a message stored in the selected T_APPQ object is currently involved in a transaction, the state change will fail and an error will be written to the user log.

FML32 Field Table

The field table for the attributes described on this reference page is found in the file udataobj/tpadm relative to the root directory of the BEA Tuxedo software installed on the system. The directory ${TUXDIR}/udataobj should be included by the application in the path list (semi-colon separated on Netware/NT and colon separated otherwise) specified by the FLDTBLDIR environment variable and the field table name tpadm should be included in the comma-separated list specified by the FIELDTBLS environment variable.


This MIB is provided only on BEA Tuxedo system 6.0 sites and later, both native and workstation.

If a site running a BEA Tuxedo system release earlier than Release 6.0 is active in the application, then administrative access through this MIB is limited as follows.